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School's Out Jam All Ages Contest June 12, 2004

Posted on on Saturday, June 12, 2004 by Rob

Photos and video from the School's Out Jam All Ages Contest June 12, 2004

School's Out Jam All Ages Contest
Words and Photos By Rob Meronek

Interesting and not so interesting points from today's contest:
  • There were a lot of ripping kids in the 12 and Under division, including Kenny Liszewski that started his run off with a good, clean backside flip over the hip and Bong Gause who's only 7 but kickflipping already.
  • Jereme Knibbs is one ripping mongo pusher and won the 13 to 15 Division and gets a free week at YMCA Skate Camp for it.
  • Dustin Eggling has a nickname that's not PG13 so you won't see it here. He's ripping and won the 16 and Up division.
  • John Paul Grebe, rude guy from the Static II premiere, boardslid his way to fifth.
  • Abdias Rivera had a Tampa Am Finals run and won the Sponsored division.
  • If you were here, thanks for stopping by.
  • If your company sent promo for the product toss, thanks a lot.
Chris Lehman bomb drops from the kiddie course quarter on to the bank ramp
Dustin Eggling - back smith
Dark Jay on the kiddie course - hop up to back tail to rock and roll hop out
Dark Jay frontside nosepicks on the new little quarter on top of the bank on the kiddie course
Video footage of Abdias Rivera's 360 flip over the pyramid (1mb mpeg video)
This is Zach Miller doing some kind of half Sal flip or something over the pyramid
The Shaqueefa founder and team manager, Scotty Conley, is hyped on Tommy T4PREZ Presley getting second place in the Sponsored division
I still don't have the delay on this camera figured out - this is Steven Harshbarger closing in on a lipslide on the flat bar
Nick Marcisin, here's another photo for MySpace
Chris Lehman - backside air
Chris Lehman - kickflip
Matt Giles - 360 flip over the hip
The Judges - Abdias Rivera, T4PREZ, Steve Brandi, Chris Lehman, and Adam Burgess
Kyle Whittaker ollies the pyramid
JJ Dunn's hot new threads
John Paul Grebe - boardslide
Josh Lehman - front board
Jereme Knibbs won the 13 to 15 Division and takes home a free week at YMCA Skate Camp for it
Jereme Knibbs - stale grab over the pyramid
Ian Gow - frontside nosegrind on the big rail
Dustin Eggling won 16 and Up
Matt Giles - crooks on the big rail
Ian Gow - backside 360 over the hip
Dustin Eggling - back smith
Dark Jay - frontside feeble
This photo of Abdias Rivera attempting a crail slide ended up looking like a one foot smith grind. Kind of reminds you of that Koston one foot nose grind Girl ad
Abdias Rivera won Sponsored
Sponsored division winner Abdias Rivera 360 flips the pyramid
Abdias Rivera - feeble on the flat bar
12 and Under winners Kenny Liszewski and Forrest Cunningham

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