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A Random Tour of Brian Schaefer's Office

Posted on on Friday, October 07, 2005 by Rob

Brian's not at work today, so I took a tour through his office and snapped photos of some of the cool stuff he's got laying around....

Photos and Captions by Rob Meronek

Brian's not at work today, so I took a tour through his office and snapped photos of some of the cool stuff he's got laying around. What a nice way to slack and waste a Friday afternoon like a city worker or something.

This is his front door. Brian's not really religious, so I'm not sure what's up with the "jesus loves you" thing. That's a photo of Knuckles on the right and a medal from the eS Game of SKATE
This is one of the initial samples of the DVS SPoT shoe. These colors were inspired by Conge. We decided to later change it up to the black and white version
Inside the tounge of the DVS SPoT sample shoe
Looking out the window of Brian's office...that board on the left was done by Chris Deacon. It's Conge. Not sure who did the board on the right. The small boards are all Damn Am trophies from over the years
Random stuff on Brian's shelves: skateboards people have made for him, get well cards for his busted collar bone, cups to disguise beverages, autographed books and magazines, etc.
The Steve Caballero loop photo, a signed Tony Hawk deck, and the Phil Shao tribute that was under the ramps for years before we rebuilt the street course pyramid
A great photo of Brian seconds before getting knocked out and sent to the hospital in his very famous loop slam from Tampa Pro a few years ago. This photo was taken by Steve Caballero
A wide view of the boss' office
He has a Krooked board signed by Gonz in his collection
I don't know what kid made the kindygarden drawing
This is his bulletin board. I'm not sure if he personally knows that Playboy model or not, but the autograph is pretty personal. Oh, and we'll see you at that Fest thing in Gainesville next month
He has an OG signed Dave Duncan Alva deck in his pile
I don't know what those two boards on the right are. One of them has the Mexican-ish fancy rope going around it. The one on the left is signed by Dave Chappelle and it's no generic autograph. He gave a shout out to Conge and wrote, "Tell Brian I said what's up." Someone who saw Dave in NYC wearing a SPoT Conge shirt asked him to sign this board for Brian

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