An Email From Gangsta Braulio
on Wednesday, March 12, 2008
by Rob
Another entertaining registration email.
By Rob Meronek
First let me say I'm not making fun of this guy's English. I only do that to my fellow oriental folk. I'm making fun of the benniehanna and his gangsta graphic. Here's an email I got from someone in Chile after I told him he needs to be a legit pro with a board with his name on it to enter Tampa Pro. See you here, Braulio! Please keep your back foot on your skateboard unless you're pushing. Thanks.
Anyone got a translation on this one?
From: braulio sagas
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 1:35 AM
Subject: hello again
Real mind here in chile soi pro for that is the reason I want to go to tampa that still soi a child over an STD in all uses please escuchenme any question to my manager vox that his mail is thanks. I savado the real mind traveling 15 to tampa for juntarme with milton martinez
But so that they know more than my escrivanme fast! I travel the savado 15 acuerdense
First let me say I'm not making fun of this guy's English. I only do that to my fellow oriental folk. I'm making fun of the benniehanna and his gangsta graphic. Here's an email I got from someone in Chile after I told him he needs to be a legit pro with a board with his name on it to enter Tampa Pro. See you here, Braulio! Please keep your back foot on your skateboard unless you're pushing. Thanks.
Anyone got a translation on this one?
From: braulio sagas
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 1:35 AM
Subject: hello again
Real mind here in chile soi pro for that is the reason I want to go to tampa that still soi a child over an STD in all uses please escuchenme any question to my manager vox that his mail is thanks. I savado the real mind traveling 15 to tampa for juntarme with milton martinez
But so that they know more than my escrivanme fast! I travel the savado 15 acuerdense