Chingrish and Facilities Tour of Woodward Beijing
on Wednesday, May 12, 2010
by Rob
The Chingrish is off the chain here in Beijing. Also, take a tour of the Woodward facilities.
By Rob Meronek
I think that stands for Big F'in Skate Park. It's large and lots of the obstacles are small. That makes for an all day good time for non-superhumans like us.
The floor and many of the bank ramps are marble because it was cheaper than Skatelite. All of these ramps and obstacles are connected with the best legit ground you've ever been on.
Hopefully vert foam pits allows one of these Chinese acrobats to become the new Christian Hosoi. We're overdue for one. Zach Miller doesn't need those.
Skater Profile: Zach Miller
Skater Profile: Zach Miller
There's no shortage of labor here. The hotel, the restaurant, and the skate park all seem to have a huge crew of staff doing something at all times.
There's an amazing outdoor plaza, too. It was converted to being skateable from an existing one that used to be here.
Birdman is here, too. They made some special arrangements for him, PLG, Neal Hendrix, and the rest of the vert guys in the parking lot out front.
In the restaurant here in the Woodward hotel, the Chingrish is off the chain. After you quit laughing, it's interesting to try to figure out what they were trying to translate. The used the word "puncture" a lot. I wonder if they meant spicy?
"Does the pot to rip the chicken?" Maybe they were trying to say, "Birdman smokes a bunch of weed when he skates the bowl?"
And finally, where you do find the seafood? On the Auquatic Product Sheet, of course. That's where the valuable fish is.
Tony Hawk and Neal Hendrix are celebrating a birthday tonight. I spy Ryan Sheckler. Yep, there's going to be some amazing doing of the pot to rip the chicken going down.
Skater Profile: Tony Hawk
Skater Profile: Tony Hawk
The cake had some crazy exploding candle on it like the meatballs.
Skater Profile: Neal Hendrix
Skater Profile: Neal Hendrix
Neal had a special sign made for himself that says, "Happy Birthday to Neal."
Skater Profile: Neal Hendrix
Skater Profile: Neal Hendrix