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Outlying Areas

Posted on on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 by Stalker

I left the city and hit the cuts to show some off the radar skating to the world. This one's for all the small towns.

By Stalker Steve

The thing about Florida's landscape is that besides our four major cities, most of Florida is a pretty rural place. However, there are still good skaters and good spots on the outskirts. I left the city and hit the cuts to show some off the radar skating to the world. This one's for all the small towns.

Ant Verdi grew up in the same general area I spent my high school years living in. About an hour north of Tampa is where Brooksville and Spring Hill, two adjoining towns, are located. This bank to wall is in the downtown area of Brooksville. Uphill wallride.

This is the definition of a cutty spot. Ant showed me this huge, chunky ledge and he went to work. It resulted in one of my favorite photos I've shot. Lipslide.

Ant Verdi shot all his photos in this article on one freezing day. This was the last spot. Luckily we didn't get fingerprinted here. 34 degree switch nosegrind as the sun sets.

Matt Dockery is my homie is from Lakeland, a small town 30 minutes east of Tampa. We were out skating in downtown Lakeland one day and stopped to check out this bench spot. We broke out the equipment and he pulled off this frontside noseslide no problem.

Bostonian urbanite Kevin Coakley has been avoiding the snow and hiding out in Tampa for a few weeks. We went out to this DIY ledge spot and he switch 5-0'd it.

Pat Stiener needed to get a photo at the spot he built. Frontside half cab noseslide with ease in the Polk County cuts.

Matt Dockery did a frontside bluntslide on this crusty and rough concrete ledge after working on it for most of the session.

Pat Stiener has his ledge on lock. Fakie nosegrind revert.

Kevin Coakley was hyped on Pat's ledge. Nollie 180 switch crooks.

Closing both the session and the article, Pat laid down this switch back smith and closed out on a windy day.

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