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Skateboarding Gives Back at The Berrics

Posted on on Monday, March 05, 2012 by Rob

Skateboarding Gives Back was the first ever Best Trick Contest at the Berrics to benefit the Get on Board charity. SPoT Productions donated services and assistance in running and organizing the event.

Photos and Words by Rob Meronek
Video by Joe Pelham

Skateboarding Gives Back was the first ever Best Trick Contest at the Berrics to benefit the Get on Board charity. SPoT Productions donated services and assistance in running and organizing the event.

SPoT Life Event Check Footage

As soon as the clock started, Kurtis Colamonico was first in and made this varial flip nosegrind. I've never seen that one before.
Kenny Anderson and Reda. I'm always fanning out on both of them.
I like Lacey Baker's intellectual look. She's on the hunt for a job right now. Someone hook it up.
You can't go far out here in California without seeing some Tampa transplants.
There was free beer and pizza flowing with the entire tip jar going to charity for the event.
Fred is helping you and your company get it right with social media. Check out his articles and tips on Facebook and Insta on his site.
Jared Lucas who organized the event hand made these trophies.
When you're around DJ Wade, you can't help but party.
Josh Hawkins kickflipped into this hurricane.
A small sample of who you're fighting for deck space with.
Thanks for the entertaining microphone banter, Vern Laird and Brian Schaefer.
That was quite a stack of decks that went into the crowd.
Thomas Vintr creating an Insta masterpiece with the Skatepark of Tampa Party Team coozie.
An upskirt pool carving?
Manny Santiago - varial heelflip feeble.
Sierra Fellers - 360 flip nosegrind.
Sierra Fellers - crooked grind nollie flip out.
Jared and Mollie raised some cash for their charity, Get on Board. That's what the whole event was for. If you were here and donated, thanks for the support!
Oscar Meza took 1st, Sierra Fellers got 2nd, and Manny Santiago was in 3rd when it was all done. Thanks to the Berrics for having us.

Meronek's Cell Phone Edit

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