on Wednesday, October 29, 2014
by Paul
The following clip combines two of my favorite things: Skateboarding and TED Talks. TED is an acronym for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and the Talks are basically speeches by really really smart people who are interesting enough to make super boring subjects amazing to hear about—how to build a toaster for example--just like the teachers you never had in school. If you’ve seen one TED Talk in your life it was probably Rodney Mullen’s, where he tried to explain how to do a nose manny nollie flip nose manny to a crowd of people who don’t skate. At least I think that’s what it was about? Hard to say for sure. This Talk though is with Oliver Percovich, founder of Skateistan, in Afghanistan and Cambodia, and talk about your inspirational dudes. I personally interviewed Oliver via Skype about a year and a half ago for The Skateboard Mag and I can attest he’s one ripping individual, risking his LIFE to help kids get the chance to shred and go to school. If anything we might learn to quit whining about sketchy skate spots. And on a side note, is it time to start talking about doing an Afghanistan Am? Words by Paul Zitzer.