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Steve-O Online Product Toss Winners

Posted on on Friday, July 08, 2005 by Rob

Top two in this online giveaway won a deck and a Steve-O DVD...

Steve-O Online Product Toss Winners
Top two get a deck and a Steve-O DVD.

What's the most gross misconduct that Steve-O has recently engaged in?
  1. thefl..., 7/5/2005 16:39
    100% (1 out of 1)
  2. htwns..., 7/5/2005 16:46
    100% (1 out of 1)
  3. ParoG..., 7/5/2005 16:55
    something funny
    100% (1 out of 1)
  4. sean...., 7/5/2005 16:57
    100% (1 out of 1)
  5. the_e..., 7/5/2005 17:11
    100% (1 out of 1)
  6. hoffb..., 7/5/2005 17:30
    i wanna win
    100% (1 out of 1)
  7. selfe..., 7/5/2005 17:33
    Rob, pick me towin, dude. My parents cut me off, plus I brought you that oriental calender on new years eve. You owe me, broseph.
    100% (1 out of 1)
  8. nutys..., 7/5/2005 18:23
    100% (1 out of 1)
  9. timot..., 7/5/2005 18:33
    i wana win!
    100% (1 out of 1)
  10. joshs..., 7/5/2005 18:37
    But I'm not funny Mr. senator masta doody dood.
    100% (1 out of 1)
  11. muahf..., 7/5/2005 18:58
    your mom goes to college
    100% (1 out of 1)
  12. cevan..., 7/5/2005 18:59
    Hi there.
    100% (1 out of 1)
  13. muhaf..., 7/5/2005 19:1
    your mom goes to college
    100% (1 out of 1)
  14. chris..., 7/5/2005 19:11
    I hope i win
    100% (1 out of 1)
  15. sehex..., 7/5/2005 19:56
    mike check it 1 2 12 im kool kool and i due nuthing u kno i am alergic to pecans and chicken and trukey yoyoyoyooy
    100% (1 out of 1)
  16. krege..., 7/5/2005 20:35
    100% (1 out of 1)
  17. world..., 7/5/2005 21:7
    jsut ugessed maybe ill win probably not
    100% (1 out of 1)
  18. allmo..., 7/5/2005 21:11
    what the hell?
    100% (1 out of 1)
  19. OUTAT..., 7/5/2005 21:11
    Something Funny Here
    100% (1 out of 1)
  20. hviat..., 7/5/2005 21:54
    something funny
    100% (1 out of 1)
  21. lilpi..., 7/5/2005 21:58
    skating is for jocks
    100% (1 out of 1)
  22. immaw..., 7/5/2005 21:58
    i have a belly button
    100% (1 out of 1)
  23. Rise_..., 7/5/2005 22:5
    steve-o is crazy
    100% (1 out of 1)
  24. south..., 7/5/2005 22:11
    100% (1 out of 1)
  25. sbast..., 7/5/2005 22:21
    steve-o skates?
    100% (1 out of 1)
  26. badab..., 7/5/2005 22:59
    I never win anything
    100% (1 out of 1)
  27. atodd..., 7/5/2005 23:16
    100% (1 out of 1)
  28. fore3..., 7/5/2005 23:31
    do what?
    100% (1 out of 1)
  29. athff..., 7/5/2005 23:36
    this guys hijinks are gonna get so crazy that hes gonna have to eat his own ass to be interesting one day
    100% (1 out of 1)
  30. Bbris..., 7/5/2005 23:54
    damn man steve-o needs to get off stapling his nutsack to his leg and actually use his nutsack to spray some random girl's face, cause you know he's got tons of him on his jock, no matter how weird he is
    100% (1 out of 1)
  31. jenna..., 7/6/2005 0:14
    something funny
    100% (1 out of 1)
  32. emeri..., 7/6/2005 0:40
    I wasn't born with the ability to be funny. It's genetic.
    100% (1 out of 1)
  33. notis..., 7/6/2005 1:10
    kommon guys at spot its austin AKA notis clothin you know me! hook me up, iwill klean all day
    100% (1 out of 1)
  34. Joebo..., 7/6/2005 2:27
    Spring Hill!!!!!!!!!!! 234234234234234
    100% (1 out of 1)
  35. dylan..., 7/6/2005 2:41
    i thought stevo got arrested in india or died or somethin
    100% (1 out of 1)
  36. hatfi..., 7/6/2005 3:44
    i'm sitting here cuz i just s**t myself
    100% (1 out of 1)
  37. gyuui..., 7/6/2005 4:20
    100% (1 out of 1)
  38. nwdsk..., 7/6/2005 9:5
    Entering a riged product toss is like your girl friend kicking you in the nuts.
    100% (1 out of 1)
  39. nosaj..., 7/6/2005 9:6
    thats it?? one question..
    100% (1 out of 1)
  40. wakes..., 7/6/2005 11:10
    S.smelly P. place O. of T. tampa TAKE A POOP TAMPA
    100% (1 out of 1)
  41. heylo..., 7/6/2005 11:43
    100% (1 out of 1)
  42. dezzm..., 7/6/2005 13:1
    that nasty ass bastard would drink a frosty beverage out of madonnas's ass if he could get it on film
    100% (1 out of 1)
  43. dchap..., 7/6/2005 13:7
    100% (1 out of 1)
  44. front..., 7/6/2005 13:17
    SPoT is for fags.
    100% (1 out of 1)
  45. zooyo..., 7/6/2005 14:54
    100% (1 out of 1)
  46. haake..., 7/6/2005 16:13
    Would you expect anything less from Steve-O? I think not....
    100% (1 out of 1)
  47. imawr..., 7/6/2005 22:26
    this site owns you!
    100% (1 out of 1)
  48. publi..., 7/7/2005 0:38
    100% (1 out of 1)
  49. blond..., 7/7/2005 10:46
    100% (1 out of 1)
  50. Worm2..., 7/7/2005 12:11
    touch me
    100% (1 out of 1)
  51. lakai..., 7/7/2005 12:46
    Koala Bear Igloo
    100% (1 out of 1)
  52. will2..., 7/7/2005 12:50
    If we capture Osama Bin Laden then Steve-O should be the one who tortures him with barebum farts
    100% (1 out of 1)
  53. jjoyc..., 7/7/2005 12:52
    *joke* Who is Steve-O? *joke*
    100% (1 out of 1)
  54. rwalk..., 7/7/2005 13:1
    i need a new deck , mine snapped just yesterday
    100% (1 out of 1)
  55. seaba..., 7/7/2005 13:33
    i broke my ankle today frontboarding a handrail
    100% (1 out of 1)
  56. billa..., 7/7/2005 13:42
    The first two suck but the beer thing is great...hahahaha
    100% (1 out of 1)
  57. skipp..., 7/7/2005 14:44
    stevo i am calling you out !!! i challenge you to a contest to see who can out do one another ....
    100% (1 out of 1)
  58. under..., 7/7/2005 14:51
    100% (1 out of 1)
  59. loose..., 7/7/2005 15:2
    ur da man steve-o
    100% (1 out of 1)
  60. brian..., 7/7/2005 15:10
    uuuuuhhhhhh BOO
    100% (1 out of 1)
  61. fours..., 7/7/2005 15:12
    i got nothin
    100% (1 out of 1)
  62. nofea..., 7/7/2005 15:39
    im gonna call my shoes the dude
    100% (1 out of 1)
  63. smska..., 7/7/2005 15:57
    100s nd 50s big ass TITIES!!!
    100% (1 out of 1)
  64. ledhe..., 7/7/2005 16:14
    sit home and eat all the friggin chips, kip
    100% (1 out of 1)
  65. weed_..., 7/7/2005 16:22
    why waste a frosty?? go get wasted!!!
    100% (1 out of 1)
  66. annie..., 7/7/2005 16:59
    i think steve o is from tennisee because he is the only 10- i see
    100% (1 out of 1)
  67. Maxdd..., 7/7/2005 17:26
    100% (1 out of 1)
  68. cbert..., 7/7/2005 17:39
    something funny here
    100% (1 out of 1)
  69. sk8r4..., 7/7/2005 18:9
    100% (1 out of 1)
  70. craig..., 7/7/2005 21:15
    this contest is silly. do an anti-hero or deluxe distribution one
    100% (1 out of 1)
  71. shawn..., 7/8/2005 0:24
    you smell like a sack of dirty meat. thank you
    100% (1 out of 1)
  72. mccce..., 7/8/2005 0:40
    steve-o can drink fosties from ma 33 pairs of shoes anyday
    100% (1 out of 1)
  73. jferg..., 7/8/2005 4:26
    100% (1 out of 1)
  74. Dmone..., 7/8/2005 9:29
    I am writing something long just so i can see my name easier aaaaaaaa aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhh
    100% (1 out of 1)
  75. babbr..., 7/8/2005 13:2
    100% (1 out of 1)
  76. dolph..., 7/8/2005 13:7
    100% (1 out of 1)
  77. redpo..., 7/8/2005 13:33
    100% (1 out of 1)
  78. rob@s..., 7/5/2005 16:33
    Let's see if I can get top 50 this time.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  79. seven..., 7/5/2005 16:47
    Something Funny
    0% (0 out of 1)
  80. travi..., 7/5/2005 16:52
    Send me a deck so I can sell it on ebay.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  81. gcull..., 7/5/2005 17:1
    dude weres my dildo?
    0% (0 out of 1)
  82. ron_g..., 7/5/2005 17:2
    saying something funny is for jocks
    0% (0 out of 1)
  83. warne..., 7/5/2005 17:7
    0% (0 out of 1)
  84. pro20..., 7/5/2005 17:19
    wow whats the odds of winning this its 518 now and it was posted an hour ago, shouldnt it atleast be random not first 2
    0% (0 out of 1)
  85. brian..., 7/5/2005 17:24
    On the run from Johnny Law, this ain't no trip to Cleveland
    0% (0 out of 1)
  86. chomp..., 7/5/2005 17:31
    uuuuuuuuuggg ggghhhhhhhhhhhhh.......steve-o is soft......i don't even want to win...........
    0% (0 out of 1)
  87. thepr..., 7/5/2005 17:32
    Yea dude!
    0% (0 out of 1)
  88. enjoi..., 7/5/2005 17:32
    shoes look like crap
    0% (0 out of 1)
  89. Boric..., 7/5/2005 18:23
    what do sex and spades have in common? if u dont have a good partner, u have to have a good hand!!! hahaa
    0% (0 out of 1)
  90. lig27..., 7/5/2005 18:24
    its the worlds tinniest dog its not the size of the hammer its how u pound it, its not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean, its not the size of the magic wand but the magic in it, im not fred flinstone but i can make ur bed rock
    0% (0 out of 1)
  91. short..., 7/5/2005 18:26
    steve-o is my favorite skater!!! hahahahaha no
    0% (0 out of 1)
  92. gdowl..., 7/5/2005 18:44
    wut the hell is this
    0% (0 out of 1)
  93. swing..., 7/5/2005 18:49
    I'm suprised Steve-O isn't dead already.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  94. micqb..., 7/5/2005 18:51
    IYour mother can't sherd cheese
    0% (0 out of 1)
  95. DChoc..., 7/5/2005 18:54
    I hope I win something cause of this Jackass
    0% (0 out of 1)
  96. WINED..., 7/5/2005 18:54
    I love Rob Meronek
    0% (0 out of 1)
  97. rkeen..., 7/5/2005 19:4
    you dude I wanna win so gim me gim me
    0% (0 out of 1)
  98. m_min..., 7/5/2005 19:36
    0% (0 out of 1)
  99. pspid..., 7/5/2005 20:23
    stevie woooooooondersss
    0% (0 out of 1)
  100. mexic..., 7/5/2005 20:55
    Don't sit there all quiet. You are required to say something funny here:
    0% (0 out of 1)
  101. dhesh..., 7/5/2005 21:5
    0% (0 out of 1)
  102. slurp..., 7/5/2005 21:7
    0% (0 out of 1)
  103. accel..., 7/5/2005 21:21
    why dont they have drivers ED and sex ED at the same time in Iraq?............its too hard on the camels
    0% (0 out of 1)
  104. Apula..., 7/5/2005 21:55
    come on lemme win dam it
    0% (0 out of 1)
  105. emeri..., 7/5/2005 22:32
    Stevos gay bams gay jackass is gay there all fags. just give me the stuff so i can sell it on ebay
    0% (0 out of 1)
  106. nick9..., 7/5/2005 23:20
    steve-o is crazy
    0% (0 out of 1)
  107. fried..., 7/5/2005 23:25
    eat your food tina
    0% (0 out of 1)
  108. trout..., 7/6/2005 1:7
    i dont want to
    0% (0 out of 1)
  109. revol..., 7/6/2005 1:25
    0% (0 out of 1)
  110. xskat..., 7/6/2005 2:28
    nothing funny here but my face.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  111. miste..., 7/6/2005 6:5
    something funny...? OMG STEVE-O U R SOOOOO HOT!!!!! piece of crap is way more hot
    0% (0 out of 1)
  112. sblin..., 7/6/2005 7:26
    What do you call a Dell computer that won't work? Black.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  113. romul..., 7/6/2005 8:52
    sweet brah
    0% (0 out of 1)
  114. the.p..., 7/6/2005 10:55
    i am a unicorn.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  115. bball..., 7/6/2005 12:2
    this thing was gay
    0% (0 out of 1)
  116. nolli..., 7/6/2005 13:26
    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    0% (0 out of 1)
  117. green..., 7/6/2005 14:3
    i rock peas on my head but dont call me a pea head
    0% (0 out of 1)
  118. zeros..., 7/6/2005 14:19
    my dvs shoes never came
    0% (0 out of 1)
  119. mikem..., 7/6/2005 15:11
    stevo is funny but is friends with bam
    0% (0 out of 1)
  120. paul@..., 7/6/2005 15:11
    for rob: an oriental couple are fooling around in bed, and the guy says, how about a 69? and the lady sez, how can you think about beef broccoli with string beans at a time like this?
    0% (0 out of 1)
  121. vzdan..., 7/6/2005 15:59
    0% (0 out of 1)
  122. ferre..., 7/6/2005 16:28
    Don't sit there all quiet. you are required to say something funny here:
    0% (0 out of 1)
  123. sk8er..., 7/6/2005 17:19
    0% (0 out of 1)
  124. docto..., 7/6/2005 19:12
    ummm your mom says hi?
    0% (0 out of 1)
  125. illte..., 7/6/2005 19:47
    el dildo loco?//
    0% (0 out of 1)
  126. kosco..., 7/6/2005 23:32
    wut the gay y is it all about his shoes...steve-os a jock
    0% (0 out of 1)
  127. savie..., 7/7/2005 0:53
    0% (0 out of 1)
  128. ganar..., 7/7/2005 2:14
    0% (0 out of 1)
  129. indel..., 7/7/2005 11:28
    I got the clap, it burns to pee, help me remove the puss!!! just joking
    0% (0 out of 1)
  130. nic@s..., 7/7/2005 11:46
    shit bitch, please.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  131. travi..., 7/7/2005 11:54
    0% (0 out of 1)
  132. asfsu..., 7/7/2005 12:1
    i dontkno if i entered already....hopefully not
    0% (0 out of 1)
  133. fearb..., 7/7/2005 12:10
    0% (0 out of 1)
  134. basik..., 7/7/2005 12:18
    don't tell me to be funny. i'm not going to assume that i'm funny and you shouldn't either.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  135. hcp_o..., 7/7/2005 12:18
    0% (0 out of 1)
  136. tgtho..., 7/7/2005 13:0
    hey! you scratched my anchor!
    0% (0 out of 1)
  137. Ummmm..., 7/7/2005 13:36
    im so sick of these things i never win anything. i feel like being an emo kid now rob.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  138. mda1c..., 7/7/2005 14:2
    0% (0 out of 1)
  139. skrap..., 7/7/2005 14:15
    0% (0 out of 1)
  140. enjoi..., 7/7/2005 14:48
    0% (0 out of 1)
  141. carro..., 7/7/2005 15:23
    Sittin on chrome in my Sunksit 64, blazin on tweeds while fuckin big tittie whores
    0% (0 out of 1)
  142. nohop..., 7/7/2005 16:27
    i have aids
    0% (0 out of 1)
  143. dafie..., 7/7/2005 16:40
    SteveO's shoes are bullshit...(in a bad way).
    0% (0 out of 1)
  144. Broke..., 7/7/2005 17:1
    If the answer is 'Steve-O is a jock', I'm driving up to Tampa to kill the person who wrote the question.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  145. erdsp..., 7/7/2005 20:18
    Listen to PJ LAdd
    0% (0 out of 1)
  146. potte..., 7/7/2005 20:40
    steve-o is f ucking stupid
    0% (0 out of 1)
  147. lien_..., 7/7/2005 20:46
    Your liver has a brain tumor.- Craig Hanna
    0% (0 out of 1)
  148. jmart..., 7/7/2005 20:49
    0% (0 out of 1)
  149. terri..., 7/8/2005 0:1
    0% (0 out of 1)
  150. txroc..., 7/8/2005 3:14
    don't bother me now....i'm tossing my own product.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  151. duffs..., 7/8/2005 9:43
    steve-o sucks but i need a new deck
    0% (0 out of 1)
  152. beast..., 7/8/2005 10:27
    Stevo eats burritos........... made out of cat poop. Har- Har.
    0% (0 out of 1)
  153. jokin..., 7/8/2005 14:15
    who cares about steve-o this is a skate site not mtv
    0% (0 out of 1)

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