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Tampa Pro Tickets 1/27/14 Winner

Posted on on Monday, January 27, 2014 by Sebastian

We read through your comments, put them in random order, and someone with the email xxjohnny4 came out on top. Good work, and check your inbox, xxjohnny4. Thank you to everyone who got in on this Digital Product Toss. Full entries are below:
xxjohnny4: only thing thatd better than free tampa pro tickets and a silver tool would be free tampa pro tickets and a gold tool Jan 25 2014 5:57PM
wheezyd: If I won Id get to see some awesome skating and take my buddy who lives in Tampa. I'd also get to reunite with Taco Bus. Jan 26 2014 6:28PM
demiyawa727: could I get a free koozy as well? Only if you guys have one laying around. Jan 26 2014 10:29AM
nsw.corozco: IMG_4701.gif TELL ME IM THE WEEENER!!! Jan 24 2014 5:05PM
xnikesbx: Your dad and I would love these tickets and the tool for afterwards. Jan 26 2014 2:40PM
jules: Lemme get that dp in Jan 24 2014 1:56PM
phillip.mcdonald5: I gotta be there and if i could skate it id win Jan 24 2014 12:52PM
revolutionarydj: tampa pro last year was gnarly! Jan 24 2014 8:16PM
thehermitz: Why is six afraid of 7? Because of 7 8 9 HAHAHA.Im funny right? Going back to the old school jokes you feel? Jan 24 2014 7:16PM
daleclapper11: Tampa pro is the shit! id kill to go...i just wont do the loop of death Jan 26 2014 2:18PM
Jrodriguez22181: Buurrrrp. . . Jan 24 2014 9:56PM
wmikerhoden: I asked you guys to write something inspirational on my package and you wrote "life is hard but its harder when you're stupid". Thanks. Jan 26 2014 10:29AM
patrickbryjak: it would be amazing to win :) Jan 26 2014 1:57PM
fordsam36: ive been skating for two years in tampa and never been to tampa pro :/ Jan 26 2014 4:18PM
okiejoad: My son skates. I wanted to bond with him but I busted my face at the Bro Bowl and damn near got fired for the fat shiner. I no longer skate. Jan 25 2014 8:03PM
Jfurr15: It was "twerking had me like." But now its miley cyrus had me disgusted like... Jan 24 2014 12:37PM
imcrit: this would be amazing ! Jan 26 2014 1:58PM
Thgleason: what is invisible and smells like carrots?? rabbit farts Jan 24 2014 6:09PM
chadschoppa: My son is 4 and I already have him hooked on skateboarding. He would absolutely love to come see all the heavy hitters. Thanks Jan 25 2014 8:23AM
flacobubu: I waiting to buy the Chinese shoes then yall said sold out hope I can get this Jan 25 2014 8:42AM
jayskate13: i need this so bad Jan 25 2014 9:05PM
itsbryjak: I hope i win! would be awesome because im coming to tampa during tampa pro! Jan 26 2014 1:56PM

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