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This Month’s Topic: Performance Nutrition

Posted on on Friday, February 28, 2003 by Jeb

How many of you have found yourself bailing a trick in a contest or session that you have landed 1000 times in the past? Is it the stubbornness of youth, the persistence of the skateboarder’s obsession to pull a trick, or is it something much simpler?

This Month’s Topic: Performance Nutrition

    How many of you have found yourself bailing a trick in a contest or session that you have landed 1000 times in the past? How frustrating is it to keep bailing this trick and eventually end up getting hurt doing something you should have been able to land a long time ago? I see this all of the time and even remember doing it myself. Is it the stubbornness of youth, the persistence of the skateboarder’s obsession to pull a trick, or is it something much simpler? This is when most people get hurt and it’s usually the result of fatigue and low energy levels brought about by dehydration or lack of food in your system. The next time you find yourself in this position, and you will, I suggest you pause and take a rest. Give yourself a chance to breathe for a few minutes and recover. If this is not enough, grab some water. You probably haven’t had any in a while and your body cannot function properly when you are dehydrated, which throws your balance off. If you haven’t eaten in awhile, get a snack.

    After addressing these three simple elements (rest - water - food), go out there and try your trick again. I cannot guarantee you will make it, but the chances are much greater that you will, because now your body has a fighting chance. I have seen this process work time and time again. So whether you are a park grom or a professional, think about what your body needs when it is not doing what you want it to, and after giving it what it is asking for, go out and bust that thing. I won’t even say that I told you so.

Jeb Stewart BS, CSCS

Contact Jeb for training tips, questions, and coaching by going to

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