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Vestal Giveaway Results

Posted on on Tuesday, December 05, 2006 by Rob

Results from the Vestal giveaway.

Vestal Giveaway Results
Top five got a Vestal watch. Full results are below.

1 super 11/21/2006
15 out of 15 correct.
whiskey and water and burlap boxers are my favorites

2 ddds2 11/20/2006
14 out of 15 correct.

3 pimpi 11/21/2006
14 out of 15 correct.
CHEAAAAAAAAAAAAA NUKKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 kaise 11/21/2006
14 out of 15 correct.
where's my watch god dammit?

5 mark@ 11/22/2006
14 out of 15 correct.
feast tour off the hook!!

6 flipp 11/27/2006
14 out of 15 correct.

7 under 11/29/2006
14 out of 15 correct.

8 miahe 12/1/2006
14 out of 15 correct.

9 apula 11/20/2006
13 out of 15 correct.

10 stree 11/20/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
it was so awesome, it's just like..."pluck!"

11 doubl 11/20/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
dude.. just give it to me.. other than that.. hell.. i haven't entered a contest in a loong time. good times!

12 khris 11/20/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
shes a ho.............4 sho

13 sgorl 11/20/2006
13 out of 15 correct.

14 mjswo 11/20/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
Love the contests , see ya in January!

15 dudei 11/20/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
you guys rock!!!!

16 rodme 11/20/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
let it be

17 samvi 11/21/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
You guys are awesome!

18 beanm 11/21/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
yeah right

19 mavol 11/21/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
take a poop

20 cky2k 11/22/2006
13 out of 15 correct.

21 seven 11/22/2006
13 out of 15 correct.

22 Babul 11/23/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
comments suck

23 Babul 11/23/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
comments suck

24 andre 11/23/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
its embarrasing as pluck! to have an ASS!

25 black 11/24/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
Those guys were a couple a woosieys huh?

26 qlove 11/27/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
T.t. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

27 keeps 11/27/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
yeah boy

28 forgo 11/28/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
its aight

29 Volco 11/28/2006
13 out of 15 correct.

30 brune 11/29/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
i like the toilete

31 Amaur 11/29/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
Pretty different contest.

32 Ramon 11/30/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

33 laneA 11/30/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
i like not really

34 sense 12/3/2006
13 out of 15 correct.
not gonna win

35 emo_h 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
roof roof im a dog

36 cmcc2 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
i win

37 maste 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

38 lakis 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
never win shall I do

39 chich 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
kick ass

40 trizz 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

41 saint 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

42 lylep 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
crazy as F***

43 forre 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
what i find entertaining is surely different from what you find entertaining!

44 super 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
fun fun

45 dpres 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

46 burgd 11/20/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

47 mitsu 11/21/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
did i win?

48 iac5@ 11/21/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
Dude, not even kidding about getting my R-rated photos.

49 josep 11/22/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
gobble gobble

50 mrrol 11/22/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

51 cnagl 11/22/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
i never win so... the top five people are really, really homosexual

52 crysl 11/22/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
yo whats up?

53 maria 11/22/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
this site is awesome dude

54 skati 11/23/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
the gurl wit her pant half way down peein it looks like id beat

55 meric 11/23/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
dena skaters rip

56 athff 11/23/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
you guys should make a quiz that takes knowledge...but i guess that would take knowledge on your part as well

57 board 11/24/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
#13 is the true example of gehtto packing

58 needt 11/24/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
keep on skatin

59 black 11/26/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
yeah yeah

60 vzdan 11/26/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

61 xblin 11/27/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
i need a new not very interseting

62 ripto 11/27/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
i just pooped

63 BRENT 11/27/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

64 hipps 11/30/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
nsync 4 lyfe

65 justi 12/1/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
school sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

66 epete 12/3/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

67 thewh 12/3/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
I have to pee.

68 tylaw 12/3/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

69 enjoi 12/3/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
ive got nothing to say

70 trefl 12/3/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
dude you just got pooned

71 xmadd 12/4/2006
12 out of 15 correct.

72 willy 12/4/2006
12 out of 15 correct.
i love ur website

73 tosk8 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

74 wined 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

75 r573r 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
I love Sonic commercials!!

76 nivad 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

77 bzari 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

78 jeff_ 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
pluckin suckin

79 rgoal 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
silver milver

80 brain 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
PLEASE, I NEED A WATCH!!! lol thanks

81 zooyo 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
oeo killers tofo

82 gnari 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
look at that surfer chick

83 harry 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

84 sswea 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
beer beer and more beer, thank god im not a queer!!!!!!!!

85 mmgbl 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

86 Sk8er 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
that took too long

87 antih 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

88 savie 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
I win?

89 mush1 11/20/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

90 erick 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

91 vicod 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
trade you a ps3 for one of the watches, brah

92 torre 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiipppppppppppppppppppppppp

93 torre 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiipppppppppppppppppppppppp

94 bboys 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

95 super 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
vestals ok i guess

96 pelle 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
Rob, AP thinks you hate him

97 DCmot 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
sleeping in the parking lot with ricky before a contest hella good times

98 potte 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

99 tcftb 11/21/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

100 chaos 11/22/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
beer babes vestal waoooo send me one pliz

101 glen@ 11/22/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this was a f**ing novel.

102 matth 11/22/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
sho nuff!

103 josht 11/23/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
hunnies play me close like butter plays toasttt

104 SkaMa 11/23/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
check it once?check it twice?booyakasha!

105 nolli 11/24/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

106 foxma 11/24/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
whats with the toilets?

107 jblan 11/25/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
I'm psychic ya know

108 brad. 11/25/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
need a watch...biatch!!!

109 skate 11/25/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

110 theli 11/27/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

111 theli 11/27/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

112 gnars 11/27/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

113 booim 11/27/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
jiggga wah!

114 bjc33 11/28/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

115 ppcai 11/28/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
I need free stuff

116 slaye 11/28/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
lolololololololololololololololololo lololololollollftwlolololololololololol

117 victo 11/28/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
yes to all never say no!

118 robda 11/28/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
i gotta take a sheep, i'm serious

119 alexh 11/29/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

120 phili 11/29/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
vx2100 rep

121 joebo 11/29/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
Big dookie loser.

122 mique 11/29/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
I need a watch, please help me out.. It is X-Mas Thanks for helping me out.

123 rocke 11/30/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

124 built 11/30/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

125 raita 12/2/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
That was harder than the other ones of toke.I'm serious!

126 ledze 12/2/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
want to see my boobs pik me

127 ifiwr 12/2/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
up the skirts!!!

128 jimmy 12/2/2006
11 out of 15 correct.
I need free gear

129 adio6 12/3/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

130 harsh 12/3/2006
11 out of 15 correct.

131 duffs 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
wow yonnie does a no grind

132 xvinn 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
nice pics

133 ivarm 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
pluck pictures! SPoT needs a new pic system, this load back forth bullsheep sucks!

134 mnieb 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
fresh vs hesh yo!

135 kidsw 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
rob in the cavepic i almost saw ur package not cool

136 kr3ws 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
heyheyhey krip

137 jspho 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
tough call on some of these

138 chap9 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
Guilfoose lives...

139 m_min 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

140 madde 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
i need this sheep cuz im broke please help me win it

141 brune 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
i lkie em

142 theea 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

143 eries 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
good pics

144 logan 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
man i think i sprung a chubby from all the upskirts

145 boond 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
rob you are a cool guy

146 senlu 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
Call me butter, cus im on a roll.

147 roxly 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

148 usmc5 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
beyond board is nice

149 ekrou 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
pluck, i dont know

150 Skids 11/20/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
Vestal booth at sexpo was hot

151 sk82p 11/21/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

152 jurij 11/21/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

153 crkrn 11/21/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

154 trevo 11/21/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
skate till u puke RIP B.J.E 87/04

155 matts 11/21/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
gang related son marcy

156 fanof 11/21/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

157 front 11/21/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
SPoT better be in the SKATE game

158 get_a 11/21/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
whathehellisgoingonheredid iloseagaindammitnotagain o well

159 clska 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
yo doggy

160 jason 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
broken glass stays crunchy in milk

161 benbe 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

162 bball 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
amuck & amonzy

163 Dmab4 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
i wasn't even aware sexy left

164 imsli 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
pluck ya

165 rusty 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

166 Jabri 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

167 coco4 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
i need a watch, by God!!!!

168 littl 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

169 rodne 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

170 jason 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

171 tad.p 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
Barletta's got some hot trucks out right now...

172 three 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
total gnar dawg

173 brett 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
what did i just do?

174 rando 11/22/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

175 diddy 11/23/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
GNARLEY DUDE............taco

176 coold 11/23/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
i want a watch so bad!!!!=]

177 yodie 11/23/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

178 aceta 11/23/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
smash the wackness without practice flippin' gymnastics through the narrowest brackets.

179 ghett 11/24/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
Let me get the watch i dont have a clock at all and im always late.

180 frogg 11/24/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

181 adio6 11/24/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

182 tfrie 11/24/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
dont have ne sorry

183 justs 11/24/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
im gonna win watch lol

184 kroma 11/24/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

185 nwdsk 11/25/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
if you wake up and smell fish look under the bed

186 zeros 11/25/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
holy poopface

187 jloft 11/25/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

188 SODSK 11/26/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
yoyoyyyyoyoyoyuhy uhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuh

189 theem 11/26/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
John 3:16

190 lilli 11/26/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
John 3:16

191 Emeri 11/27/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

192 inked 11/27/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

193 rocki 11/27/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
We Are Laser Removed Tasmanian Devil Tattoos

194 kosto 11/29/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
verizon ledges pluck yea!

195 nutzc 12/2/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
holla at a winner when you see me wearin vestal, Holler!!!

196 duffm 12/3/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

197 rvk25 12/4/2006
10 out of 15 correct.

198 almos 12/4/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
thosed pics were kick ass

199 truyi 12/4/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
fight the mullet!

200 Austi 12/5/2006
10 out of 15 correct.
SPoT is the greatest skatepark i have ever been to, no lies.

201 nbizu 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

202 billy 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

203 timot 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

204 birdf 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

205 chris 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
I won

206 cveme 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

207 rhine 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
you rule I rule so give me that board and dont be a tool yoohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

208 jharv 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
Scar for life bra!!

209 throw 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

210 chees 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

211 grips 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
word up

212 ccho@ 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

213 ezeki 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
Shell Shock!

214 blond 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
I like how the pictures get all creepy in the middle. Kudos!

215 jdunn 11/20/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

216 dlxpl 11/21/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
now i take a poop

217 blueh 11/21/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

218 sk8te 11/21/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

219 skate 11/21/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

220 xskat 11/21/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
danny boy

221 stefa 11/21/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

222 iam4g 11/21/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
im a monster bizzznasssachessssingfunk

223 emeri 11/21/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
i hope I win

224 mdmal 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
ridiculous picture contest

225 jmchu 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! ;)

226 vultu 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

227 natha 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
Happy Thanksgiving!!

228 tgbry 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
the fitfth and sixth pics were the best.haha

229 tclas 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
pretty awesome contest

230 markk 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
christian hosoi is 38.

231 kolea 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
More hotties - less poop

232 manue 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
why should I entertain you? assi, ok so have a nice evening and skate all day ,and the night, of course. sleep well bastard. and let me winning, ore you will never see your familie again. little jike at the evening .by by bitch

233 geoff 11/22/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
Y'all should print more chicks peeing on this site

234 stice 11/23/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

235 Airsi 11/23/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
Pick me.... Pick me ....

236 dudek 11/23/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
You guys kick ass!

237 UPdru 11/23/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

238 neilj 11/24/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
Spot rocks

239 pmall 11/24/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
this is hard and i studied for weeks !!!

240 cashe 11/24/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

241 afi_b 11/24/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

242 lungo 11/25/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
yea thats me doin the front salad in the first question

243 zooyo 11/25/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
well, seeing as alot of the theme behind these were takin a poop.. watch this...

244 decib 11/26/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
What time is it?

245 sk8gi 11/28/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
they say money doesnt buy happiness but for some reason i would rather cry in a porsche than a pinto

246 halla 11/28/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
love the site

247 Epbar 11/28/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
I need to tell time

248 skate 11/28/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
entertaining coments

249 kehmi 11/29/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
love the toliet shots, except the girl squating on one!

250 yih.l 11/29/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
dicks, tits, fits, and tricks, all in a photog's day's work!

251 mda1c 11/29/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

252 budda 11/30/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
i like skate

253 kr3ws 11/30/2006
9 out of 15 correct.

254 jimi_ 12/1/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
mm sank sheep tank in the ass in zeee anus........................

255 jmag1 12/1/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
nahhhj son

256 zemmi 12/3/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
Ryan Dillow is da' bomb!

257 corna 12/4/2006
9 out of 15 correct.
tight quiz i guess

258 ricar 11/20/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
i dont like watches lol

259 sk8bu 11/20/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

260 poppu 11/20/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

261 conne 11/20/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

262 OldVe 11/20/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

263 www.w 11/21/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

264 tsmgu 11/21/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

265 Muttz 11/22/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
This is a good time to spend a few minutes while you're bored.

266 r0ckp 11/22/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
we need more toilet pictures!1!!!

267 Clay@ 11/22/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
my rollex broke gimmie a new watch so I am not late to pick up my son!

268 JAcka 11/22/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

269 mesca 11/23/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
these are preety kool, i would some of the same stuff if i was on the,is, but i would make it better

270 chino 11/23/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
I need a new watch!

271 lilma 11/23/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

272 crack 11/23/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

273 cpait 11/24/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
ay papi, got a razor blade i can cut myself with holmes?

274 Nilva 11/25/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
Your websites great!

275 czyri 11/26/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
oh i need a watch...haha

276 mcaea 11/27/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
theeeeeese nuts

277 alexp 11/29/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
thos pics r weird

278 ptrck 11/30/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
rosie o donnell and brittny spears living together.....

279 thisa 12/1/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
where did you get the beatuy scar tuff guy? eating pussy? - movie scarface

280 Batbo 12/1/2006
8 out of 15 correct.

281 piggy 12/4/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
this was interesting

282 liftm 12/4/2006
8 out of 15 correct.
when the pluck am i going to win something!?

283 fuele 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5- 5------------------------------------------------5-5-5-5-5-5-

284 under 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
The Senator should own that poopascooter!

285 talan 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
I could totally use a sweet watch, so give it up...

286 sugar 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.

287 knugg 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.

288 Ynoth 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
King of the castle. king of the castle

289 scoot 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
fdsfjkadsj;fasj your face

290 pelle 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
im married

291 irish 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
start jamming some Mickey Avalon.

292 iwish 11/20/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
Please, please, please, let me get what I want.

293 im_an 11/21/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
chicken fried steak yeah

294 dhesh 11/21/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
time to melt

295 steve 11/22/2006
7 out of 15 correct.

296 longb 11/24/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
yo what time is it???

297 yoshi 11/25/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
I have a Killians taste on a PBR budget!!!!!!!!

298 bradx 11/27/2006
7 out of 15 correct.

299 mikep 11/27/2006
7 out of 15 correct.

300 ohyea 11/29/2006
7 out of 15 correct.

301 0rely 12/1/2006
7 out of 15 correct.

302 Wwefa 12/2/2006
7 out of 15 correct.
Tits, Ass, Music. Oh...and Skateboarding too!

303 babyd 11/20/2006
6 out of 15 correct.
boot mobile dildo

304 travi 11/20/2006
6 out of 15 correct.

305 jmcra 11/20/2006
6 out of 15 correct.
i just pooped

306 highg 11/21/2006
6 out of 15 correct.
smoke weed every day

307 joel_ 11/22/2006
6 out of 15 correct.
nice site

308 the1t 11/24/2006
6 out of 15 correct.
the toilet scooter was badass

309 pro20 11/25/2006
6 out of 15 correct.
This or that with pictures? atleast make the thumbs bigger

310 danny 11/28/2006
6 out of 15 correct.
Please leave me some entertaining comments here:

311 mania 11/28/2006
6 out of 15 correct.

312 rob@s 11/20/2006
5 out of 15 correct.
Why can't you pick both girls at the same time?

313 soxfa 11/20/2006
5 out of 15 correct.
i wanna win this one

314 mahas 11/28/2006
3 out of 15 correct.
It's bearthtaking!

315 mahas 11/28/2006
3 out of 15 correct.
It's bearthtaking!

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