Boards for Bros Christmas Distribution 2012
on Monday, December 24, 2012
by Rob
Over the weekend, we did another Boards for Bros distribution in the local neighborhoods around SPoT. All year long, we collect used skate parts from everyone in the Shop. Several times per year, we all get together and form an assembly line to put the boards together. We piled them into Clem's truck and drove around town to give them out.
By Porpe
Over the weekend, we did another Boards for Bros distribution in the local neighborhoods around SPoT. All year long, we collect used skate parts from everyone in the Shop. Several times per year, we all get together and form an assembly line to put the boards together. We piled them into Clem's truck and drove around town to give them out.
Over the weekend, we did another Boards for Bros distribution in the local neighborhoods around SPoT. All year long, we collect used skate parts from everyone in the Shop. Several times per year, we all get together and form an assembly line to put the boards together. We piled them into Clem's truck and drove around town to give them out.