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Vans Gives Back Day X Boards For Bros 2019

Posted on on Tuesday, October 01, 2019 by Chris

Back in 2012, Vans Gives Back Day started as a way for Vans employees to exercise their “Van Doren Spirit” - getting out into the community, connecting with those in need and making the world a better place through service projects. For three years in a row, Boards for Bros has partnered with Vans to bring the gift of skateboarding to those who need it in their lives. On September 27, we took Luther Burbank Middle School (LBMS) in Los Angeles by storm as we worked with over 60 Vans volunteers to teach over 250 sixth, seventh and eighth graders how to build a skateboard and skate like a pro!

Our journey to LBMS started in 2018 when our Boards for Bros California crew connected with Ms. Henree Haitkin who had a vision to incorporate skateboarding into her P.E. curriculum. She wanted to get her kids moving, learning, having fun and learning something they can participate in outside of school. Thanks to the support of her principal, Ms. Christine Moore and Boards for Bros - Ms. Haitkin was able to get herself skating and saw immediately that her students were totally on board with her plan! Looking to grow her program, she needed more boards so Vans and Boards for Bros wanted to help her out. At the end of the day, 104 boards were built and over 250 skate lessons were given. LBMS now has the equipment they need for their groundbreaking program and we have made friends that we will have for a very long time.

Huge thanks to Sarah Turner and Tony Bertolino (Vans HQ/Boards for Bros California), Ryan Vanderweel (Grinderz Restaurant/Boards for Bros California), Kurtis Colamonico and The Skate Kids, Ms. Henree Haitkin and the staff, students, and parents of LBMS and to all the Vans employees who put in a long day of service making a community a better place through the gift of skateboarding. It was a perfect day of changing lives (of volunteers and recipients), one day at a time.

Words & photos: Michelle Box

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