AmsterDamn Am 2011 Presented by Volcom
on Wednesday, July 06, 2011
by Rob
Photos from the weekend.
By Rob Meronek
We're the first ones here every morning so we get our little old guy sessions in. That's head judge Jason Rothmeyer on a shifty over the king sized hip.
Skater Profile: Jason Rothmeyer That's your microphone guy over the king sized hip running that motorcycle head all through Europe.
Skater Profile: Ryan Clements The king sized hip was destroyed all weekend. Nassim Guammaz has a nice looking frontside 360 over it.
Skater Profile: Nassim Guammaz Ishod skates more than anyone I've ever seen. Even after his runs are over, he's still out there all day skating until the Contest is over. That's a frontside nosegrind on the rail.
Skater Profile: Ishod Wair I think this guy got his DSLR setup here. Can anyone else but Brad Staba watch a skateboard contest with this much style and finesse?
Skater Profile: Brad Staba If you're not rollin' on wheels, you're probably rollin' in the crowd.
Skater Profile: David Gravette Daan vd Linden impressed a lot of people. I was thinking this is the Euro Manchild. Thats'a backside 360 nosegrab. He ended up being the Zumiez Destroyer for the weekend.
Skater Profile: Daan vd Linden You'll be seeing more of Steven Webb. He's amazing. That's a no comply tailslide.
Skater Profile: Steven Webb Axel Cruysberghs has grown up since we last saw him. His skating has matured, too - front feeble.
Skater Profile: Axel Cruysberghs You have to take a ferry to and from the Skatepark. It's filled with all kinds of interesting styles. As tourists, of course we have all our beers in the greatest people watching place around: The Red Light District. They're not a fan of photos here so you have to sneak attack it. Mad orientals - a staple in any well traveled area. I think I'm the only oriental in the history of orientals that doesn't roll with packs of other orientals. They're sticky like rice. I'm still figuring out the X100 in low light. SPoTlight judge Mathieu Tourneur and I are at the Valient Thorr show right now, even though it looks like we're at the Red Light.
Skater Profile: Mathieu Tourneur This process of scoring and note-taking for runs in a skateboard contest was the old-fashioned way this time around. I'll have it all digital by the next one. These kids seem to be having a damn good time watching Best Trick. Hopefully you enjoyed the Contest weekend just as much. I had to get out of here to catch a flight. Good bye, Amsterdam. Thanks for the memories yet again.
Skater Profile: Jason Rothmeyer
Skater Profile: Ryan Clements
Skater Profile: Nassim Guammaz
Skater Profile: Ishod Wair
Skater Profile: Brad Staba
Skater Profile: David Gravette
Skater Profile: Daan vd Linden
Skater Profile: Steven Webb
Skater Profile: Axel Cruysberghs
Skater Profile: Mathieu Tourneur