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Make-A-Wish Texas Skate Jam 2006 Wild Bull Antics

Posted on on Monday, November 06, 2006 by Rob

Photos of your favorite pros and ams at the Make-A-Wish Texas Skate Jam 2006 Wild Bull Riding Thing...

Make-A-Wish Texas Skate Jam 2006 Wild Bull Antics
Photos and Captions by Rob Meronek

First up, Ernie Torres getting shucked like corn

If only Brian Schaefer could multi-task at his desk like that

David Gravette backflipped off the thing

Danny Montoya appears as though he's a fan of spanking

Joey Brezinski's got the pepper grinder technique. It's a little uncomfortable seeing a dude do that

Mike Peterson's got a firm grip. He can cup the balls with the hat

Nick Dompierre is the first cowboy to ever wear a beanie

Leticia from Consolidated. There are way too many sexual innuendos for me to throw out here. I'm giong to have to keep them to myself

Jim Thiebaud from Deluxe should have had a battle with Clements on this thing with they way they compete with each other

Damn!?! The jakes are partying, throwing products out, watching the Contest, and now riding the bull? Maybe these are Halloween costumes or something

Charlie Thomas shortly before the bull got angry and threw him off

Benny Fairfax - first ever dreaded cowboy

I can imagine Ryan Nix just putting some A1 on the bull and taking a raw bite out of it like a steak

Lizard King will carve a satan tat into the bull when he's done

Rick Eusey will beat this bull like a red headed step child

Justin Williams is lookin' extra Brokeback on that thing

Javier Nunez wasn't looking too comfortable on it. Then again, no one was

DJ Speed from Ezekiel. If I got on that thing with glasses I'd probably end up swallowing them

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