Acid Trip Manny Pad Construction
on Thursday, October 14, 2010
by Rob
We're building a wavy, curvy, twisted version of a manny pad/ledge between the buildings here at SPoT.
I use one tool in my life - a keyboard. Everything else I don't touch, but I'm throughly fascinated by. Every time the welder thing is melting steel and shooting sparks, I find myself in a blank stare.
It's a wavy, curvy, woopdee woop version of a ledge/manny pad. Word is that it might be done by tomorrow.
My guess is those are for some concrete that will be poured into the center of that thing.
Sometimes Schaefer will approach me like, "I need Photoshop and Illustrator on my computer." That's like me asking to have whatever this thing here is. Stick to the tools that help you do your job, not someone else's. Save the pixel pushing for the nerds and I'll keep my hands off the power tools.
They should fill that thing behind them with concrete, too.