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Olloclip Digital Product Toss Results

Posted on on Friday, August 10, 2012 by Rob

Everyone gets a random number assigned, sorted, and someone whose email starts with willbuttner came out on top.

By Rob Meronek

Everyone gets a random number assigned, sorted, and someone whose email starts with "willbuttner" came out on top. Check your email, Mr. Willbuttner. Thanks for diving in on this DPT. Check out all the comments submitted here. They're in the random order that was done for the drawing.

willbu: Ive used one before and went to get it at best buy but $70 seemed steep, would love one for free though. 08/09/12 01:49 PM
bianca: 08/08/12 06:48 PM
addieo: Hey why dont you pick me I am pretty awesome! 08/08/12 09:30 PM
highgu: Ollo YOLO mofo rollin dolo on stolen momo rims in a benz 7 double O 4 door 08/08/12 06:21 PM
xkoolx: I WOULD KILL FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/08/12 06:46 PM
binary: I went to the gathering of the juggalos and i caught olloclip 08/09/12 10:00 AM
johnch: Adam Burgess is mah daddy! 08/08/12 06:17 PM
telia.: Would love to see boards for bros within our schools! I work at an underprivileged school in the heart of West Tampa. 08/08/12 06:15 PM
curtis: The only way to learn is to try!! 08/08/12 06:32 PM
thisis: i want oneeeee!!! :) 08/09/12 11:39 AM
mniebo: cant wait to film some homemade porn with this! 08/09/12 10:18 AM
david9: in case the constant documentation of your 90% pointless, 8% illegal, and 2% interesting lives isnt enough: the olloclip 08/09/12 04:47 PM
blue6s: what an iphone is? 08/08/12 07:54 PM
skillz: please? can I win just one contest? lol 08/08/12 09:05 PM
kevinv: 08/08/12 06:07 PM
donnel: I dont have an iphone but i want this. 08/09/12 09:40 AM
mnelso: fishey 08/08/12 06:23 PM
nopak_: Does this come with an iPhone? 08/08/12 06:13 PM
daniel: Treat me like Koston. Give me product for doing nothing? 08/09/12 05:39 PM
tlube7: just got an iphone and looking to get some good footy of me and my friends 08/08/12 11:27 PM
alex78: Ollo ollo oxen free. 08/08/12 06:41 PM
andybu: please 08/09/12 11:44 AM
xBROWN: one time i ripped mmy taint didnt have the rite set up so couldnt do cument it. This fisheye will help me see my taint torn brown eye 08/08/12 06:52 PM
Simple: Hook me up haha 08/08/12 09:28 PM
Nathan: I almost camped out for the pushead 2s. If that's not funny then know I'm going to ruin hipster's dreams with the ollo if I win. 08/08/12 06:20 PM
Jrj071: Sierra fellers introduced these to me!! 08/08/12 06:09 PM
bennyw: i will add a inch to the bulge in my pocket 08/08/12 11:24 PM
ruiz1.: Did you grow up on a farm? Because you sure know how to raise cocks! 08/08/12 08:11 PM
ilsech: hopefully i can win the goods ;) 08/09/12 04:19 PM
Sk8bor: That thing looks sick!! Id be so stoked to win this! 08/08/12 09:55 PM
ablaza: I LIKE WINNING! 08/09/12 12:19 PM
tony.n: SPOT or Die! 08/09/12 04:06 AM
ruben@: I need this, look at my email! 08/09/12 09:53 PM
wyatth: And everyone thought michael phelps was a loser for smoking weed... 08/09/12 02:24 AM
Davids: If your not living on the edge, your probley in the way! 08/08/12 06:44 PM
jamesb: Oh yeah! 08/09/12 02:07 PM
davewa: yollooooclipsss!!! 08/10/12 12:34 PM
conn.d: Ive been wanting to try an olloclip forever, but that pricetag? meh D: 08/08/12 08:26 PM
nick@a: Oh man I need this!!! 08/08/12 07:24 PM
cason.: awesome! 08/08/12 06:09 PM
wrxtre: I here for the 20% percent off code hehe. Thanks for always hooking it up! 08/08/12 06:09 PM
skater: The Ollo can catch your ollie yo 08/08/12 06:18 PM
nskate: I am going to college soon. Gonna have to eat Ramen Noodles like this: 08/08/12 09:04 PM
ixhood: ERHMAGGERD iFERN FERSHEYE 08/09/12 09:42 PM
blane5: I have an Iphone. And i like turtles. You do the math. 08/09/12 01:49 PM
alexa@: sheep SON! HOOK IT UP!!! 08/08/12 06:48 PM
fialak: iphone is the new vx 08/09/12 04:16 PM
overth: trying to get in on the iphone edit game 08/09/12 02:07 PM
nick.m: This would be a great tool for my porno/ skate vid Ive been wanting to make ;) 08/08/12 06:17 PM
coloss: sweet... now kids can make video parts on their phones... or take pictures of their food with a fisheye... 08/09/12 11:00 AM
Mrjsia: I heard you like butts... Male buttocks 08/09/12 01:15 AM
pimpbo: Clip, Clips, Clips!! 08/09/12 10:09 PM
curtis: i dont even have an iphone... 08/08/12 08:40 PM
noved2: Man I was so staring at this at best buy. You have till Aug 11 to get this back to me, thanks! 08/08/12 09:21 PM
franky: roger video this friday on 08/09/12 10:46 AM
kevine: laugh guy 08/09/12 03:27 PM
sagako: fisheye for the iPhone!? yes, please. 08/09/12 10:47 AM
alexto: yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 08/08/12 11:17 PM
alex.1: could i please win this 08/09/12 11:37 AM
brian@: Im the digitally tallest and strongest one here for sure, so I'll digitally beat some ass to get my digital hands on this sheep, dude. 08/08/12 06:19 PM
erikns: this would be awesome for filming my buddy skateboarding and using the iphone to edit and mix vids, i love fisheyes this would be so sick 08/08/12 09:06 PM
davids: Yo, I need this. Toss it this way ;) 08/08/12 10:01 PM
daniel: I would love to have this fish eye Becouse I broke mine and it cost to much and all I do is film and edit with my iPhone atSkateparkoftamp 08/09/12 11:56 PM
skater: i need it 08/09/12 02:43 PM
toyfig: Sweet! 08/08/12 06:14 PM
scottg: Its rad that SPoT does these, I've never entered so hopefully I'll get lucky! 08/08/12 06:23 PM
bewert: Cool! 08/08/12 08:59 PM
the_im: Totally gnarly bro. I gotta shoot fish eye. 08/09/12 11:34 AM
DaBeas: This OllieCam looks great, i would totaly buy this!!! 08/09/12 02:32 PM
EricSt: This will help when sending dick photos to models. let the wide angle ad a few pounds. 08/08/12 06:12 PM
zerosk: i need this to help start my cell phone porn franchise 08/08/12 06:10 PM
slipma: Thanks for coming to detroit and showing (6/24 article) the rich side of our city, its people. The new park is breeding baby rippers daily. 08/08/12 06:46 PM
axleto: I have been wanting that fisheye so bad!!! Please choose me!!!! 08/08/12 11:15 PM
vincej: i need something to film with im broker then a bihh lol jk 08/08/12 10:06 PM
McMaho: You guys are going to regret helping the iPhone footy movement. 08/08/12 09:11 PM
shijie: Id like to win the awesome olloclip. Its so much better than my Kaleidoscope clip... 08/10/12 09:59 AM
Smllbr: Sick! Its bad enough my mom films me, but at least now she can ditch the old RCA camcorder and get some footy I can actually use! 08/09/12 10:38 AM
oldver: Cant wait to slow-mo my mongo push early grabs 08/09/12 10:53 PM
Brian_: 08/08/12 06:12 PM
ftkmed: I dont even own a cell phone but my cousin Larry's 28th old man birthday is coming up later this month and I know he would be hyped on it!! 08/09/12 12:00 AM
brenda: Do a Spot Life in the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania! 08/08/12 06:15 PM
cgcash: This thing looks amazing! 08/08/12 09:08 PM
killar: ihope iwin 08/08/12 09:05 PM
sarluc: I love you 08/08/12 06:23 PM
ram4ly: i got a big ol black long dick all done seen this sheep with this iphone olloclip finna date about a billion witches! 08/08/12 09:42 PM
skully: the eyes have it! 08/08/12 08:07 PM
Halo95: I wanna try this olloclip thing out!!!!! 08/10/12 12:18 PM
socomf: This is like a mini pocket sized nikon :D 08/09/12 01:06 AM
gainey: need this 08/09/12 09:16 AM
eakoz7: I want it!! 08/10/12 12:15 PM
fallin: Olloclip looks freaking sick! 08/09/12 09:49 AM
mjm92@: PICK ME! MELANIE JIMENEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/09/12 10:37 PM
bscull: Oli Oli Oxen Free ?!?!?! 08/08/12 06:27 PM
thecov: I need this believe dat 08/09/12 05:37 PM
Markel: I need that fisheye for my skating 08/08/12 06:50 PM
Djaoch: Ollo need is a lens for my phone so I can take some pictures. 08/08/12 06:38 PM
camden: i like to do it myself 08/09/12 12:47 AM
Shaqui: Ollo kind of sounds like Ollie? 08/08/12 06:37 PM
Spot93: My sister will be the token hotty, bare all, for SPoT Life Episodes and SPoT needs for free, getting the olloclip will make it look better 08/09/12 03:12 PM
porpe1: I lost so many of these things. I deserve to win! 08/09/12 11:04 AM
hawaii: i really wanted one of those!!! 08/10/12 12:23 PM
Quarto: Porpe in a fisheye lenz. 08/08/12 07:01 PM
Jackco: You guys Rock! 08/08/12 06:15 PM
Stephe: Olloclip is sick I would use this for skating all the time! 08/08/12 11:45 PM
jat749: I be filmin dem good lines all the damn time. SPOT is the sheep. 08/08/12 08:01 PM
Bakers: How do you know carrots are good for your eyes? You never see rabbits with glasses!lol if i win i finally get to film my tricks:D 08/08/12 10:08 PM
jakepf: All I want for Christmas is an Olloclip, an Olloclip, oh an Olloclip... 08/08/12 09:52 PM
karlho: This would be dope to have! 08/08/12 10:12 PM
ffm39f: cool............ 08/08/12 06:56 PM
jmcrae: Can i ollie the ollo? 08/08/12 06:12 PM
joseda: I need this manng!! 08/09/12 03:28 PM
Sportz: Thats sooo cool! I love making videos and taking pics, if I won this olleclip would get some really good use. Thanks for the awesome chance 08/09/12 01:52 PM
spitfi: Im a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it!? 08/08/12 07:59 PM
handst: I take photos of cars at work with my iphone I need to get one of these!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/08/12 06:57 PM
cycleh: nice! 08/08/12 06:08 PM
wetwil: Your Comment 08/08/12 10:53 PM
NoDesi: Please pick me! Im really into photography and filming! check my instagram @franklurks. I take it very seriously and this would help alot! 08/08/12 06:53 PM
cooper: lemme get one homie please! 08/10/12 10:39 AM
aznsar: aha, this one time, i really needed to fart so i tried to make it as silence as possible... it was loud and was near the girl i liked :/ 08/09/12 12:21 PM
Lostin: Ollo ollo ollo lemme get it! 08/08/12 07:36 PM
joshua: Id love to up my instagram game with one of those Olloclips! 08/10/12 09:57 AM
jason.: Ollo eh? Anything is better than YOLO. 08/08/12 07:23 PM
robmer: Give it to Porpe, he loses them every time he gets off a plane. 08/08/12 06:04 PM
matthe: Fisheye on my iPhone, thatll make my duck lipped self-shots twice as hot. hanks, guys. 08/08/12 09:17 PM
Laters: word around town... Magnums what fitjereme rogers 08/08/12 06:16 PM
melisa: I need to take more macro photos of bugs doing it. This Ollo Lens would be neato 08/08/12 06:50 PM
jammcc: \m/ 08/08/12 06:27 PM
mrshaw: olloclip is the tits. ask the melch and his fisheye backflip photos. 08/09/12 03:00 PM
godinf: WOW! I need this to make better skating videos! I am in dear need of one!!!!!!!! I can also use it to take fisheye nudes for my girlfriend:) 08/08/12 06:10 PM
Ianb@b: Real tomato ketchup Eddie ??? 08/08/12 07:07 PM
Bgongr: A gymnast walks into a bar and is deducted 2 points which prevents her from winning a medal. 08/08/12 10:32 PM
eudemo: I want to try this product! Thanks 08/09/12 11:51 AM
Jake18: This ollo fisheye clip is the best ever!!! cant wait to get mine! 08/08/12 06:22 PM
Str8ch: Wonder if this makes sketchy tricks cleaner or can i just keep praying 08/09/12 08:07 AM
loserz: let my life become complete! 08/08/12 06:17 PM
sambop: balls deep in anus 08/09/12 08:27 AM
sstarr: Love my olloclip... would be nice to have a 2nd one because someone keeps stealing mine. Lucky for him, hes related to me. 08/09/12 01:28 PM
Chibue: I had a colonscopy. I need something good! 08/08/12 06:10 PM
Zooyor: Skateboarding and iphones would not excist if it wasnt for the olloclip . P.S. Ill make sure to check my email this time if I win!! haha 08/08/12 09:32 PM
collin: im gay 08/08/12 06:09 PM
kingjm: i didnt get that winning email for the last toss! 08/08/12 06:18 PM
Afrene: Must have this!!! Ollo! 08/08/12 07:37 PM
Cs2521: I dont know if I need it, but I gotta have it! 08/09/12 03:13 PM
caleb2: Whats faster then a speeding bullet? A jew with a coupon. lol. 08/08/12 08:26 PM
j.bell: Get my bootleg Chris Ray on 08/09/12 02:06 PM
nckhin: i really want the ollovlip cuz i need it for m phone 08/09/12 11:59 AM
jsmene: Im terrible at bein funny... :( just pretend I said something funny and laugh 08/09/12 10:48 PM
torres: yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 08/08/12 11:19 PM
michae: could use this for the kids 08/08/12 11:06 PM
demsel: 1, 2 I am coming for you, 3, 4 ship it out the door. 5,6 need 2 shoot some pics! 08/08/12 09:37 PM
boardr: need an ollo fisheye to see my bunghole 08/08/12 07:30 PM
Roaste: I had no idea fish rode skateboards, let alone Ollie with their eyes... 08/08/12 06:37 PM
Swit90: OLLOve me some iphone videos! 08/08/12 07:35 PM
chocal: i cant afford a real camara all i have is this iphone i got from my long lost grandfather. 08/09/12 07:23 AM
spitin: Need this to make sweet rap videos on my phone. 08/09/12 02:20 PM
danche: sweet fisheye 08/09/12 11:29 AM
xskate: i just got my first iPHone, so this would be a sick new add on! 08/09/12 08:41 AM
betoma: ollo is so yolo thats what my daughter would say....:( kids these days 08/08/12 06:15 PM
mauric: ill buy an iphone if win this... 08/08/12 11:25 PM
travis: olloclip!!!!! 08/09/12 12:19 AM
lucase: 08/08/12 06:56 PM
btw117: Please let me win this so my son can film some OLD man lazy slopy tricks and show then to his friends and make fun of me. 08/08/12 07:29 PM
Tonype: you da mam 08/10/12 10:47 AM
Switch: I have wanted one of these since I first saw the photos that the good homie @iansane took with it on the instaG! 08/08/12 07:54 PM
design: Ollo rocks!! 08/08/12 07:27 PM
adam.b: my Iphone and instagram wont ever be the same with out it 08/09/12 03:12 AM
mikeso: Cant wait to try this out; Just got an iPhone for the first time 08/08/12 08:54 PM
Jonath: Ive been looking for one of these forever to take pics of my shoes! Hope I win! 08/08/12 06:29 PM
enjoid: Hook a jew up!!! 08/08/12 06:16 PM
u20016: My girlfriend has this its sick and worls really well 08/08/12 11:19 PM
mewile: Now my sheepty pics can be rounder! If its free, it's for me... 08/08/12 06:35 PM
danaed: id use it to make porn! 08/08/12 06:34 PM
Coloss: Stupid ass iPhone fisheye, let me get that... 08/08/12 06:19 PM
Sgogan: Ollo the magic bum 08/08/12 06:09 PM
Johnaw: Ive seen photos taken using the Ollo Clip. Would love to have one. 08/08/12 08:23 PM
dylanm: I need the Olloclip so I could be like Rob Meronek. 08/09/12 10:55 AM
brian.: macro this! 08/09/12 01:00 PM
avery.: man letme get that sheep yo so i can make these fork ass videos 08/08/12 06:11 PM
bedhrm: I would love this to film some rad skate sessions! 08/08/12 07:12 PM
Kurz11: Cant wait to video myself doing an ollo over a gap. 08/10/12 10:04 AM
lpesca: Ollo is AWESOME 08/08/12 06:10 PM

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