Star Wars Art Show at The Bricks
on Monday, April 30, 2012
by Porpe
Photos from Star Wars Art Show at The Bricks
Photos and Words by Porpe
| When the dude checking your ID has his belly hanging out dressed in a Jedi costume with his arm around a fake vampire wearing a Dark Vader mask, you are in for a good time. |
| Wit E Beats was in attendance with his lady wearing some Star Wars gear. |
| Artists from the Tampa Bay area got together and created pieces of art based on the Star Wars movies. Here we have Chewbacca. |
| The real Chewbacca was in attendance. I couldn't really understand what he was saying. |
| To my surprise, Ryan Clements was also in attendance. He was hanging out with Tom, who has a nice tattoo shop right above The Bricks. |
| Chad Cardoza always has a great piece in every art show at The Bricks. |
| This shot that Andrew is pouring up for me was called The Blaster. It consisted of my favorite tequila, Herradura. The other ingredients don't matter. As long as there is Herradura, I will drink it. |
| I don't how many shots Cullen had, but he was getting a little weird with Vamp Vader. |
| Everyone in this photo skates goofy, including Vamp Vader. |
| Thanks to The Bricks for having another great Art Show. I am looking forward to the next one. |