Nerdsday Thursday: Are Skateboarders Quitting?
After seeing the raw data, I thought I'd dig a little deeper. Out of all those kids that were in our top 200 customers in 2006, how many still remained in the top 200 over the years? You would hope that the majority still skates just as much as they always have. Unfortunately not. The following year in 2007, less then 50% of those top 200 skaters are still in the top 200. By 2012, only 19 of them remain. Good lawd what had happened??? 19? That number is so low I'm going to list all the damn names of you: Jake H, Dirt Weasel, Alex P, Alex U, Andreas G, Jack L, Andrew B, Louis S, Jordan P, Baby Drew, Cameron H (now a SPoT employee!), Vincent A (FSEC member), Khristopher D, Matthew M, Dimitri R, Max M, Sean S, Nicholas B. That's only 18 because the 19th one is "general customer" that we ring up new people under that aren't in the system yet. Thank you all for sticking with skating and being a part of SPoT and skateboarding for more than five years.