The Bricks & SPoT Ybor 6 Year Anniversary Photos
on Tuesday, July 12, 2016.
Photo by Marino Nicastro.
Skater: Brian Schaefer.
Skater: Brian Schaefer.
The Bricks and SPoT Ybor did it and made it another year, 6 years in the books! We had a great staff with us and even greater day ahead of us. Bands, booze and good times!
Brian Schaefer
Age: 53
Hometown: Tampa, FL, USA
Stance: Goofy
Status: Am
Notes: Schaefer started this place in 1993 and lived here while it got off the ground. Then he went and started a bar in Ybor called The Bricks. Find him there and he'll most likely buy you a beer and then bus your table.
Sponsors: Skatepark of Tampa Party Team, The Bricks