Valentine's Day Massacre / SPoT EOTM January 2016
on Monday, February 15, 2016.
Photo by Aaron Austin.
Skater: Brian Schaefer.
Skater: Brian Schaefer.
Schaefer likes to have a good time. He always makes things exciting—even flipping burgers with Jenny and local dad Danny gets wild. We had a barbeque and invited everyone out for a video premiere and Employee of the Month party, and even had David Gravette and Robby Brockel from C1RCA hanging out for the Valentine’s Day Massacre All Ages Contest.
Brian Schaefer
Age: 53
Hometown: Tampa, FL, USA
Stance: Goofy
Status: Am
Notes: Schaefer started this place in 1993 and lived here while it got off the ground. Then he went and started a bar in Ybor called The Bricks. Find him there and he'll most likely buy you a beer and then bus your table.
Sponsors: Skatepark of Tampa Party Team, The Bricks