A Near Decade of Spring Rolling
on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 05:07 PM
by Rob
Let's take a look at some favorite moments from over the years at SPoT Spring Roll Contests:
- 2004: Celebrities on the mic sitting on you and baby Clint Beswick.
- 2005: Champion Goonie and Baby Drew, ripping back then and still today.
- 2006: Evan Smith skated it and of course, won it.
- 2007: Mongolian BBQ seems to be less of a problem these days and Porpe was just a humble little DJ.
- 2008: Cliffdiver Take a Poops and TP Trophies.
- 2009: Ava, come back and skate and Big Al, come back and cast judgement.
- 2010: Bull bongs and Piro winning everything.
- 2011: Daewon was here and he's coming back again this weekend.
- 2012: The 2012 Spring Roll Presented by DVS and Matix is this weekend so make your own memories by signing up here. Daewon Song, Torey Pudwill, Luis Tolentino, and Mike Anderson will all be here.