AmsterDamn Am is a Wrap, Like a Blunt Wrap
on Sunday, July 08, 2012 09:50 AM
by Rob
Axel Cruysberghs shut it down and won AmsterDamn Am today.
Get the full results here: AmsterDamn Am 2012 Presented by Volcom.
Everyone was killing it in a great Finals. Check out Alex Midler's backside flip 270 lipslide. Wow. In unrelated and totally non-skateboarding fashion, I have another cell phone edit from Amsterdam involving Porpe, HiDefJoe, and I on substances not legal in our country. We'll have full coverage of the Contest after we fly back home and recover. For now, check out Youness Amrani's kickflip manual to feeble on the rail during Best Trick, which he won. Get Best Trick results here.