Registration is full for Damn Am coming up at the end of the month. I've been checking out a lot of video footage from random people trying to get their unknown riders in. Most of them are terrible, especially the ones sent in by moms, but a few are completely ripping. This guy Mossimo finishes off a line with a kickflip backside noseblunt slide on a bench. Wow. Check it: Who dat??? Mossimo is Awesomo. Here's another one: Who dat??? Moose. This dude's ender is a backside kickflip 360 off a loading dock bump that was perfect. There's about five or six other good ones like that so it's going to be a good Contest in a couple weeks. I wish I could publish the pile of skateboard resumes I have here. It's ridiculous. Parents, here's a tip. If you make your stink bug grabbing kid a skateboard resume, he's doomed from the get go. Please don't do that.