Goombas Made Him Take Newspaper Photos
Way back in '02, Schaefer ran through the crowd naked with flesh colored women's underwear on, made some kid put panties with skid marks in his mouth for free skate stuff, and sat full blown nekkid spread eagle for the dunk tank at the 2002 Make-A-Wish Texas Skate Jam. I was still using a point and shoot back then so those photos are pretty terrible, not that ones today are any better. Anyway, I wasn't on the trip this year, but it sure seemed pretty tame compared to times past. Can we all ungrow up just a little? Coverage from the weekend is here: Porpe's story and Derewenko's photos. Stink shot some good street photos, but at the event, looks like Goombas got in his way. Clem also shot a bunch of chill shots. RIP Johnny Romano.