Jul 5 2005 3:50PM
on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 03:50 PM
by Rob
Well they have "real street" now and I definitely want to see that super gargantuan mega collosal skateboard human cannonball launcher thing in person, so I'll be at the XGames on August 4th taking photos and counting how many times I hear the word "xtreme." Watch for coverage here on the site as long as I don't get denied everywhere I go. Ryan Clements is going to stay in Tampa to make sure we get kicked out of yet another Warped Tour event that weekend. Brian Schaefer is available to go, but he's resisting. Help me out and send an email to Brian Schaefer saying, "Brian, please go with Rob to the XGames. He will not have as much fun if you're not there." Thanks.