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Meetings Make The Bid'niss World Go Round

Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 09:00 AM by Rob

Serious bid'ni$$ went down in our weekly SPoT employee meeting yesterday. In our SPoTlight meeting prior to that, we had to figure out what to do about Quiksilver bailing out of the Reese Forbes High Ollie Challenge last minute. It was supposed to be at ASR later this month. Recessions apparently make the waves go down, too. We have four new employees: Adam K taking product photos, Adam J taking care of inventory, Jeff in the Snack Bar, and Josh in the Shop. Say what's up. Frosty says the Big Ass Fan is busted and will be back to decapitating kids soon. Cara in the Snack Bar wants to know who broke all the pool sticks. Keep an eye out. Bristol says the last remaining inliner on Earth comes to SPoT and is causing trouble in the Shop. He and his busted chick attempted to bring baseball bats in and get all gangsta. Kelly says learn your alphabet because the shirts in the Shop are now in alphabetical order. Keep them in check. Schaefer said something about a tattoo convention which reminded me of the worst selling graphic in SPoT history. Red Bull Sarah left us cookies for the meeting. Thanks, but we're used to much better. Altamont, Emerica, eS, and Etnies had a sales contest with Shop employees. Wizard Smoke and Ternell each won $100. Ternell also won the Gift Card selling contest we had in the Shop. He gets a flight to ASR. Until next week...

No Shipping, Eh Maybe I'll Finally Get One

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