Nerdsday Thursday: 120 Pros That Skated Damn Am
This week on Nerdsday Thursday, I'm looking at all the skaters who have skated Damn Am over the years that have gone pro. From Nerdsday a few weeks back, we know there has been 5,239 Damn Am contest placings consisting of 1,655 unique skaters. Just over 7% of those 1,655 skaters have gone on to a legit pro career in skateboarding. The list includes three Thrasher Skaters of the Year (Grant Taylor, David Gonzales, and Leo Romero) plus many of today's top pros. I can't belive how we've been able to meet over 120 of today's pros as they were kids coming up and skating contests like Damn Am for the fun and friendships you form at events like that. Take a look at this amazing list of pros that have skated Damn Am. Who's skating Damn Am right now that will be on this list in the future? We'll see. Hit me up to register for upcoming Damn Ams at