I've been trapped in the ASS (Asian Sweat Shop - online order packing) for four days. Thanks to everyone who got in on the sale this weekend. You have one more day to try to win limited edition Circa shoes and a Skateboard Mag subscription: The Skateboard Mag and C1RCA Online Product Toss. Copying ideas is what makes the sketchy skateboard business world go round, so we have limited shoes, too: . We're giving some away on the site as soon as I can find time to make another quiz thing. If you're a Nike fan, come into the Shop to check out a bunch of stuff we're not selling online yet, limited of course. Shoes and apparel remain as one of the last few segments of the skate industry that has a decent profit margin. With so many local shops able to easily make cheaper shop decks on their own, it's getting harder and harder for board companies to make it. Rasa Libre is the latest to go down. Sorry to hear that. Their press release reminds me of when we had to let Far East go. It sure sucks ending a business you started with your friends.