Sunday Morning Coming Down
Booze Cruise photos and video are coming up after Durke writes the captions for me. After Friday night's sauce assault, I did not have it in me to repeat on Saturday night. I woke up early on Sunday and joined the 12 and Under Session at the Park. Old ass dudes like Schaefer, Durke, and I are excused and allowed in the session as long as we help with lessons and teaching the kids. I took a few photos during our fun morning with the innocent skateboarders. What an amazing age in life. These kids don't care if Sheckler or Dyrdek or Guy Mariano is cool or not and it doesn't annoy them that someone who wears "beat people up clothing" still has a career in skateboarding. Don't ever grow up, kids. I'm still trying to figure out how to trick myself into thinking like they do. Being a skateboarder sure helps with that.