TBT John Rattray "Waiting for the World"
It takes a great mind to present anything in a new and worthwhile way no matter what the field, and due to the genius of John Rattray, what he did with his skateboard arrested our attention from the start. His approach had a perfect blend of rawness and technicality, paired with a style that can best be described as one that made the viewer wish it was their own, at least thatâs how it always was for me. Back in 2000, when he still lived in the UK and before he was co-opted by the Zero squad, Rattray was at the forefront of what was and still is uniquely awesome about the British skate scene, and this part offers up an especially great look at it. Soak it in and then head over to Sidewalkmag.com for some more background and an interview with the people that gave it to us.