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Andre Genovesi

Andre Genovesi

Hometown: Newport Beach, CA, USA

Stance: Regular

Status: Am


Sponsors: Hurley International, Diamond, Royal, Val Surf,Hosoi Skates, Hosoi Rockets, Sambazon Acai, Nixon

Last Update: Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Andre Genovesi PHOTOS

Make-A-Wish Texas Sk
November 2004
San Diego Sports Are
November 2004
San Diego Sports Are
November 2004
Bling Fest Rail Chal
October 2004

RECENT NEWS ON Andre Genovesi

October 14, 2009
Posted by Rob
Hosoi Skates and Diamond have teamed up for Andre's pro mod...

Hosoi Skates and Diamond have teamed up for Andre's pro model.

Andre Genovesi COVERAGE

Full Page, Advertisement: Switch kickflip crooks sequence down a 6 stair handrail for a Royal ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Royal
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch kickflip crooks sequence down a 6 stair handrail for a Royal ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Royal
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a bump over a flat rail for a Hosoi ad. .
Photo by Joe Krolick
Company: Hosoi Skates
Two Page, Editorial: Switch ollie over a street gap for the Andre Genovesi Interview..
Photo by Heverton Ribeiro
Two Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip down a 3 flat 3 double set and a sidewalk for the Andre Genovesi Interview..
Photo by Heverton Ribeiro
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie frontside heelflip over a flat rail for the Andre Genovesi Interview..
Photo by Heverton Ribeiro
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Andre Genovesi Interview..
Photo by Heverton Ribeiro
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside noseslide on a bump to metal box for the Howl feature..
Photo by Heverton Ribeiro
Full Page, Editorial: Switch flip over a flat rail to drop for the How To feature..
Photo by Chris Ortiz
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap to back tailslide on a flat rail for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Company: Hurley International
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap to back tailslide on a flat rail for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Company: Hurley International
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap to back tailslide on a flat rail for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Company: Hurley International
Full Page, Advertisement: Nollie backside heelflip off a loading dock bump for a Royal ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip over a fence gap for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie heelflip sequence on flat over a picnic table for the Heads feature..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Editorial: Switch crooked grind on a 5 stair set ledge for the Heads feature..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip over a fence gap for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Front Cover, Editorial: Switch flip over a handicap bump to bar for the Cover..
Photo by Heverton Ribeiro
Full Page, Advertisement: Nollie backside heelflip off a loading dock bump for a Royal ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a bump for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a bump for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 flip sequence over a bump to grass gap for the Curtains feature..
Photo by Peterson
Full Page, Editorial: Backside carve over a light in a full pipe for the Going Nutz in Hawaii article..
Photo by Peterson
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside 180 over a 9 stair rail for the Going Nutz in Hawaii article..
Photo by Peterson
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip over a sawhorse off a loading dock bump for a Royal ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip over a sawhorse off a loading dock bump for a Royal ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch flip crooked grind to forward sequence on a ledge into a bank for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch flip crooked grind to forward sequence on a ledge into a bank for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie backside heelflip sequence over a bench for the Squawkbox feature..
Photo by Unknown
Half Page, Editorial: Fakie 5-0 sequence on a handrail for the Small Talk section..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside flip over a bar gap for the Departments section..
Photo by Dawes
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside flip sequence over a bump to fence for the Howl feature..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Editorial: Switch flip backside tail slide shuv it out sequence on a bench back for the Dreamers and Warriors article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie heel flip sequence on flat over a bench for the Dreamers and Warriors article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Switch back heel down a big four for the Dreamers and Warriors article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside ollie over a fence gap for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Backside flip sequence down a gap for the Crops feature..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside 180 (?) over a fence gap for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Portraits for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Switch heel flip sequence over a long flat gap for the Honey Badgers and Snow Chickens article..
Photo by Dawes
Full Page, Advertisement: Fakie ollie switch crooks sequence for a Royal ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside flip over a bump to rail sequence for the Origins section..
Photo by Dave Swift
Full Page, Advertisement: Fakie ollie switch crook on a rail sequence for a Royal ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Switch flip for an Interview feature..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside 180 a fence sequence for an Interview feature..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Editorial: Gap to backside tailslide for an Interview feature..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for an interview opening..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie halfcab kickflip on bank for article..
Photo by Peterson
Two Page, Editorial: Switch flip over a bump to fence - Goin' Am article..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Unknown


Matix Lord of the Lines Ledge Alley Qualifiers, Saturday, January 26, 2008, placed 16 out of 19 skaters.
Etnies Goofy vs Regular 2005 - Team Regular, Friday, October 21, 2005, placed 12 out of 16 skaters.
Tampa Am 2005 Sunday Street Semi-Finals, Sunday, January 23, 2005, placed 34 out of 34 skaters.
Tampa Am 2005 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 21, 2005, placed 10 out of 107 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2003 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, October 25, 2003, placed 47 out of 103 skaters.

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