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Andrew Allen

Andrew Allen

Age: 38

Hometown: San Juan Capistrano, CA, USA

Stance: Regular

Status: Pro


Sponsors: Hockey Skateboards, Spitfire, Vans, Roughneck Hardware, Independent, Pepper, Garage Skate Shop

Last Update: Tuesday, September 24, 2024


August 14, 2010
Posted by Rob
Thrasher has Andrew's full part from Prevent This Trajedy: ...

Thrasher has Andrew's full part from Prevent This Trajedy:

December 15, 2009
Posted by Rob
Thrasher has footage of Andrew as a teaser for his Prevent ...

Thrasher has footage of Andrew as a teaser for his Prevent This Tragedy part.

August 31, 2009
Posted by Rob
Andrew has an interview at Slap and just turned pro for Ant...

Andrew has an interview at Slap and just turned pro for Anti-Hero.

Andrew Allen COVERAGE

Two Page, Editorial: Boardslide on a longboard for the Anti Hero KOTR..
Photo by Xeno
Two Page, Advertisement: Front board on a jersey barrier for an Anti Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip down a 8 stair double set for the Vans China article..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick in a bowl for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick in a bowl for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Editorial: Wallie over a planter gap for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside boardslide sequence on a 4 block hubba for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside noseslide down a 10 stair hubba for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: frontside noseblunt to pop in sequence on a bank ledge for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Backside boardslide down a handicap rail for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Switch bigspin flip sequence down a 6 stair doubleset for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside nosegrind down a 9 stair hubba for the NBD article..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Backside crooked grind down a 11 stair handrail for the Versus section..
Photo by O'Meally
Full Page, Editorial: Backside noseslide pop over to manual sequence on a flat rail to bank to sidewalk for the Anit-Hero Freestyle Pickin' article. .
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down 5 stairs and a sidewalk for an Anti-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside flip sequence down a 4 flat 4 double set for a Spitfire ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Spitfire
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a curb cut to flat ledge for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a curb cut to flat ledge for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a curb cut to flat ledge for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch front smith down a 6 stair handrail for an Independent ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Independent
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside nosegrind frontside 180 out sequence on a flat ledge to 7 stair drop for the Riot In The Streets, Vans In Cyprus article. .
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside boardslide down a hubba for the Riot In The Streets, Vans In Cyprus article. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a gap and into a bank for the Riot In The Streets, Vans In Cyprus article. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie over a bump to flat rail for the Basic Instinct article. .
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crooks on a flat ledge over grass for an Anti-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside 180 nosegrind down a 10 stair hubba for the Little Car Big Vacation article. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Editorial: Switch ollie down 9 stairs and into a bank beside 78 stairs for the Prevent This Tragedy article..
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip down a 5 flat 5 double set for the Prevent This Tragedy article..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Editorial: Backside boardslide on a street flatbar for the Prevent This Tragedy article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie heelflip sequence down 4 stairs and into a banked pool for the Epic Spots feature. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip to fakie on a ditch bank for an Anti-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside 5-0 down an 8 stair hubba for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside 5-0 down an 8 stair hubba for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside 5-0 down an 8 stair hubba for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside 5-0 down an 8 stair hubba for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Full Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide shove it out sequence on a Skatepark ban for The Honeymoon's Over article..
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 180 fakie nosegrind on a 6 stair hubba for the Crops feature..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Backside noseslide pop-over on a flat ledge for the "How You Goin'?" "I Go All Right!" article..
Photo by O'Meally
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside noseslide down a long 4 stair handrail for the "How You Goin'?" "I Go All Right!" article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside noseblunt slide on a ditch bank to ledge for the Arroyo Royale article..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crooks down an 8 stair handrail for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crooks down an 8 stair handrail for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crooks down an 8 stair handrail for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crooks down an 8 stair handrail for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside nosegrind half cab out sequence down a 7 stair hubba for the Andrew Allen Interview..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside shove it over a 22 stair handrail into a bank for the Andrew Allen Interview..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside 5-0 down a 9 stair hubba for the Andrew Allen Interview..
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Editorial: Unnamed trick off a ledge over a flat rail for the Website page..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an Anti Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip into a street bank for an Anti Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Editorial: Bail photo for the Subscribe page..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside nosegrind down a 7 stair hubba for a Vans ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Vans
Two Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide in a backyard pool for the Andrew Allen Interview..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Editorial: Backside boardslide on a curved flat ledge for the Andrew Allen Interview..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Editorial: Backside flip sequence off a bump into a bank for the Andrew Allen Interview..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 50-50 on a bank to flat rail for the Andrew Allen Interview..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip backside noseslide sequence down a ditch bank for a Spitfire ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Spitfire
Half Page, Editorial: Frontside 5-0 on a street bank behind Van Wastell for the Van Wastell Remembered article..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside nosegrind in a Skatepark pool for an Anti Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside crooks down a 7 stair hubba for the Crops feature..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside big spin flip sequence off a bump over a flat gap for an Anti Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside big spin flip sequence off a bump over a flat gap for an Anti Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Editorial: Blunt to fakie on a bank to ledge for the Shalom, Bitches! article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a handrail into a bank for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a handrail into a bank for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a handrail into a bank for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Half Page, Editorial: Back tail across a 3 stair ledge for the Anti Hero Off Radar article..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Feeble grind on a jersey barrier for the In N' Out feature..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip sequence into a bank for the Young at Heart article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside nosegrind half cab out pop over sequence on a rail into a bank for an Anti-Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside nosegrind half cab out pop over sequence on a rail into a bank for an Anti-Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Two Page, Advertisement: Front blunt on a bank to ledge for a Vans ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Front blunt on a bank to ledge for a Vans ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Front blunt on a bank to ledge for a Vans ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Front blunt on a bank to ledge for a Vans ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Vans
Two Page, Editorial: Tail drop kickflip sequence into a bank for the Spot Book article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Full Page, Editorial: Tail drop sequence into a bank for the Iron Arm Allen article..
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 5-0 on a 12 stair rail for the Iron Arm Allen article..
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Switch flip over a roof gap for the Iron Arm Allen article..
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a roof into a bank for an Anti-Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Roll-in off a roof into a bank for the Hello Egg Sandwich article..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie over a guard rail into a bank for the Hello Egg Sandwich article..
Photo by Joe Brook
Full Page, Editorial: Backside disaster on a bank to ledge for the Photo Feature section..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a roof into a bank for an Anti-Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Gap kickflip sequence into a ditch for the New Jack article..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Front rock in a bowl extension for the New Jack article..
Photo by Price
Full Page, Editorial: Switch flip over a street gap for the New Jack article..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Varial heelflip sequence over a dirt gap for the New Jack article..
Photo by Price
Full Page, Editorial: Switch gap to frontside boardslide on an 11 stair rail for the New Jack article..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Wallie into a bank for the New Jack article..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside noseblunt slide on a bank for the New Jack article..
Photo by Price
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the New Jack article..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside big spin sequence down a 4 flat 4 double set for the Weekdays are Weak article..
Photo by Price
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside crailblock and a backside crailblock on a quarter for the Either/Or feature..
Photo by Joe Krolick
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside bluntslide on a bench for the Song Remains the Same article..
Photo by Skin
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch back heel down a 7 stair set for a Vans ad..
Photo by Peterson


Damn Am Costa Mesa 2006 Friday Qualifiers, Friday, October 27, 2006, placed 63 out of 80 skaters.
Tampa Am 2006 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Saturday, January 28, 2006, placed 104 out of 106 skaters.
Tampa Am 2005 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 21, 2005, placed 106 out of 107 skaters.
Tampa Am 2004 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 23, 2004, placed 83 out of 97 skaters.
Tampa Am 2003 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Saturday, January 18, 2003, placed 90 out of 99 skaters.

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