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Austin Stephens

Austin Stephens

Hometown: Corona, CA, USA

Stance: Regular

Status: Pro



Last Update: Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Austin Stephens COVERAGE

Quarter Page, Editorial: Wallie bank to electrical box for the Drinking Ze Beer Of Ze Girls article..
Photo by Price
Company: RVCA
Two Page, Editorial: Backside wallride off a bump to wall for the Crops section. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 180 off a bank and over a gap for a Dekline ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Dekline
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 180 off a bank and over a gap for a Dekline ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Dekline
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 180 off a bank and over a gap for a Dekline ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Dekline
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a fence to drop for a RVCA ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: RVCA
Two Page, Editorial: Wallie off a bank over a road work ahead sign for the John Bradford Portfolio article. .
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Editorial: Gap to frontside tailslide down a 9 stair hubba for the Eastbound And Down article. .
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip over a bank to flat bar for a Dekline ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Dekline
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside smith grind down a handicapped rail for the Austin Stephens interview. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Editorial: Wallie off a banked wall to drop for the Austin Stephens interview. .
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Front shove wallride sequence on a banked hubba for the Austin Stephens interview. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Two Page, Editorial: Backside blunt slide on a jersey barrier over a flat gap for the Austin Stephens interview. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a 12 flat 10 double set handrail into a bank for the Austin Stephens interview. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Austin Stephens interview. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Editorial: Feeble pop-out on a ditch bank to wall for the For Dayz In Vegas article. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a loading dock bank to bank and a pallet for a RVCA ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: RVCA
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a RVCA ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: RVCA
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 5-0 on a bump to flat ledge for the Ask The Dirt article. .
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Editorial: Gap to frontside lipslide sequence on a dirt gap to ledge for the feature. .
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside boardslide on a bump to flat rail for a Dekline ad..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Company: Dekline
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Dekline ad..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Company: Dekline
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a bump to bump sidewalk gap for the Focus feature..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 on a flat rail for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Toy Machine
Two Page, Editorial: Backside crooks on a bank to flat ledge for the Pro Spotlight interview..
Photo by Trinh
Two Page, Editorial: Backside wallride off a bump over a ledge for the Pro Spotlight interview..
Photo by Trinh
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside smith on a bank to flat rail for the Pro Spotlight interview..
Photo by Trinh
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 5-0 on a bump to flat rail for the Pro Spotlight interview..
Photo by Trinh
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip off a bank over a flat gap for the Pro Spotlight interview..
Photo by Trinh
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie over a guard rail into a bank for the Pro Spotlight interview..
Photo by Trinh
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 50-50 up a sloped up ledge for the Pro Spotlight interview..
Photo by Trinh
Full Page, Editorial: 3 flip across a street gap for the Pro Spotlight interview..
Photo by Trinh
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Pro Spotlight interview..
Photo by Trinh
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie off a bump over a sidewalk gap and newspaper stand for a Dekline ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie off a bump over a sidewalk gap and newspaper stand for a Dekline ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside smith down a handicapped rail for the Inconvenience of Murder article..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip off a ledge into a bank for the Inconvenience of Murder article..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside feeble on a bank to flat bar for a RVCA ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: RVCA
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a RVCA ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: RVCA
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside feeble on a bank to flat bar for a RVCA ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: RVCA
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a RVCA ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: RVCA
Full Page, Editorial: Backside flip on a street bank for the Gaze In Spain article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie off a ledge, over a gap and into a bank for the Gaze In Spain article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Skate Anatomy feature..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie off a bump over a flat rail for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Toy Machine
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie off a bump over a flat rail for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Toy Machine
Full Page, Editorial: Backside kickflip on a street bank for the What I Did On My Summer Vacation with RVCA article..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Volume feature..
Photo by Trinh
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a pole jam to 4 stair drop for a Beloe ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Beloe Footwear
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a pole jam to 4 stair drop for a Beloe ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Beloe Footwear
Full Page, Advertisement: Kickflip backside wallride on a street bank to wall over a channel for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Company: Toy Machine
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip backside wallride on a street bank to wall over a channel for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Company: Toy Machine
Full Page, Editorial: Smith grind on a ledge for the RVCA Russia article..
Photo by Adam Conway
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over a loading dock rail for the Mild Ride article..
Photo by Adam Conway
Two Page, Advertisement: Crail grab wallride over a bank to wall gap for a RVCA ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: RVCA
Two Page, Advertisement: Crail grab wallride over a bank to wall gap for a RVCA ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: RVCA
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie up to gap to backside tailslide on an upledge for the Lurkfest article..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Editorial: Shifty ollie over a bank to bar for the Fighting Grizzly Bears article..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Blunt fakie on a bank for the Fighting Grizzly Bears article..
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Beloe ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Pole jam into a bank for the Austin Stephens Interview article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside boardslide on a flat bar into a bank for the Austin Stephens Interview article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside boardslide sequence on a flat bar into a bank for the Austin Stephens Interview article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Two Page, Editorial: Gap to frontside nosegrind on a handicap bump to rail for the Austin Stephens Interview article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over a handrail and stair gap for the Austin Stephens Interview article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Austin Stephens Interview article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside boardslide backside 270 out sequence on a hubba for the Blog Drama article..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 5-0 gap out on an 8 stair hubba for the Whole Lot to do About Nothing article..
Photo by Gaberman
Full Page, Advertisement: Crailslide on a brick bank for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Crailslide on a brick bank for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Varial flip of a loading dock bump for the Wild Life article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip into a bank for the Wild Life article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Advertisement: Crailslide on a brick bank for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Editorial: Backside crailslide in a pool for the Photo Feature section..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside tailslide on a 9 stair rail for a Rvca ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide frontside revert sequence on a bank for the Suffer the Joy article..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside tailslide on a 9 stair rail for a Rvca ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip (?) on a bank for the Light of Day article..
Photo by Peterson
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Last Words feature..
Photo by Trinh
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside crailslide and a backside crailslide for the Either/Or feature..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Advertisement: Pole jam backside 180 sequence for a Rvca ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside 180 pole jam sequence for a RVCA ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Kickflip a water gap for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Crail grab wallride on a bump to wall for the Text and Violence article..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Advertisement: Back smith on a bump to ledge for an Emerica ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Kickflip a water gap for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Unknown
Back Cover, Advertisement: Back smith on a bump to ledge for an Emerica ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Backside grap shifty over a hip for the Outside the Law article..
Photo by O'Meally
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside bluntslide backside 180 out sequence on bank for the Search For Burk Uzzle In Far Off Lands article..
Photo by O'Meally
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside flip on a bank for a Toy Machine ad..
Photo by Unknown


Tampa Am 2002 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 18, 2002, placed 62 out of 93 skaters.
Tampa AM 2001 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 19, 2001, placed 56 out of 107 skaters.

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