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Chad Tim Tim

Chad Tim Tim

Hometown: Newport Beach, CA, USA

Stance: Goofy

Status: Pro


Sponsors: Element Boards, Clothes, Wheels, Dekline, Glassy Sunhaters, Silver Trucks, Golden State Goods Shop

Last Update: Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chad Tim Tim PHOTOS

Manny Mania Miami
August 2009


February 17, 2014
Posted by Chris
June 06, 2012
Posted by Rob
More smoothness from Chad ending in a switch wallie crooks ...

More smoothness from Chad ending in a switch wallie crooks on his Firing Line:

June 05, 2012
Posted by Rob
Holy crap, Chad's part is insane and ends with a switch bac...

Holy crap, Chad's part is insane and ends with a switch back smith bigspin out jaw dropper.

September 26, 2011
Posted by Luc
Element - Chad Tim Tim Travel Well Cruiser.


Full Page, Advertisement: Switch backside tailslide on a bench to rail for an Active ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Active
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch back smith down a 7 stair handrail for a Dekline ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Dekline
Two Page, Editorial: Switch ollie over a street gap for the Inca Trail article..
Photo by Gaberman
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch ollie over a bump to bar for a Dekline ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Dekline
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside crooked grind down a 7 stair handrail for the Underdogs Surprise No one article..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Full Page, Editorial: Gap to switch backside crooked grind down a 3 flat 4 double set handrail for the Contents page..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside crooks on a curb cut to flat rail for a Dekline ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Dekline
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch nosegrind 180 out on a flat ledge to drop for an Active ad. .
Photo by Dragonette
Company: Active
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip off a bump and over an electrical box between two poles for The Road To Nowhere article. .
Photo by Gaberman
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside tailslide backside big spin out sequence for the Focus feature. .
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside heelflip down a 4 flat 4 double set for an Element ad. .
Photo by Gaberman
Company: Element
Full Page, Editorial: Switch flip over a bump to flat bar for the Squawk Box feature. .
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Editorial: Gap to backside tailslide gap out on a flat ledge for the Never Leaving Las Vegas article. .
Photo by Gaberman
Two Page, Editorial: Switch crooks pop-over on a bump to flat bar for the Never Leaving Las Vegas article. .
Photo by Gaberman
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a bank to bank loading dock gap for an Element ad. .
Photo by Gaberman
Company: Element
Two Page, Editorial: Backside lipslide up a curved up-ledge for the Roll Call feature. .
Photo by Gaberman
Two Page, Editorial: 360 flip sequence on a bank to bank (rocks) gap for the Roll Call feature. .
Photo by Gaberman
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Roll Call feature. .
Photo by Gaberman
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over to frontside blunt slide on a flat ledge to 5 stair drop for the Roll Call feature. .
Photo by Gaberman
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a bank to bank loading dock gap for an Element ad. .
Photo by Gaberman
Company: Element
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside overcrooks backside 180 out on a bank to flat rail for the Firing Line feature. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down a 4 flat 3 double set for an Element ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Element
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside flip over a hip for an Element ad..
Photo by Gaberman
Company: Element
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside flip over a hip for an Element ad..
Photo by Gaberman
Company: Element
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a bank to bank gap for an Element ad..
Photo by Gaberman
Company: Element
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a bank to bank gap for an Element ad..
Photo by Gaberman
Company: Element
Full Page, Editorial: Backside powerslide to backside lipslide sequence on a manual pad to flat ledge for the Focus feature..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Editorial: Switch wallride to regular on a street bank to wall for the Chad Tim Tim Interview..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside heelflip over a loading dock gap for the Chad Tim Tim Interview..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside bluntslide to backside 180 nosegrind sequence on a flat bar to curb for the Chad Tim Tim Interview..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside tailslide backside 270 out sequence on a curved ledge for the Chad Tim Tim Interview..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Switch ollie off a bump and over a tree trunk for the Chad Tim Tim Interview..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip off a bump over a gap and fire hydrant for the Chad Tim Tim Interview..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide 360 shove it out sequence on a flat ledge over a gap to drop for the Chad Tim Tim Interview..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside noseblunt slide on a flat ledge to 5 stair drop for the Sixty Seconds feature..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Volume feature..
Photo by Chami
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside flip off a ledge and over a gap for an Element ad..
Photo by Gaberman
Company: Element
Two Page, Editorial: Switch back smith on a ledge for the Timbre feature..
Photo by Gaberman
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an Element ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Element
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside wallride and a backside wallride on a bank to wall for the Either/Or feature..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Skate Anatomy feature..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside air in a fountain for the Never Never Land article..
Photo by Trinh
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside pop shuv sequence over a flat gap for an Element ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crook on a vending machine ledge for an Element ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crook on a vending machine ledge for an Element ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crook on a ledge for an Element ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a flat gap for an Insight ad..
Photo by Gary Gorrow
Half Page, Editorial: Switch backside tailslide backside 270 out sequence on a ledge for the Squawkbox feature..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a bump to sawhorse for an Element ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a bump to sawhorse for an Element ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Switch heel down a four flat four double set for the California Weirdo article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie ollie switch crooked grind sequence on a bench back for the California Weirdo article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside bluntslide transfer on a flat rail into a bank for the California Weirdo article..
Photo by Trinh
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the California Weirdo article..
Photo by Trinh
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside heelflip sequence over a long flat gap for the California Weirdo article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie heelflip a loading dock gap for the California Weirdo article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside big spin bluntslide, frontside out sequence over a bank hip for the California Weirdo article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backs smith on a flat rail for the California Weirdo article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Full Page, Editorial: Backside lipslide up shuv it in sequence on an escalator bank for the California Weirdo article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside wallride on a bank to wall for an Insight ad..
Photo by Ben Sullivan
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 180 nosegrind come in forward sequence on a bank for the Crops feature..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Next Month feature..
Photo by Randy
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside 180 a long gap for a Time to Shine ad..
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie half cab heel on a bank for the It's Finally Time article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside 180 a flat gap for a Time to Shine ad..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch backside 180 a flat gap for A Time to Shine ad..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 270 ollie nosegrind to forward sequence on a bank for the Year of Chad article..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Editorial: Switch back lip on a 7 stair rail for the Year of Chad article..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Editorial: Switch crook half cab flip out sequence on a picnic table for the Year of Chad article..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Editorial: Switch front crook on a bank to ledge for the Year of Chad article..
Photo by John Bradford
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Year of Chad article..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip (?) over a bump to rail for an Insight ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie heelflip off a loading dock bump for the Tapping the Rockies article..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch flip over a bump to trash can for an Accel. ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie backside heel flip sequence on flat for the Trick Tips feature..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie backside heel flip off a loading dock ramp for the Trick Tips feature..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch flip over a bump to trash can for an Accel ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie heel flip over a bar gap sequence for the How To feature..
Photo by Chris Ortiz
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside 180 fakie 5-0 on a bank to bench sequence for a Popwar ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside 180 fakie 5-0 on a bank to bench sequence for a Popwar ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside 180 heel for the Foto feature..
Photo by Peterson
Full Page, Editorial: Backside kickflip bump to street gap for article..
Photo by Joe Brook


Tampa AM 2001 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 19, 2001, placed 32 out of 107 skaters.

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