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Chris Pfanner

Chris Pfanner

Age: 40

Hometown: Kennelbach, Austria, AUT

Stance: Goofy

Status: Pro


Sponsors: Vans, Spitfire, Thunder, Anti-Hero, Volcom, Nixon, Eastpack

Last Update: Friday, January 08, 2016

Chris Pfanner PHOTOS

Pang, Amber Alert, C
June 2011

Sometimes a great
June 2011
After seeing all the
October 2010
Chill Time and Skate
June 2010
Copenhagen Pro 2007
July 2007
Copenhagen Pro 2007
July 2007
Copenhagen Pro 2007
July 2007

RECENT NEWS ON Chris Pfanner

July 02, 2012
Posted by Rob

Damn, check Chris' frontside 180 over this bank gap:

May 20, 2012
Posted by Rob

Catch Chris and homies in Thrasher's Week in Dubai:

December 19, 2011
Posted by Luc
Double Rock Drive-By: Antihero.
December 16, 2011
Posted by Luc
Firing Line: Chris Pfanner.
July 13, 2011
Posted by D.B.
Chris Pfanner has been killing it for some time now, so it'...
Chris Pfanner has been killing it for some time now, so it's no surprise Anti-Hero turned him pro. Check out his gnarly introduction video below. There's also some footage from his Anti-Hero cohorts thrown in as well.
Chris Pfanner Post by Rob
March 18, 2010
Posted by Rob
Spitfire has some new footage of Chris. Make sure to check...

Spitfire has some new footage of Chris. Make sure to check out his other footage on the Deluxe site, too. He's been killing it.

Chris Pfanner COVERAGE

Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip a street gap for the Anti Hero KOTR..
Photo by Xeno
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 360 on a bank for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 5-0 down a 10 stair hubba for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Backside tweaked grab for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside lipslide on a handicap rail for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside flip over a bump to bar for the Pro Spotlight article..
Photo by O'Meally
Front Cover, Editorial: Gap to frontside 5-0 on a 12 stair double set handrail for the cover..
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a street bump for an Anti Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Editorial: Back heel over a street gap for the Tour of Duty article..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Advertisement: 180 transfer sequence on a bank to bank for a Spitfire ad..
Photo by Kyle Camarillo
Company: Spitfire
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie over a bar and into a bank for the Tashkeel Dubai article..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Boardlside on a handicap rail for the Tashkeel Dubai article..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Gap to frontside lipslide sequence down a 11 stair double set handrail for a Volcom ad..
Photo by Morford
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Editorial: Backside boardslide down a 16 stair hubba for the Vans China article..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Advertisement: Gap to frontside lipslide sequence down a 11 stair double set handrail for a Volcom ad..
Photo by Morford
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap to frontside lipslide sequence down a 11 stair double set handrail for a Volcom ad..
Photo by Morford
Company: Volcom
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside air on a quarterpipe for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside lipslide on a long bump to bar for the NBD article. .
Photo by Acosta
Front Cover, Editorial: Frontside 180 through a narrow gate and down a 6 flat 7 double set for the front cover. .
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Advertisement: Backisde 5-0 down a 15 stair hubba for an Anit-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Volcom ad. .
Photo by Jelle Keppens
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 5-0 on a 13 stair handrail for a Volcom ad. .
Photo by Jelle Keppens
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 5-0 on a 13 stair handrail for a Volcom ad. .
Photo by Jelle Keppens
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Editorial: Gap ollie over two 7 stair handrails for the Alternate Reality article..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside smith grind on a bump to bar for the How to Catch Thunder article. .
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 50-50 down a 11 stair hubba wearing an army helmet and bullet proof vest for the Howl section. .
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Fakie ollie over a street gap for an Anti-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip down long grass gap for a Volcom ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip down long grass gap for a Volcom ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie ollie over a double set handrail for the In Photos feature. .
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip down a 4 flat 6 double set for the In Photos feature. .
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Half cab late shove it sequence into a ditch bank for the In Photos feature. .
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside smith on a concrete rainbow bench for the In Photos feature. .
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie over a guard rail into a bank for the In Photos feature. .
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a handicapped rail for an Anti-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a ledge and over a flat gap (MACBA, Parcelona, Spain) for an Anti-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a ledge and over a flat gap (MACBA, Parcelona, Spain) for an Anti-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over a 13 stair handrail into a bank for The Great Outdoors article. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for The Great Outdoors article. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Advertisement: Fakie cab sequence down a big 7 block for a Volcom ad. .
Photo by Antton Miettinen
Company: Volcom
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Volcom ad. .
Photo by Steve Stratton
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside nosegrind on a flat ledge to drop for a Vans ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Full Page, Editorial: Late shove it sequence on a bank over flat and another upwards bank for the Camp Purgatory Lot 187 article..
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie off a ledge and over a sidewalk for an Anti-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Editorial: Straight on 50-50 on a handicapped rail for the Riot In The Streets, Vans In Cyprus article. .
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip to fakie on a bank for the Riot In The Streets, Vans In Cyprus article. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Backside flip across a street gap for the Riot In The Streets, Vans In Cyprus article. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie between two branches of a tree for the Contents page. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip off a ledge and over a falt gap and a ledge for the Die Sometime article. .
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie off a ledge and over a long flat area for the Contents feature. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 180 down 19 stairs for the Somethin' Else feature. .
Photo by Steve Stratton
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a fence to bank for a Vans ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside smith grind down a 4 flat 4 double set handrail for the PHX Am Via Vegas article. .
Photo by Acosta
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 off a loading dock and across a street gap for the PHX Am Via Vegas article. .
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a fence to bank for a Vans ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a fence to bank for a Vans ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a fence to bank for a Vans ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a fence to bank for a Vans ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie over a bump to wall for the Class of 2010 article. .
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a fence to bank for a Vans ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Fakie flip sequence down a big 3 block for a Thunder ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Thunder
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside smith down a long 2 flat 2 flat 2 triple set for an Anti-Hero ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 ollie out down a 7 flat 7 double set hubba for a Volcom ad. .
Photo by Antton Miettinen
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 ollie out sequence down a 7 flat 7 double set hubba for a Volcom ad. .
Photo by Antton Miettinen
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 ollie out sequence and still down a 7 flat 7 double set hubba for a Volcom ad. .
Photo by Antton Miettinen
Company: Volcom
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie over a ledge and down a gap over a sideways set of stairs and a flat rail for the Little Car Big Vacation article. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 down a 7 flat 6 double set for the Little Car Big Vacation article. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over a trash can for the Intro feature..
Photo by Reda
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie to frontside 50-50 off a bank to a flat ledge for The Honeymoon's Over article..
Photo by Ben Colen
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie sequence off a bank and into the shallow end of a Skatepark pool for the Howl feature..
Photo by Ben Colen
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 sequence on a flat ledge to gap out over a sidewalk for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 sequence on a flat ledge to gap out over a sidewalk for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 sequence on a flat ledge to gap out over a sidewalk for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 sequence on a flat ledge to gap out over a sidewalk for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip down a 6 flat 5 double set for the Awkward Handshakes, Anti-Hero Heatstroke Tour article..
Photo by Nagahara
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie ollie down a 5 flat 5 double set for the Chris Pfanner Interview..
Photo by Jelle Keppens
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside lipslide down a 10 stair handrail for the Chris Pfanner Interview..
Photo by Jelle Keppens
Two Page, Editorial: Backside flip off a loading dock bank for the Chris Pfanner Interview..
Photo by Ryan Flynn
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 sequence over a flat gap for the Chris Pfanner Interview..
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip down a 7 flat 6 double set for the Chris Pfanner Interview..
Photo by Leo Sharp
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 360 sequence off a handicapped bank for the Chris Pfanner Interview..
Photo by Ryan Flynn
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 late shove it sequence on a bump to sidewalk gap for the Chris Pfanner Interview..
Photo by Dominic Marley
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Chris Pfanner Interview..
Photo by Ryan Flynn
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip sequence off an overpass into a bank for the Contents page..
Photo by Ryan Flynn
Front Cover, Editorial: Kickflip off an over pass into a bank for the cover..
Photo by Ryan Flynn
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 sequence off a bank across a sidewalk gap to the street for the Beyond article..
Photo by Gaston F.
Two Page, Editorial: Unnamed trick off a street bump for a Vans ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Vans
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie a street gap for the Fastest Escort Service article..
Photo by Mapstone
Half Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Fastest Escort Service article..
Photo by Mapstone
Full Page, Editorial: Fakie flip down a 6 flat 1 double set for the Fastest Escort Service article..
Photo by Mapstone
Two Page, Editorial: Unnamed trick off a street bump for a Vans ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Vans
Two Page, Editorial: Unnamed trick off a street bump for a Vans ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Vans
Two Page, Editorial: Unnamed trick off a street bump for a Vans ad..
Photo by Acosta
Company: Vans
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 sequence over a bump to flat rail handicapped rail for the Ams, Class of 2009 article..
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip sequence over a flat gap for an Anti Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside smith grind down a 13 stair handrail for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip sequence over a flat gap for an Anti Hero ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Anti-Hero
Full Page, Editorial: Late shove it sequence on a bump over a flat rail for the Contents page..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside smith grind down a 13 stair handrail for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside smith grind down a 13 stair handrail for a Vans ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Vans


Copenhagen Pro 2011 Street Finals Presented by DC, Saturday, June 25, 2011, placed 12 out of 12 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2011 Best Trick, Saturday, June 25, 2011, placed 1 out of 5 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2011 Street Qualifiers, Friday, June 24, 2011, placed 8 out of 29 skaters.
Maloof Money Cup 2010 Pro Street Qualifiers Saturday, Saturday, August 07, 2010, placed 10 out of 17 skaters.
Maloof Money Cup 2010 Pro Street Qualifiers New York City, Saturday, June 05, 2010, placed 17 out of 45 skaters.
Vans WSR07 Rotterdam Street Finals, Sunday, July 29, 2007, placed 6 out of 10 skaters.
Vans WSR07 Rotterdam Street Semi-Finals, Sunday, July 29, 2007, placed 2 out of 40 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2007 Street Finals, Saturday, June 30, 2007, placed 7 out of 12 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2007 Street Qualifiers, Friday, June 29, 2007, placed 4 out of 26 skaters.
Mystic Skate Cup Prague Street Finals, Sunday, July 09, 2006, placed 16 out of 40 skaters.
Mystic Skate Cup Prague Street Best Trick, Sunday, July 09, 2006, placed 3 out of 13 skaters.
Tampa Am 2006 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 27, 2006, placed 27 out of 107 skaters.


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