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Dan Murphy

Dan Murphy

Age: 44

Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Stance: Goofy

Status: Pro


Sponsors: Mystery, Theeve, Nike SB, Diamond, Proof

Last Update: Thursday, January 07, 2016

Dan Murphy PHOTOS

Dan Murphy is gettin
March 2013
The Moat Show Januar
January 2010
The Final Game of SK
March 2009
The Final Game of SK
March 2009
Schaefer's Transworl
July 2008
Tampa Am 2007 Chill
January 2007
Analog Best Trick Co
December 2004
Tampa Am 2003
Dan M
January 2003
Tampa Am 2003
Dan M
January 2003


June 05, 2012
Posted by Rob

Dan's got a part for XGames Real Street:

March 22, 2012
Posted by Luc
Nike SB - Team Edition 2 Weartest.
October 31, 2011
Posted by Luc
Hall of Meat: Dan Murphy.
January 11, 2010
Posted by Rob
Dan is off Mystery and on Foundation. Foundation has an in...

Dan is off Mystery and on Foundation. Foundation has an interview and footage.

September 23, 2009
Posted by Rob

Black Box has footage of Dan at Rye Airfield skate park.

September 03, 2009
Posted by Rob

Transworld has a home tour with Dan.

August 28, 2009
Posted by Rob
August 03, 2009
Posted by Rob
Transworld has a mini-interview with Dan about what's next....

Transworld has a mini-interview with Dan about what's next.

August 03, 2009
Posted by Rob
June 09, 2009
Posted by Rob

Dan discusses girlfriends and virginity at Shred or Die.


Two Page, Editorial: Backside nosegrind down a 7 stair hubba for the East Coast Scum-mer article..
Photo by Xeno
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside kickflip off a roof and into a bank for the Blue Ridge Riot article..
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over 3 flat 7 double set handrail drop for a Foundation ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Foundation
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down 10 stairs for an Eastern Skateboard Supply ad. .
Photo by Messina
Company: Eastern Skateboard Supply
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a bump to bar for a Foundation ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Foundation
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a bump to bar for a Foundation ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Foundation
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a bump to bar for a Foundation ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Foundation
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a bump to bar for a Foundation ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Foundation
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a bump to bar for a Foundation ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Foundation
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a bump to bar for a Foundation ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Foundation
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie backside flip sequence down 8 stairs and past a sidewalk for the Dan Murphy's Southern Hospitality article. .
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Dan Murphy's Southern Hospitality article. .
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Editorial: 360 flip down 12 stairs for the Toy Machine 2010 article. .
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down a 16 stair handrail for a Foundation ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Foundation
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down a 16 stair handrail for a Foundation ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Foundation
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside flip sequence off a street bump over a flat gap for the Dan Murphy Interview. .
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside boardslide off a loading dock, down a handicapped rail for the Dan Murphy Interview. .
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip down a dirt gap for the Dan Murphy Interview. .
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip off a ledge and over a flat rail and sidewalk for the Dan Murphy Interview. .
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside noseblunt slide on a loading dock to flat ledge for the Dan Murphy Interview. .
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 5-0 down a 10 stair hubba for the Dan Murphy Interview. .
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Dan Murphy Interview. .
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Advertisement: Kickflip down a dirt gap for a Theeve ad. .
Photo by Mapstone
Company: Theeve Trucks
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch flip down 9 stairs for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie off a bank over 11 kegs for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Mystery
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie off a bank over 11 kegs for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Mystery
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie off a bank over 11 kegs for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Mystery
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie flip sequence down 12 stairs for the Curtain Call feature..
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Editorial: Switch flip over a 12 stair handrail for the Photo Feature..
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Editorial: Backside lipslide on a flat ledge to drop for the Cold Call feature..
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Editorial: Tail drop to backside 180 sequence on a ledge to bank to gap for the Loud & Proud article..
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Skate Anatomy feature..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a 13 stair handrail for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Burnett
Company: Mystery
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie backside flip down a 2 flat 2 flat 2 flat 2 quadruple set for the Firing Line feature..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a 13 stair handrail for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Burnett
Company: Mystery
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for The Photo Issue feature..
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Advertisement: Flat gap ollie for an Mystery ad..
Photo by Rodent
Company: Mystery
Two Page, Advertisement: Flat gap ollie for an Mystery ad..
Photo by Rodent
Company: Mystery
Two Page, Advertisement: Flat gap ollie for an Mystery ad..
Photo by Rodent
Company: Mystery
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie to fakie on a natural tranny (Barcelona bricks) for the Foto feature..
Photo by Dawes
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 5-0 on a hubba for a Krux ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 5-0 on a hubba for a Krux ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside boardslide on a 16 stair rail for the Crops feature..
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Backside flip over a flat gap for the Mysterious Ops article..
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down a big six set for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Shigeo
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down a big six set for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Shigeo
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down a big six set for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Shigeo
Two Page, Editorial: Lipslide on a 16 stair rail for the Dan Murphy Interview article..
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie frontside boardslide to fakie sequence on a 9 stair hubba for the Dan Murphy Interview article..
Photo by Shigeo
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 5-0 on a 10 stair hubba for the Dan Murphy Interview article..
Photo by Ryan Lusteg
Two Page, Editorial: Switch ollie down a 15 stair set for the Dan Murphy Interview article..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Dan Murphy Interview article..
Photo by Jamie Owens
Two Page, Editorial: Switch flip down a big 7 set for the First on the Band Wagon article..
Photo by Shigeo
Two Page, Editorial: Switch inward heel sequence off a loading dock bump for the Curtains feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside flip down a 5 flat 5 double set for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside flip down a 5 flat 5 double set for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside flip down a 5 flat 5 double set for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 180 over a fence gap and chill shot for the Exposed feature..
Photo by Uyeda
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie down a 7 flat 7 double set for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie down a 7 flat 7 double set for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie down a 7 flat 7 double set for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Burnett
Half Page, Editorial: Nollie backside 180 on a bank for the Falling Off the Face of the Light Table article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Two Page, Editorial: Switch ollie off a loading dock bump for the 6 Man March article..
Photo by Jamie Owens
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie flip down a big four for the 6 Man March article..
Photo by Jamie Owens
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a planter gap for the Cross-Country article..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a flat rail for a Nike ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a flat rail for a Nike ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a flat rail for a Nike ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Switch ollie down a four flat 3 long double set for the Foto feature..
Photo by Joe Brook
Full Page, Editorial: Switch flip over a 7 flat 7 double set rail into a bank for the Contents section..
Photo by Thompson
Full Page, Editorial: Noseslide on a 9 stair hubba for the Make or Break article..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip (?) down a grass gap for a Krux ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap ollie over a fountain for a Nike ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside flip over a a rail for the Foto feature..
Photo by Joe Brook
Back Cover, Advertisement: Frontside flip (?) down a grass gap for a Krux ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap ollie over a fountain for a Nike ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip (?) down a grass gap for a Krux ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap ollie over a fountain for a Nike ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip (?) down a grass gap for a Krux ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap ollie over a fountain for a Nike ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap ollie over a fountain for a Nike ad..
Photo by Unknown
Half Page, Editorial: Nollie big spin on a concrete quarter for the Viva Threat article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside nollie on a steep quarter/bank for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie flip over a bump to bump grass gap sequence for the Year of the Cock article..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 down a triple set sequence for the Year of the Cock article..
Photo by Mark Whiteley
Full Page, Editorial: Rock fakie on a rollercoaster playground thing for the Year of the Cock article..
Photo by Mark Whiteley
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside nollie on a steep quarter/bank for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside nollie on a steep quarter/bank for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over to frontside crooked grind on a ledge for the New Jack: Dan Murphy article..
Photo by Uyeda
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie backside flip down a stair set sequence for the New Jack: Dan Murphy article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over a bump to chain for the New Jack: Dan Murphy article..
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the New Jack: Dan Murphy article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Editorial: Switch hard flip down a stair set sequence for the New Jack: Dan Murphy article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Back Cover, Advertisement: Portrait for a Krux ad..
Photo by Unknown
Back Cover, Advertisement: Portrait for a Krux ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside flip over a rail into a bank for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Uyeda
Back Cover, Advertisement: Portrait for a Krux ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside flip over a rail and into a bank for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Uyeda
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside flip over a rail and into a bank for a Mystery ad..
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Switch heel - Goin' Am article..
Photo by Burnett


Tampa Pro 2010 Street Qualifiers, Friday, March 12, 2010, placed 65 out of 80 skaters.
Tampa Am 2005 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 21, 2005, placed 76 out of 107 skaters.
Tampa Am 2003 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 17, 2003, placed 66 out of 100 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2002 Street Finals, Sunday, October 27, 2002, placed 8 out of 13 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2002 Street Semi-Finals, Sunday, October 27, 2002, placed 5 out of 39 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2002 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, October 26, 2002, placed 13 out of 108 skaters.
Damn Am 2001 at Skaters Island, Monday, July 16, 2001, placed 3 out of 26 skaters.

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