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Guru Khalsa

Guru Khalsa

Age: 39

Hometown: Houston, TX, USA

Stance: Goofy

Status: Pro


Sponsors: Habitat, Habitat Footwear, Satori, Imperial Motion, Venture

Last Update: Friday, July 27, 2012

Guru Khalsa PHOTOS

Guru, man it's been
November 2010
MiBAMi - Adio Demo a
February 2006


June 28, 2012
Posted by Rob

Guru's in Guatemala in this edit from Habitat:

May 10, 2012
Posted by Rob
Guru and the Habitat crew have some ripping footage from Gu...

Guru and the Habitat crew have some ripping footage from Guadalajara:

Guru Khalsa COVERAGE

Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 off ledge to pop over to drop for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Habitat
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 off ledge to pop over to drop for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Habitat
Full Page, Advertisement: 50-50 transfer sequence on a 5 stair kinked handrail to a bank for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Habitat
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside noseslide down a slanted handicap rail for the Haba-geddon article..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside 5-0 on a 8 stair ledge for the Skatipia article..
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Skatipia artcile. .
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Editorial: 50-50 to drop down sequence on a 4 stair long white handrail for the Guru interview..
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Editorial: Backside flip a street gap for the Guru interview..
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Editorial: Gap out to backside 5-0 on a 5 flat 5 kindked hubba for the Guru interview..
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Guru interview..
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Advertisement: Back feeble down a 9 stair handrail for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Mehring
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Advertisement: Back feeble down a 9 stair handrail for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Mehring
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside tailslide on a flat ledge to 3 stair drop and a portrait for a Habitat ad. .
Photo by Rodent
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside tailslide on a flat ledge to 3 stair drop and a portrait for a Habitat ad. .
Photo by Rodent
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Advertisement: Pushing photo and a drop to 50-50 on a ledge to flatbar for a Habitat ad. .
Photo by Mehring
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Editorial: 50-50 across a flat rail to down 9 stair rail for the Guru Khalsa interview feature..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie off a ledge into a freeway bank for the Guru Khalsa interview feature..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside 5-0 on a flat ledge to drop for the Guru Khalsa interview feature..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Switch ollie over a flat gap into a bank for the Guru Khalsa interview feature..
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Editorial: Impossible sequence down 5 stairs and over a sidewalk for the Guru Khalsa interview feature. .
Photo by Shaun Mefford
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside nosegrind on a flat ledge to 6 stair drop for the Guru Khalsa interview feature. .
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie down a gap and onto a narrow ledge for the Guru Khalsa interview feature. .
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Guru Khalsa interview feature. .
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside 180 nosegrind down a handicapped rail for a Habitat ad. .
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Company: Habitat
Front Cover, Editorial: Kickflip across a gap and into a ditch bank for the cover. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie to 50-50 on a handicapped bank to flat rail to 2 stair ledge for an Elwood ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Elwood
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie to 50-50 on a handicapped bank to flat rail to 2 stair ledge for an Elwood ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Elwood
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie to 50-50 on a handicapped bank to flat rail to 2 stair ledge for an Elwood ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Elwood
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a ledge and over a gap into a ditch bank for a Habitat ad. .
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a bump to bar for a Habitat ad. .
Photo by Ben Karpinski
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 50-50 down a 4 flat 4 hubba for the Guru Khalsa Sikh And Destroy interview. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside 50-50 across a flat guard rail for the Guru Khalsa Sikh And Destroy interview. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Backside big flip sequence over a loading dock gap for the Guru Khalsa Sikh And Destroy interview. .
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie shove it sequence over a 12 stair handrail into a bank for the Guru Khalsa Sikh And Destroy interview. .
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide on a down-ledge for the Guru Khalsa Sikh And Destroy interview. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside blunt slide transfer down a long 3 stair handrail for the Guru Khalsa Sikh And Destroy interview. .
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Guru Khalsa Sikh And Destroy interview. .
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick off a ledge and over a gap into a ditch bank for a Habitat ad. .
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Company: Habitat
Full Page, Advertisement: Gap to switch backside tailslide on a ledge to ledge gap for a Habitat ad. .
Photo by Travis Howell
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside 5-0 on a flat ledge to 6 stair drop for the Holiday In Cambodia article..
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside flip over a 9 stair handrail into a bank for the Holiday In Cambodia article..
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside crooks to fakie sequence on a gap to flat ledge to drop for the Focus feature..
Photo by John Bradford
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside flip down a 5 flat 2 double set for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Mehring
Company: Habitat
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie frontside 180 switch frontside 5-0 sequence down a 9 stair handrail for the Ams, Class of 2009 article..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside feeble on a street bank to wall for the Crops feature..
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip off a ledge over a flat gap into a bank for the Focus feature..
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie varial flip down a rock gap for the Torey Pudwill Haunts Your Dreams article..
Photo by Reda
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 on a 2 stair to flat rail to 4 stair to kink to 5 stair for an Elwood ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Elwood
Full Page, Advertisement: Nollie backside 50-50 gap out sequence down an 11 stair handrail to gap over 3 stairs for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Mark Whiteley
Company: Habitat
Full Page, Advertisement: Nollie backside 50-50 gap out sequence down an 11 stair handrail to gap over 3 stairs for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Mark Whiteley
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside boardslide down a 6 flat 1 flat 1 handrail for a Venture ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Venture
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside boardslide pop-over on a bump to flat rail for a DVS ad..
Photo by Reda
Company: DVS Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 50-50 sequence down a long 4 flat kink rail for the Guru Khalsa interview..
Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside 180 over a handrail into a bank for the Guru Khalsa interview..
Photo by Mark Whiteley
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 nosegrind down a 7 stair handrail for the Guru Khalsa interview..
Photo by Reda
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie frontside heelflip fakie nosegrind sequence on a ledge into a bank for the Guru Khalsa interview..
Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie ollie off a ledge into a street bank for the Guru Khalsa interview..
Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski
Two Page, Editorial: Bigspin flip sequence off a bump over a gap into a bank for the Guru Khalsa interview..
Photo by Frankie
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Guru Khalsa interview..
Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski
Two Page, Editorial: Back smith down a loading dock rail for the Guru Khalsa interview..
Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 50-50 down a 13 stair hubba for the Heads feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Editorial: Nolle backside heelflip down 10 stairs for the Heads feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Full Page, Advertisement: Kickflip back 5-0 sequence on a 6 stair hubba for a Satori ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: Satori
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside flip over a handicapped bump to railfor a Habitat ad..
Photo by Mehring
Company: Habitat
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside flip over a handicap bump to bar for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Mehring
Company: Habitat
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch flip over a street gap for a DVS ad..
Photo by Reda
Company: DVS Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside crooked grind on a stack ledge for the Spot Book article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside 5-0 on a 10 stair rail for the Indian Summer Roll Call article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Switch flip over a street gap for the Indian Summer Roll Call article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Back smith on a 9 stair rail for the Indian Summer Roll Call article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch flip over a flat gap for a DVS ad..
Photo by Reda
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch flip over a flat gap for a DVS ad..
Photo by Reda
Full Page, Editorial: Switch ollie over a handicap bump to bar for the Question Authority feature..
Photo by Reda
Two Page, Editorial: Pole jam 50-50 for the Focus section..
Photo by Dominic Marley
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside 180 sequence over a handicap bump to bar for the Bringing It All Back Home article..
Photo by Frankie
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie a gap into a bank for the Bringing It All Back Home article..
Photo by Frankie
Full Page, Advertisement: Bail shot for a Subscribe ad..
Photo by Shaun Mefford
Full Page, Editorial: Switch ollie over a flat bar for the 100 Texas Titles article..
Photo by Reda
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside flip nosegrind to fakie sequence on a bank for a DVS ad..
Photo by Reda
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside flip nosegrind to fakie sequence on a bank for a DVS ad..
Photo by Reda
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside flip nosegrind to fakie sequence on a bank for a DVS ad..
Photo by Reda
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside flip nosegrind to fakie sequence on a bank for a DVS ad..
Photo by Reda
Two Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide on a bank for the Kidnapping, Debauchery, and Brebi article..
Photo by Mehring
Full Page, Advertisement: Grass gap ollie off a skinny ledge for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 180 nosegrind come in forward sequence on a bank for the Little Tex eS Trip article..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Advertisement: Grass gap ollie off a skinny ledge for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Grass gap ollie off a skinny ledge for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Grass gap ollie off a skinny ledge for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Two Page, Editorial: Backside noseblunt to fakie nosegrind on a bank for the Photo Issue article..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Grass gap ollie off a skinny ledge for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Nollie half cab into bank for an Habitat video ad, Inhabitants..
Photo by Shaun Mefford
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 on a rainbow bar for a DVS ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Nollie half cab in to a bank for a Habitat ad..
Photo by Shaun Mefford
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 on a rainbow bar for a DVS ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 on a rainbow bar for a DVS ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 on a rainbow bar for a DVS ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 on a rainbow bar for a DVS ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 50-50 on an 8 stair wooden rail for the Southern Style article..
Photo by Fick
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie crooked grind sequence on a 10 stair rail for the Sleeping Outside article..
Photo by Allen Ying
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 180 nosegrind forward in sequence on a bank for the Sleeping Outside article..
Photo by Allen Ying


Tampa Am 2006 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 27, 2006, placed 75 out of 107 skaters.
Damn Am Minneapolis 2005 Street Semi-Finals, Sunday, June 12, 2005, placed 30 out of 30 skaters.
Damn Am Minneapolis 2005 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, June 11, 2005, placed 13 out of 116 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2004 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Saturday, October 23, 2004, placed 26 out of 68 skaters.
Damn Am 2001 at South Side, Monday, July 23, 2001, placed 13 out of 17 skaters.


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