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Jake Donnelly

Jake Donnelly

Age: 36

Hometown: Buffalo, NY, USA

Stance: Regular

Status: Pro


Sponsors: adidas, adidas apparel, Real, Thunder, Spitfire, Dads, Hardies Hardware, Stance Socks

Last Update: Friday, February 28, 2020

Jake Donnelly PHOTOS

I think Jake Don
July 2014

Jake Donnelly st
March 2014
Jake's backside flip
November 2010
Jake Donnelly was th
November 2010

RECENT NEWS ON Jake Donnelly

January 22, 2013
Posted by Rob
Thrasher has a VX mix of Jake and his king sized snaps: ...

Thrasher has a VX mix of Jake and his king sized snaps:

August 06, 2012
Posted by Rob
Catch Jake ripping in his hometown of Buffalo in Deluxe's P...

Catch Jake ripping in his hometown of Buffalo in Deluxe's Pushing feature:

December 31, 2011
Posted by Rob

A bangin adidas minute from Jake:

September 26, 2011
Posted by Luc
Jake Donnelly & Dan Plunkett Sunday from dlxsf on Vimeo...
December 31, 2007
Posted by Rob

Won Slap's One in a Million 2007.

Jake Donnelly COVERAGE

Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip over ledge down gap on the 3rd and Army gap for a Real ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Real
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch kickflip over a street gap for an Adidas ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: adidas
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside kickflip on a bank wall for an Adidas ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: adidas
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip sequence off a bump for the Photo Feature section..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside kickflip down a 4 flat 6 brick double set for a Quiksilver ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Quiksilver
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside kickflip down a 4 flat 6 brick double set for a Quiksilver ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Quiksilver
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside kickflip down a 5 flat 4 double set for an Adidas footwear ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: adidas
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside kickflip down a 4 flat 6 brick double set for a Quiksilver ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Quiksilver
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a 7 stair handrail into a bank for a Quiksilver ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Quiksilver
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a 7 stair handrail into a bank for a Quiksilver ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Quiksilver
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a 7 stair handrail into a bank for a Quiksilver ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Quiksilver
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip off a bank and over a ledge for an adidas ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: adidas
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down 4 stairs and over a flat rail for a Real ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Real
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 over a sidewalk and down a grass gap for the Real High Voltage article. .
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Crooks sequence on a curved up-ledge for the Light, Shape, Color article. .
Photo by Trinh
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside flip off a bump over a caution sign for the Sightings feature. .
Photo by O'Meally
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a flat ledge to drop for an adidas ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: adidas
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait and a backside tailslide on a tall flat ledge for a Quiksilver ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Quiksilver
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait and a backside tailslide on a tall flat ledge for a Quiksilver ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Quiksilver
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait and a backside tailslide on a tall flat ledge for a Quiksilver ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Quiksilver
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip backside tailslide down a 7 stair hubba for the Crops feature. .
Photo by Rodent
Full Page, Editorial: Hardflip sequence over a 14 stair handrail into a bank for the Cohorts feature. .
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside tailslide frontside flip out sequence on a flat ledge for the Jake Donnelly Interview..
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip over a 12 flat 12 double set handrail for the Jake Donnelly Interview..
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Editorial: Backside flip sequence off a loading dock over a dumpster for the Jake Donnelly Interview..
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside flip over a bank to bank gap for the Jake Donnelly Interview..
Photo by Morford
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Jake Donnelly Interview..
Photo by Morford
Full Page, Editorial: Backside noseblunt slide on a 3 stair ledge for the Real SK8BRDRS article..
Photo by Morford
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip over 4 stairs and a guard rail to drop for the Real SK8BRDRS article..
Photo by Morford
Full Page, Editorial: Switch flip sequence off a bank over a flat gap for the Cottonmouths & Copperheads article..
Photo by O'Meally
Full Page, Editorial: Backside flip sequence over a ledge and down a big 3 block for the Cottonmouths & Copperheads article..
Photo by O'Meally
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie backside flip off a bump into a SF hill for The Photo Issue feature..
Photo by Morford
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside smith kickflip out sequence for the Check Out feature..
Photo by Allen Ying
Full Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip down a big 4 block for the Crops feature..
Photo by Sam McGuire
Full Page, Editorial: Hardflip on a bump to 6 stair drop for the Who's Hot? feature..
Photo by Ryan Flynn
Full Page, Editorial: Front feeble down a 9 stair rail for The Photo Issue feature..
Photo by Ryan Flynn
Two Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip over a flat gap for the Squawk Box feature..
Photo by Mehring
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie flip over a ledge plus 3 stair gap for the One in a Million article..
Photo by Morford
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside bluntslide sequence on a ledge for the One in a Million article..
Photo by Morford
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie up to frontside flip on a bank for the One in a Million article..
Photo by Morford


2020 Tampa Pro - Street Qualifiers, Saturday, February 29, 2020, placed 66 out of 69 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2019 Qualifiers, Saturday, March 02, 2019, placed 73 out of 81 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2014 Qualifiers, Saturday, March 22, 2014, placed 53 out of 72 skaters.
Tampa Am 2011 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, December 02, 2011, placed 93 out of 117 skaters.
Tampa Am 2010 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, December 03, 2010, placed 106 out of 110 skaters.
Tampa Am 2009 Friday Street Qualifiers, Thursday, December 03, 2009, placed 105 out of 111 skaters.
Tampa Am January 2008 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Saturday, January 19, 2008, placed 111 out of 112 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2007 Friday Qualifiers, Friday, October 26, 2007, placed 68 out of 94 skaters.
Tampa Am 2007 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 19, 2007, placed 91 out of 110 skaters.

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