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Josh Matthews

Josh Matthews

Age: 37

Hometown: Eugene, OR, USA

Stance: Regular

Status: Pro


Sponsors: Habitat Skateboards, HUF Footwear, Spitfire, Venture, Lucky Bearings, Tactics Board Shop

Last Update: Thursday, June 30, 2016

Josh Matthews PHOTOS

Josh Matthews is t
April 2011

RECENT NEWS ON Josh Matthews

April 09, 2012
Posted by D.B.
HUF Quality Footwear has welcomed Josh Matthews to the team...
HUF Quality Footwear has welcomed Josh Matthews to the team. Once you watch his welcome video you'll know why, with his nice clean style with a big bag of tricks. Josh also looks to be missing a tooth, so he'll fit right in with the HUF D.B.C. aka the Dirtbag Crew.
January 25, 2012
Posted by Luc
Introducing Josh Matthews from Lucky Bearings Co. on Vimeo....
December 16, 2011
Posted by Luc
Warming Up with the Think Team... from Think Skateboards on...
November 09, 2011
Posted by Luc
Slap presents the San Francisco Treat.
February 06, 2011
Posted by D.B.
Josh Matthews is the newest rider on eS. He's got some pret...
Josh Matthews is the newest rider on eS. He's got some pretty gnarly tricks in this part, especially his ender.
October 20, 2009
Posted by Rob

Transworld has a tailslide kickflip out sequence of Josh.

June 12, 2009
Posted by Rob

eS has some footage of Josh in SF.

Josh Matthews COVERAGE

Two Page, Editorial: Switch feeble grind 180 out on a 4 stair out ledge for the Tokyo Nights article..
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Advertisement: Kickflip over handrail to hill bomb for a HUF ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: HUF
Full Page, Advertisement: Kickflip over handrail to hill bomb for a HUF ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: HUF
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch back lip on a ledge for a Transworld ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Transworld Magazine
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside bluntslide on a ledge for a Think ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Think
Two Page, Editorial: Boardslide pop over on a handicap rail for the Perpetual Motion article..
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Advertisement: Kickflip over a bump to rail for a Think ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Think
Full Page, Advertisement: Front hurricane on a 7 stair hubba for a Huf ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: HUF
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie in gap to ollie out sequence on a stair gap for the 9 Frames Per Second section..
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Editorial: Backside feeble grind to gap out on a 11 stair handrail for the Rooftop Renegades article..
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Full Page, Advertisement: BAckside hurricane on a 6 stair tall ledge for a Huf ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: HUF
Full Page, Advertisement: Boardslide transfer on a bump to bar for a Lucky hardware ad..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Company: Lucky
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside crooked grind to transfer on a two stair handicap bar for a Think ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Think
Full Page, Editorial: Fakie kickflip off a loading dock over a gap and a rail for the Hesh tour article. .
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Backside bluntslide on a 3 stair ledge sequence for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Switch feeble down a 9 stair handrail for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Editorial: Boardslide pop-over shove it sequence on a flat bar for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a bump to bar for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Editorial: Hurricane on a 9 stair hubba for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside tailslide kickflip sequence to transfer on a circle ledge for a Think ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Think
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a bank to bank gap for the Midnight Power article. .
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside smith down a 10 stair hubba for the Midnight Power article. .
Photo by Oliver Barton
Full Page, Editorial: Backside blunt slide down a 10 stair rail out past the last 5 stairs for the Eternal Dusk article. .
Photo by Price
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a 3 stair handrail and a big 3 block for a Think ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Think
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside smith on a flat bridge rail for the Contents feature. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a curb cut to ledge for an eS ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside blunt slide down a curved down hill hubba for an eS ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: eS Footwear
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie frontside 180 over a handicapped bump to rail for the Small Talk feature. .
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a curb cut to ledge for an eS ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: eS Footwear
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a 6 stair handrail into a bank for a Think ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Think
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a curb cut to ledge for an eS ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside nosegrind on a curved ledge for the A Gastronomical Adventure article. .
Photo by Joe Brook
Full Page, Editorial: Nosebonk on a 3 flat 3 flat 2 hubba for the A Gastronomical Adventure article. .
Photo by Joe Brook
Full Page, Advertisement: Nosebonk on a gap to tree stump to drop for a City ad. .
Photo by Zaslavsky
Company: City Skateboards
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip up a ledge to nose manual nollie flip out sequence on a ledge to ledge manual pad for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: City Skateboards
Two Page, Editorial: 3 flip off a roof onto a basketball court to thread the needle between a door gap for the Photo Feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap to tailslide on a flat ledge to 6 stair drop for a City ad..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Company: City Skateboards
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside lipslide on a flat ledge for the Check Out feature..
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Editorial: Backside feeble backside 180 pop-over out sequence on a flat rail into a bank for the Who's Hot? feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a flat gap and two rails to drop for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: City Skateboards
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a flat gap and two rails to drop for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: City Skateboards
Full Page, Editorial: Backside crooks on a 3 flat 3 hubba for the Features page..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 5-0 on a bump to flat rail for a Venture ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Venture
Two Page, Editorial: Switch pole jam over a street gap for the Photo Feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky


Phoenix Am 2011 Semi-Finals, Sunday, April 03, 2011, placed 26 out of 30 skaters.
Tampa Am 2009 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Saturday, December 05, 2009, placed 36 out of 112 skaters.
Tampa Am December 2008 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, December 05, 2008, placed 20 out of 93 skaters.
Damn Am 2002 at Dept. of Skateboarding Finals, Friday, July 05, 2002, placed 7 out of 20 skaters.


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