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Rodrigo Tx

Rodrigo Tx

Age: 41

Hometown: Sao Paulo, Brazil, BRA

Stance: Goofy

Status: Pro


Sponsors: DGK, Venture, Mob, Bones, Matriz Skate Shop, adidas, Wayward Wheels

Last Update: Wednesday, September 18, 2024


We support Rodrigo Tx by selling his gear. You can support him by buying it here:

Rodrigo Tx PHOTOS

TX Jersey Banner
March 2014
Rodrigo TX - frontsi
March 2012
Man Rodrigo TX has s
March 2012
Wow, that's you how
March 2012

Rodrigo Tx - nolli
August 2011
Flip Feast Demo at S
November 2006
eS Demo, Bro Bowl Bl
December 2005

eS Game of SKATE @
September 2004
Tampa Pro 2004 Conte
March 2004
Tampa Pro 2004 Satur
March 2004


November 14, 2011
Posted by Luc
Firing Line: Zero/DGK.
Rodrigo Tx Post by Rob
May 18, 2010
Posted by Rob
Rodrigo has been on eS for 10 years now. They've got a ful...

Rodrigo has been on eS for 10 years now. They've got a full interview with him about it.


Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip over handrail into bank for the Empire Of The Moon LRG in Guangzhou, China article..
Photo by Chami
Company: LRG
Full Page, Editorial: Noseblunt nollie flip out to fakie sequence on a ledge for the 9FPS section..
Photo by Skin
Two Page, Advertisement: Kickflip nose manual to half cab flip out sequence on a ledge for a Venture ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Venture
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip over a double set hubba an into a bank for a LRG ad..
Photo by Kyle Camarillo
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip over a double set hubba an into a bank for a LRG ad..
Photo by Kyle Camarillo
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: 180 to switch backside crooked grind on a gap to ledge for a LRG ad..
Photo by Kyle Camarillo
Company: LRG
Two Page, Editorial: Switch kickflip over a 7 stair handrail for the Calling on Lady Luck article..
Photo by Kyle Camarillo
Two Page, Editorial: Backside kickflip over a 15 stair triple set handrail for the Enter the Void article..
Photo by Chami
Two Page, Advertisement: 180 to switch backside crooked grind on a gap to ledge for a LRG ad..
Photo by Kyle Camarillo
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside tailslide kickflip out on a tall ledge for a DGK ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: DGK
Two Page, Advertisement: 180 to switch backside crooked grind on a gap to ledge for a LRG ad..
Photo by Kyle Camarillo
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for the SUBscribe ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Transworld Magazine
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside tailslide kickflip out on a tall ledge for a DGK ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: DGK
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside nollie heelflip over a concrete pillar gap for the Dirty Does It article. .
Photo by Daughters
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a gap for a Venture trucks ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Venture
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Connect section. .
Photo by Mueller
Full Page, Editorial: Switch 180 to nosegrind 180 out on a bank to ledge for the Crops section..
Photo by Kyle Camarillo
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside pivot to fakie on a bank to ledge for the Eternal Dusk article. .
Photo by Price
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside flip off a bump and over a set of bleachers for a LRG ad. .
Photo by Daughters
Company: LRG
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside 5-0 on a bank to concrete barrier for The Streets Are Ours feature. .
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside flip off a bump and over a set of bleachers for a LRG ad. .
Photo by Daughters
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip nosegrind revert sequence on a bank for a DGK ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: DGK
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside flip off a bump and over a set of bleachers for a LRG ad. .
Photo by Daughters
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip nosegrind revert sequence on a bank for a DGK ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: DGK
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Gold ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Gold Wheels
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Gold ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Gold Wheels
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a handicapped bump to flat rail for an eS ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a handicapped bump to flat rail for an eS ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a handicapped bank to rail for an eS ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside half cab kickflip on a street tranny for the Bringing Sand To The Beach article. .
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Editorial: Fakie frontside 5-0 on a flat rail to drop for the Bringing Sand To The Beach article. .
Photo by Chami
Two Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide down a long 5 stair handrail for the Bringing Sand To The Beach article. .
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside tailslide on a ditch bank to ledge for the Funny Story article. .
Photo by Sam McGuire
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a bump to flat bar for a Flip ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Flip
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an eS ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: eS Footwear
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 180 switch frontside crooks on a flat ledge into a bank to 9 stair drop (NYC Court House) for the Rodrigo TX interview. .
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 180 fakie 5-0 shove out sequence on a bank to ledge for the Rodrigo TX interview. .
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside half cab frontside boardslide on top of a bench for the Rodrigo TX interview. .
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 180 fakie backside 5-0 sequence on a flat ledge over dirt to drop for the Rodrigo TX interview. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Switch flip off a bump over a flat rail for the Rodrigo TX interview. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Backside blunt slide on a flat ledge into a bank to drop for the Rodrigo TX interview. .
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Rodrigo TX interview. .
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside blunt slide on a flat ledge to drop for an LRG ad..
Photo by Uyeda
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside blunt slide on a flat ledge to drop for an LRG ad..
Photo by Uyeda
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside blunt slide on a flat ledge to drop for an LRG ad..
Photo by Uyeda
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside blunt slide on a flat ledge to drop for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Full Page, Editorial: Fakie ollie switch frontside crooks on a ledge to ledge to drop for the Photo Annual article..
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside flip frontside 5-0 sequence on a picnic table for the Never Surrender article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside nosegrind on a flat ledge to 6 stair drop for the Heads feature..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide on a flat ledge to drop for the Heads feature..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie 5-0 sequence on a flat ledge to 8 stair drop for the Heads feature..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crooks on a flat rail into a bank for an eS ad..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crooks on a flat rail into a bank for an eS ad..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch crooks on a flat rail into a bank for an eS ad..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside noseslide on a banked ledge for a Venture ad..
Photo by Joe Brook
Company: Venture
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside tailslide on a flat rail off a bank for a Bones ad..
Photo by Joe Brook
Company: Bones
Two Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide on a bank to flat rail for the South American Failure article..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside blunt slide sequence up a handicapped rail for the Rodrigo TX Interview..
Photo by Gaston F.
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside tailslide to switch backside tailslide sequence for the Rodrigo TX Interview..
Photo by Gaston F.
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Rodrigo TX Interview..
Photo by Gaston F.
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over to fakie crooks on a flat ledge to drop for the Rodrigo TX Interview..
Photo by Gaston F.
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Hardflip backside nosegrind sequence on a flat ledge to 4 stair drop for an LRG ad..
Photo by Joe Brook
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Hardflip backside nosegrind sequence on a flat ledge to 4 stair drop for an LRG ad..
Photo by Joe Brook
Company: LRG
Two Page, Advertisement: Nollie backside flip to fakie 5-0 sequence on a bank to bench for an eS ad..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Company: eS Footwear
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside flip down a gap and over a flat bar for the Capital Punishment article..
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Advertisement: Nollie backside flip to fakie 5-0 sequence on a bank to bench for an eS ad..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Nollie backside flip to fakie 5-0 sequence on a bank to bench for an eS ad..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Company: eS Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside crooks to fakie on a bump to bar for the Snapshots From The Tour Bus article..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 to frontside tailslide sequence for an LRG ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: LRG
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the All Types article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 to frontside tailslide sequence for an LRG ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: LRG
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the All Types article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a bump to flat rail for the All Types article..
Photo by Jon Humphries
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 to frontside tailslide sequence for an LRG ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 to frontside tailslide sequence for an LRG ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 to frontside tailslide sequence for an LRG ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 to frontside tailslide sequence for an LRG ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 to frontside tailslide sequence for an LRG ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 to frontside tailslide sequence for an LRG ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 to frontside tailslide sequence for an LRG ad..
Photo by Oliver Barton
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an LRG ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: LRG
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Flip ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Flip
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 5-0 to switch crooks sequence on a ledge to 4 stair drop for the Rules Of Engagement article..
Photo by Landi
Half Page, Editorial: Ollie over a ledge to frontside noseblunt slide for the Rules Of Engagement article..
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Flip ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Flip
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Flip ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Flip
Full Page, Advertisement: Back smith on a ledge into a bank for a CCS ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CCS
Full Page, Advertisement: Back smith on a bank for a CCS ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CCS
Full Page, Advertisement: Back smith on a bank for a CCS ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CCS
Full Page, Advertisement: Back smith on a bank for a CCS ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CCS
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a flat bar for a Ricta ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Ricta


Tampa Pro 2012 Street Qualifiers, Monday, March 26, 2012, placed 69 out of 77 skaters.
Maloof Money Cup NYC 2011 PRO Street Qualifiers, Saturday, June 04, 2011, placed 9 out of 29 skaters.
Maloof Money Cup NYC 2011 PRO Street Semi-Finals, Saturday, June 04, 2011, placed 24 out of 24 skaters.
Mystic Skate Cup Prague Street Finals, Sunday, July 09, 2006, placed 40 out of 40 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2004 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Friday, March 12, 2004, placed 27 out of 42 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2002 Street Finals, Sunday, March 17, 2002, placed 7 out of 12 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2002 Street Semi Finals, Sunday, March 17, 2002, placed 3 out of 30 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2002 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, March 15, 2002, placed 4 out of 50 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2001 Street Semi Finals, Sunday, March 18, 2001, placed 24 out of 35 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2001 Friday Street Qualifiers, Sunday, March 18, 2001, placed 2 out of 40 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2000 Street Finals, Saturday, March 11, 2000, placed 3 out of 10 skaters.


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