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Russ Milligan

Russ Milligan

Hometown: North Vancouver, BC, CAN

Stance: Regular

Status: Am


Sponsors: DVS Canada, RDS, City Skateboards, Venture, Hubba Wheels, Iris, Lucky

Last Update: Friday, April 27, 2007

Russ Milligan COVERAGE

Full Page, Editorial: Fakie 360 flip sequence over a street gap for the Photo Feature section..
Photo by Bush
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch ollie over a flat bar gap for a Think ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Think
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch backside smith grind on a ledge for a Think ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Think
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch flip over a bench for a Think ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Think
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside nosegrind on a flat ledge for a Venture ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Venture
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside smith grind to backside tailslide sequence on a flat loading dock ledge for the Howl feature. .
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Advertisement: Fakie big flip manual sequence on a manny pad to drop for a City ad. .
Photo by Zaslavsky
Company: City Skateboards
Two Page, Editorial: Backside flip on a bump to flat rail for the Photo Feature. .
Photo by Zaslavsky
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside noseslide on a bump to flat ledge for a City ad..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Company: City Skateboards
Two Page, Advertisement: Fakie 5-0 sequence on a flat ledge into a hill for a City ad..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Company: City Skateboards
Two Page, Advertisement: Nollie 360 kickflip sequence over a manual pad (Pier 7) for a City ad..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Company: City Skateboards
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside half cab frontside nosegrind backside revert out sequence on a bank to stair ledge into a bank for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: City Skateboards
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside tailslide on a bump to ledge for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: City Skateboards
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside tailslide on a bump to ledge for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: City Skateboards
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie varial flip switch manual frontside pop shuv it out sequence for the Why Is City Giving it Away article..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 5-0 on ledge/bridge drop off for the Why Is City Giving it Away article..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside bluntslide on a ledge for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside bluntslide on a ledge for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch backside noseblunt slide on a ledge for a City ad..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Editorial: Switch backside flip fakie manual revert sequence for the Focus feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside noseslide on a ledge for the Last Call article..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch backside noseblunt slide on a ledge for a City ad..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch pop shuv crooked grind sequence on a ledge for a Venture ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie 5-0 fakie hard flip out sequence on a ledge for the New Jack article..
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Switch nosegrind on a three stair ledge for the New Jack article..
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Switch nosegrind sequence on a three stair ledge for the New Jack article..
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside tailslide on a ledge for the New Jack article..
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Editorial: Switch varial flip over a street gap for the EC Kid article..
Photo by Peterson
Two Page, Advertisement: Nollie half cab flip over a barrier and four stair set for a City ad..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Advertisement: Nollie half cab flip over a barrier and four stair set for a City ad..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Editorial: Switch big flip sequence over a flat gap for the Heads feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 180 nosegrind on a ledge for the Heads feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Full Page, Editorial: Front crook on a stack ledge for the Skaters Who Shoot article..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap kickflip backside tailslide sequence on a ledge for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap kickflip backside tailslide sequence on a ledge for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie 5-0 shuv out sequence for the City Goes City to City article..
Photo by Joe Brook
Half Page, Editorial: Frontside 180 nosegrind a bank to ledge for the City Goes City to City article..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside nosegrind on a ledge for a Venture ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Switch back lip sequence for the Foto feature..
Photo by Zaslavsky
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch 360 flip a downhill gap for a City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch 360 flip driveway gap for City ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Gap switch backside 5-0 sequence - Foto section..
Photo by Vitello


Tampa Am 2002 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Saturday, January 19, 2002, placed 67 out of 94 skaters.

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