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Sammy Baca

Sammy Baca

Age: 37

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Stance: Regular

Status: Pro


Sponsors: OJ wheels, Baker, Indy, Volume 4, Converse

Last Update: Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sammy Baca PHOTOS

Yeah, surfers get
August 2011
The Editor has publi
August 2011
Maloof Money Cup Lau
June 2009
Sierra's Teenie Bopp
October 2008
Tampa Am January 200
January 2008


August 14, 2010
Posted by Rob
Thrasher has Sammy's full part from Prevent This Trajedy: ...

Thrasher has Sammy's full part from Prevent This Trajedy:

March 24, 2010
Posted by Rob
Check out a 20 second run by Sammy at the Wagon Wheel. ...

Check out a 20 second run by Sammy at the Wagon Wheel.

August 28, 2009
Posted by Rob

Sammy is now pro for Baker.

July 06, 2009
Posted by Rob
This headshot of Sammy is stolen from Mike Burnett. He rec...

This headshot of Sammy is stolen from Mike Burnett. He recently busted me. Luckily he's my friend so all I did was pay him off and it's all good. Check out Burnett's photos of Sammy's pad.

July 04, 2009
Posted by Rob

Thrasher has some footage of Sammy.


Back Cover, Advertisement: Frontside nosegrind in a pool for a Cons ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Back Cover, Advertisement: Frontside nosegrind in a pool for a Cons ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Back Cover, Advertisement: Frontside nosegrind in a pool for a Cons ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside nosegrind in a pool for a Cons ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside nosegrind in a pool for a Cons ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Two Page, Editorial: Tailslide on a bank to ledge for the What's born in Vegas, Stay's in Vegas article..
Photo by Broach
Full Page, Editorial: Up an over 50-50 on a 10 stair handrail for the What's born in Vegas, Stay's in Vegas article..
Photo by Broach
Full Page, Editorial: Crailslide in a pool for the What's born in Vegas, Stay's in Vegas article..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Drop in to 50-50 on a steep bank sequence for the What's born in Vegas, Stay's in Vegas article..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Crook pop over on a bank to bar for the What's born in Vegas, Stay's in Vegas article..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the What's born in Vegas, Stay's in Vegas article..
Photo by Broach
Full Page, Editorial: Boardslide down a 12 stair double set kinked hubba for the Ignoring Machu Picchu article..
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Full Page, Editorial: Sal flip to tail on a quarterpipe for the Ignoring Machu Picchu article..
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Ignoring Machu Picchu article..
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Two Page, Editorial: Drop in on a brick wall for the East Coast Scum-mer article..
Photo by Xeno
Full Page, Editorial: backside footplant sequence in a backyard pool for the Hey Mambo article..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Backside noseslide nollie heelflip out sequence on a 14 stair hubba for the Converse in China feature. .
Photo by Sam McGuire
Full Page, Editorial: Wallride to 180 out sequence to hill bomb under a bridge for the Whos your A&R? article. .
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick in a backyard pool and a portrait for an Altamont ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick in a backyard pool and a portrait for an Altamont ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside gribd in a backyard pool for the Heaven Help Us (CONS King of The Road) article. .
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Backside half cab blunt backside big spin sequence on a concrete quarterpipe for the Heaven Help Us (CONS King of The Road) article. .
Photo by Broach
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for The Photo Annual feature. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a street bank for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Full Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide in a backyard pool for the In The Pink feature. .
Photo by Dave Swift
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a street bank for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside nosegrind on a concrete quarterpipe over a spine for the Bring Forth The Noise article. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Two Page, Advertisement: Crooks on a gap to flat rail to 5 stair handrail for an Altamont ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Two Page, Advertisement: Crooks on a gap to flat rail to 5 stair handrail for an Altamont ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Full Page, Editorial: Wallride to backside tailblock grind on a ditch bank to wall for the There Will Be Blood article. .
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside boardslide down a ditch bank to guard rail for the There Will Be Blood article. .
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an Altamont ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an Altamont ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Two Page, Editorial: Backside feeble transfer on a curved 7 stair handrail into a handicapped bank for the Crops feature. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait with Don Nguyen for a Baker ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Baker
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip to fakie on a ditch bank for the Prevent This Tragedy article..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Footplant to fakie on a street quarterpipe to beam for the Prevent This Tragedy article..
Photo by Broach
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside finger flip to tail revert sequence on a concrete Skatepark bank for the Contents feature. .
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a street bank for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a street bank for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Front Cover, Editorial: Frontside crailslide on a vert street tranny for the cover..
Photo by Broach
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside smith down a 9 stair rainbow rail for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside smith down a 9 stair rainbow rail for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip sequence off a ledge into a narrow bank for the Contents page..
Photo by Price
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside smith down a 9 stair rainbow rail for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside smith down a 9 stair rainbow rail for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Full Page, Advertisement: Bail photo for a Converse/Thrasher ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Full Page, Editorial: Miller flip over a spine for the Coastal Carnage article..
Photo by Dave Swift
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Baker ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Baker
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Baker ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Baker
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 5-0 on a quarterpipe into a bank for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 5-0 on a quarterpipe into a bank for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 5-0 on a quarterpipe into a bank for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 5-0 on a quarterpipe into a bank for a Converse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: CONS (Converse)
Full Page, Editorial: Backside boardslide down a handicapped rail for the A Pirates Life article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Editorial: Nosegrab blunt stall transfer sequence on a concrete quarterpipe to flat rail to a bank for the A Pirates Life article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Baker ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Baker
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Baker ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Baker
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside noseblunt on a ditch bank for the Ams, Class of 2009 article..
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Editorial: Nolle heelflip into a street bank for the La Busque Da De Hesh: Creature In South America article..
Photo by Klein
Full Page, Editorial: Tail drop into a street bank for the 30 Years! article..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an Altamont ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside footplant on a street quarterpipe to fence for an Altamont ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside footplant on a street quarterpipe to fence for an Altamont ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an Altamont ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Altamont
Full Page, Editorial: Invert transfer over a concrete spine for the A Few Things I Learned article..
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Firing Line feature..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a Baker ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Baker
Two Page, Editorial: Tail drop sequence off a fence and under a bar for the Curtains feature..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide sequence in a bowl for the Van Life Anatomy article. .
Photo by Dawes
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie up to frontside nosegrind on tranny for the Van Life Anatomy article..
Photo by Dawes
Two Page, Editorial: Smith grind to feeble transfer on a flat rail for the Heads feature..
Photo by Burnett
Two Page, Editorial: Boardslide down a 5/5/5/ triple set hubba for the Heads feature..
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Editorial: Handplant slide carve sequence for the Small Talk section..
Photo by Blair Alley
Two Page, Advertisement: Roll in to 50-50 sequence on a rail for a Baker ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Roll in to 50-50 sequence on a rail for a Baker ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Boardslide pop out sequence on a 12 stair kinked hubba for the Yard Sale article..
Photo by Parish Sixx
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside smith grind to backside pop out into a bank sequence for the Runaways article..
Photo by Shad Lambert


CONS Coastal Carnage 2011 Qualifiers, Sunday, August 07, 2011, placed 40 out of 44 skaters.
Coastal Carnage 2010 Qualifiers, Saturday, August 07, 2010, placed 33 out of 44 skaters.
Coastal Carnage Bowl Jam Qualifiers, Saturday, July 25, 2009, placed 34 out of 34 skaters.
Tampa Am 2004 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 23, 2004, placed 97 out of 97 skaters.


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