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Steve Nesser

Steve Nesser

Age: 46

Hometown: Minneapolis, MN, USA

Stance: Regular

Status: Pro


Sponsors: Spitfire, Familia Skateshop, IPath, Independent, The High Five, Adeline Apparel, Swiss

Last Update: Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Steve Nesser PHOTOS

A graphic Todd d
November 2016

Steve Nesser's C
November 2013

Steve Nesser and
November 2013
The best thing out o
November 2010
Damn Am at Minneapol
June 2010
Damn Am Minneapolis
May 2009
A Billion Dollar Chi
July 2008
San Diego Day Three:
September 2007
MiBAMi - Adio Demo a
February 2006
Make-A-Wish Texas Sk
November 2004
Tampa Pro 2004 Satur
March 2004
Tampa Pro 2004 Satur
March 2004
Tampa Pro 2004 Satur
March 2004
Tampa Pro 2004 Wedne
March 2004

Make-A-Wish Road T
November 2003


January 04, 2012
Posted by D.B.
Steve Nesser is pretty much the definition of an underrated...
Steve Nesser is pretty much the definition of an underrated skateboarder. He always finds the most unique beast spots, that suit his skating perfectly. He's been under the radar a little bit, so it's nice to see this new part and see he hasn't missed a beat.
October 05, 2011
Posted by Luc
Steve Nesser for Adeline Records.
March 24, 2010
Posted by Rob
The changes at Adio continue with Steve Nesser now on Ipath...

The changes at Adio continue with Steve Nesser now on Ipath with this welcome video. He almost makes tribal tats legit.

September 08, 2009
Posted by Rob

Crailtap has a mini top 5 with Steve.

Steve Nesser COVERAGE

Two Page, Advertisement: Backside kickflip on a bump to grass ggap for the Brick & Morter feature..
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Full Page, Editorial: Front blunt stall on a tractor for the Focus section..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie out of a slant to frontside wallride for the High Five loses in Vegas article..
Photo by Bart Jones
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside wall basher on a bump to wall for the Steve Nesser interview..
Photo by Sam McGuire
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 heelflip from bump to bump for the Steve Nesser interview..
Photo by Sam McGuire
Full Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide on a flat hubba to roll in on a drain for the Steve Nesser interview..
Photo by Sam McGuire
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside kickflip off a bump to gap for the Steve Nesser interview..
Photo by Sam McGuire
Two Page, Editorial: Pole jam off a bump for the Steve Nesser interview..
Photo by Sam McGuire
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Steve Nesser interview. .
Photo by Sam McGuire
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside smith grind on a bump to bar for a High Five ad. .
Photo by Sam McGuire
Company: The High Five
Two Page, Advertisement: Bump to frontside 50-50 on a flat bar for a Bones Bearings ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Bones
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip off a bump over a tall 4 stair handrail for the Chico goes home to Nicaragua article. .
Photo by Blair Alley
Two Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide on a bump to fence pole for the Steve Nesser interview. .
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Two Page, Editorial: Wallie to backside 50-50 sequence on a ledge for the Steve Nesser interview. .
Photo by Ben Karpinski
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a handrail into a bank for an IPath ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Ipath Footwear
Full Page, Editorial: Wallie off a bank to dunpster for the Guest Ed feature. .
Photo by Sam McGuire
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a handrail into a bank for an IPath ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Ipath Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a handrail into a bank for an IPath ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Ipath Footwear
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed flip trick to wallride on a bank to elecrical box for a The High 5 ad. .
Photo by Jon Coulthard
Company: The High Five
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside ollie on a narrow, DIY metal mini ramp for the Adios Amigos Vamos A Mazatlan article. .
Photo by Sam McGuire
Full Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide on a roof to ledge into a bank to drop for the Adios Amigos Vamos A Mazatlan article. .
Photo by Sam McGuire
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside boardslide on a handicapped bump to flat rail to 3 stair handrail for an Ipath ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Ipath Footwear
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside boardslide on a handicapped bump to flat rail to 3 stair handrail for an Ipath ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Ipath Footwear
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside boardslide on a handicapped bump to flat rail to 3 stair handrail for an Ipath ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Ipath Footwear
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie across a bank to bank gap for a Birdhouse ad. .
Photo by O'Connor
Company: Birdhouse
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie across a bank to bank gap for a Birdhouse ad. .
Photo by O'Connor
Company: Birdhouse
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside feeble on a tight street tranny for an Independent ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Independent
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside smith backside wallride sequence on a ledge to wall for an Adio ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Adio Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside smith backside wallride sequence on a ledge to wall for an Adio ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Adio Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 50-50 on a bank to flat rail for the Pro Spotlight Interview..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Wallie backside tailslide on a narrow street tranny to ledge for the Pro Spotlight Interview..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 5-0 pole jam into a hill for the Pro Spotlight Interview..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside pivot on a Skatepark bank to windowsill for the Pro Spotlight Interview..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Backside nosegrind on a loading dock bank to flat ledge for the Pro Spotlight Interview..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside wallride on a bank to wall to bank for the Pro Spotlight Interview..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie flip on a street tranny for the Pro Spotlight Interview..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a 7 flat 7 double set handrail into a bank for the Pro Spotlight Interview..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Pro Spotlight Interview..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside smith backside wallride sequence on a ledge to wall for an Adio ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Adio Footwear
Full Page, Advertisement: Blunt kickflip to fakie on a street bank to curb for a Birdhouse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Birdhouse
Full Page, Advertisement: Blunt kickflip to fakie sequence on a street bank to curb for a Birdhouse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Birdhouse
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside 180 wallie sequence on a street bank to ledge for the Nino Escobar, Adio In Bogota article..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside ollie on a brick bank for the Nino Escobar, Adio In Bogota article..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the top 5 feature..
Photo by Skin
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie off a bump to hill bomb for the Placed feature..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Advertisement: Front feeble on a street bank for a Birdhouse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Birdhouse
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a bank for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Peterson
Company: Hurley International
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a bank for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Peterson
Company: Hurley International
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a bank for a Hurley ad..
Photo by Peterson
Company: Hurley International
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside nosegrind on a bump to ledge for the Chillin' In Chile article..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a ledge for the Chillin' In Chile article..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Editorial: Blunt fakie sequence on a bank to wall for the Habana Libre article..
Photo by Joe Breezy
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie up to wallride for the Habana Libre article..
Photo by Joe Breezy
Full Page, Editorial: Pole jam gap out for the Habana Libre article..
Photo by Joe Breezy
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie into a 6 flat 6 double set bike path bank for the Habana Libre article..
Photo by Joe Breezy
Two Page, Editorial: Wallie out of a bank to 9 stair gap for the Habana Libre article..
Photo by Joe Breezy
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside pivot on a natural tranny for a Birdhouse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Birdhouse
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an Adio ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Adio Footwear
Front Cover, Editorial: Ollie out of a bank over a bar into another bank for the cover..
Photo by Travis Howell
Two Page, Editorial: Backside nosegrind on a bank for the Beyond Barcelona article..
Photo by Travis Howell
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an Adio ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over a hubba into a bank for the Crops feature..
Photo by Sam McGuire
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 50-50 on a 48 stair rail sequence for the Steve Nesser article..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over a wall into a bank sequence for the Steve Nesser article..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside pivot on a natural tranny to flat bar for the Steve Nesser article..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside flip down a big four set for the Steve Nesser article..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip nosemanual sequence into a bank for the Steve Nesser article..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Editorial: Backside nosegrind on a long 7 stair set drop off ledge for the Steve Nesser article..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Editorial: Backside flip over a bump to bar for the Steve Nesser article..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside wallride down an 11 stair set wall for the Steve Nesser article..
Photo by Rhino
Front Cover, Editorial: Frontside 50-50 on a 48 stair rail for the cover..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Editorial: Blunt fakie on a natural tranny for the Machu Picchu'd article..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip on a bank for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Sam McGuire
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip on a bank for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Sam McGuire
Full Page, Advertisement: Ollie over a rail into a bank for an Indy ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Blunt fakie in a bank to wall pool for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for an Action Village ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Advertisement: Blunt fakie in a bank to wall pool for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Blunt fakie in a bank to wall pool for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside flip sequence over a gap for a Birdhouse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 360 sequence off a rollercoaster bump for the Steve Nesser Interview article..
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie over a bar into a double set bank for the Steve Nesser Interview article..
Photo by Uyeda
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a bank to bar for the Steve Nesser Interview article..
Photo by Uyeda
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 50-50 on a 17 stair rail for the Steve Nesser Interview article..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Steve Nesser Interview article..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide on a driveway drop off ledge for the Steve Nesser Interview article..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Advertisement: Backside flip sequence over a gap for a Birdhouse ad..
Photo by Unknown
Full Page, Advertisement: Blunt fakie in a bank to wall pool for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Advertisement: Blunt fakie in a bank to wall pool for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Travis Howell
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 50-50 on a handicap bump to rail into a 5 stair handrail for the PE SK8 UAE article..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip down a long sidewalk gap for the PE SK8 UAE article..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside ollie over a brick hip with a planter gap for an Adio ad..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside ollie over a brick hip with a planter gap for an Adio ad..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Advertisement: Boardslide on a kinked handicap rail for an Adio ad..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Advertisement: Boardslide on a kinked handicap rail for an Adio ad..
Photo by O'Connor
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside ollie over a brick hip with a planter gap for an Adio ad..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Wallie and a switch wallie for the Either/Or feature..
Photo by O'Connor
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip over a bank to bank gap for the High Times, Higher Tensions article..
Photo by Frankie
Full Page, Editorial: Blunt fakie on a natural quarter for the High Times, Higher Tensions article..
Photo by Frankie
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait and a frontside 50-50 on a 5 flat 4 double set wall mounted rail for a Planet Earth ad..
Photo by Frankie


Damn Am Minneapolis Thanks for Nothing, Sunday, June 15, 2014, placed 1 out of 4 skaters.
Red Bull Manny Mania Finals NYC 2012, Sunday, August 19, 2012, placed 23 out of 26 skaters.
Maloof Money Cup South Africa Pro/Open Street Qualifiers, Saturday, October 01, 2011, placed 15 out of 32 skaters.
Maloof Best Line Challenge Semi-Finals, Monday, August 22, 2011, placed 16 out of 19 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2011 Qualifiers, Saturday, March 12, 2011, placed 64 out of 86 skaters.
Maloof High Ollie Challenge Las Vegas, Tuesday, February 15, 2011, placed 3 out of 5 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2008 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, March 22, 2008, placed 48 out of 55 skaters.
Vans Downtown Showdown 2005 Scion Bank to Bank, Sunday, September 04, 2005, placed 6 out of 16 skaters.
Vans Downtown Showdown 2005 Girl Torture Totter, Sunday, September 04, 2005, placed 12 out of 16 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2004 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Friday, March 12, 2004, placed 20 out of 42 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2003 Street Semi-Finals, Sunday, March 16, 2003, placed 15 out of 30 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2003 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, March 14, 2003, placed 15 out of 38 skaters.
Tampa AM 2001 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 19, 2001, placed 21 out of 91 skaters.


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