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Taylor Bingaman

Taylor Bingaman

Age: 35

Hometown: Cameron Park, CA, USA

Stance: Goofy

Status: Pro


Sponsors: Creature, Osiris, Brixton, Independent, Bones Wheels, Bones Bearings, Mob Grip, Goodtimes Skateshop

Last Update: Friday, July 19, 2013

Taylor Bingaman PHOTOS

Taylor Bingama
January 2016

Taylor Bingama
January 2016
Taylor Bingaman - ga
July 2012
Vans Downtown Showdo
October 2007
Vans Downtown Showdo
October 2007
Phoenix Am 2007 Skat
March 2007
etnies Goofy vs Regu
October 2006

RECENT NEWS ON Taylor Bingaman

June 08, 2012
Posted by Rob
Check out Taylor's XGames Real Street footage with a solid ...

Check out Taylor's XGames Real Street footage with a solid front crook, an attack pug, a Matt Hensley over a fire hydrant, and an amazing cab back overcrook:

January 02, 2012
Posted by Luc

Taylor Bingaman COVERAGE

Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside 50-50 on a lengthy 2 flat 3 handrail for an Osiris ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Osiris Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Back smith down 10 stair kinked handrail for the Creature KOTR article..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Editorial: Back lip in a pool for the Creature Colorado Trippn' article..
Photo by Bart Jones
Full Page, Advertisement: Front crook on a bank to ledge for a Creature ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Creature Skateboards
Two Page, Editorial: Front 5-0 on a street quarterpipe for the Rolling on the River article..
Photo by Skin
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside crooked grind on a quarterpipe for a Brixton ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Brixton
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside crooked grind on a quarterpipe for a Brixton ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Brixton
Full Page, Editorial: Backside overcrook down a 13 stair handrail for the Photo Feature section..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide on a ditch wall for the Calling on Lady Luck article..
Photo by Klein
Full Page, Editorial: Backside jack knife grab in a bowl for the Muntant Euro-return article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside air in a concrete bowl for a Brixton ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Brixton
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip over a 9 stair hubba for an Osiris ad. .
Photo by Jason Hainault
Company: Osiris Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside lipslide on an out ledge for a Brixton ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Brixton
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside air from quarter to quarter at a DIY spot for the 13th annual Transworld awards feature..
Photo by Klein
Full Page, Editorial: Backside smith grind on a 11 stair handrail for the Taylor Bingaman interview. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Editorial: Ollie up to frontside nosegrind sequence in a concrete bowl for the Taylor Bingaman interview. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 5-0 to frontside drop on a bank to wall for the Taylor Bingaman interview. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 180 to fakie 5-0 sequence on a 10 stair hubba for the Contents page..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside flip over a 9 stair hubba for an Osiris ad. .
Photo by Jason Hainault
Company: Osiris Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Backside tailslide sequence over the love seat in a bowl for the Taylor Bingaman interview..
Photo by Klein
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Taylor Bingaman interview..
Photo by Klein
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie over bump at DIY park for a Brixton ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Brixton
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a skatepark hip for a Thrasher Skatepark Roundup ad. .
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Company: Thrasher Magazine
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down a 5 flat 3 double set handrail for an Independent ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Independent
Two Page, Advertisement: Gap to frontside nosegrind down an 11 stair handrail for an Osiris ad. .
Photo by Jason Hainault
Company: Osiris Footwear
Back Cover, Advertisement: Unnamed trick up a concrete quarterpipe escalator for a Creature ad. .
Photo by Rhino
Company: Creature Skateboards
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside overcrooks down a 14 stair handrail for a Bones ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Creature Skateboards
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick up a concrete quarterpipe escalator for a Creature ad. .
Photo by Rhino
Company: Creature Skateboards
Two Page, Editorial: Backside lipslide in a backyard pool from deep to shallow for the It's All Downhill From Here article..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a concrete quarterpipe for a Brixton ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Brixton
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside noseblunt slide down an 11 stair hubba for the Contents feature. .
Photo by Oliver Barton
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick on a concrete quarterpipe for a Brixton ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Brixton
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside 360 nosegrab sequence over a launch ramp to bank gap for an Osiris ad. .
Photo by Brooks Fritz
Company: Osiris Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie up frontside wallride on a bank to wall for an Osiris ad. .
Photo by Chami
Company: Osiris Footwear
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside 5-0 down an 11 stair handrail for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Editorial: Backside smith grind down a 13 stair handrail for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Editorial: Backside lipslide down an 18 stair handrail for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Nollie frontside feeble sequence down an 8 stair handrail for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Noseblunt slide down an 11 stair handrail for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip down 10 stairs for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the New Jack feature. .
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Advertisement: Ollie up frontside wallride on a bank to wall for an Osiris ad. .
Photo by Chami
Company: Osiris Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside crooks down an 11 stair handrail for the Hallelujah article. .
Photo by Oliver Barton
Two Page, Editorial: Backside half cab backside overcrooks sequence down an 8 stair handrail for the Nine Frames/Second feature. .
Photo by Yoon
Front Cover, Editorial: Frontside grind on an over-vert quarterpipe for the cover. .
Photo by Chami
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip sequence over a flat dirt gap into a bank for the Nine Frames Per Second feature. .
Photo by Oliver Barton
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch crooks down a 9 stair handrail for a Transworld ad. .
Photo by Chami
Company: Transworld Magazine
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside tuck knee out of a skatepark pool to steep bank wall for the Flick feature. .
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Editorial: Backside nosegrind down a 10 stair hubba for the Roll Call feature..
Photo by Chami
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside noseblunt on a concrete Skatepark bank for an Osiris ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Osiris Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside flip over a ditch hip for the Roll Call feature..
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Editorial: Backside lipslide down a 14 stair handrail for the Roll Call feature..
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Roll Call feature..
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside madonna over the channel on a vert ramp for The Rats In Ramona article..
Photo by Dave Swift
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside nosepick on a bank to wall for an Osiris ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Osiris Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Backside smith on a bank to wall for the Xeroxography (Gone Wrong) article..
Photo by Chami
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside crooks down a 10 stair handrail for an Osiris ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Osiris Footwear
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside crooks down a 10 stair handrail for an Osiris ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Osiris Footwear
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside feeble down an 8 stair handrail for the Saints Or Sinners article..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 180 nosegrind backside revert out sequence on a bump to concrete quarterpipe for the Check Out feature..
Photo by Chami
Full Page, Editorial: Backside overcrooks down a 16 stair handrail for the Sightings feature..
Photo by Yoon
Full Page, Editorial: Backside overcrooks down a 12 stair handrail for the Capital Punishment article..
Photo by Landi
Two Page, Editorial: Backside overcrooks down a 12 stair handrail for the Devil's Spawn article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside tailslide on a concrete quarterpipe for a Bones ad..
Photo by Bryce Kanights
Full Page, Editorial: Back 5-0 to fakie sequence on a street bank to wall for the Crops feature..
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Back 5-0 to fakie on a street bank to wall for the Crops feature..
Photo by Landi
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside grind on a vert wall for the All Day I Dream About Solidarity article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Editorial: Front crook on a 9 stair hubba for the All Day I Dream About Solidarity article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside stalefish grab in a pool for the Hornswaggled article..
Photo by Hector Suaze
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside air in a pool/bowl for the Specialty Olympics article..
Photo by Grant Brittain


Dew Tour Street Style, Sunday, October 21, 2012, placed 10 out of 14 skaters.
Dew Tour Street Finals Round 1, Saturday, October 20, 2012, placed 10 out of 12 skaters.
Dew Tour Street Semi-Finals, Saturday, October 20, 2012, placed 10 out of 30 skaters.
Dew Tour Street Prelims, Saturday, October 20, 2012, placed 10 out of 32 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2012 Street Finals, Saturday, July 28, 2012, placed 7 out of 12 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2012 Street Qualifiers, Friday, July 27, 2012, placed 4 out of 48 skaters.
Copenhagen Bowl Jam 2012, Friday, July 27, 2012, placed 10 out of 13 skaters.
XGames Park 2012, Sunday, July 01, 2012, placed 11 out of 20 skaters.
XGames Street 2012, Sunday, July 01, 2012, placed 18 out of 20 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2011 Bowl Jam, Friday, June 24, 2011, placed 6 out of 12 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2011 Bowl Jam Best Trick, Friday, June 24, 2011, placed 4 out of 5 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2011 Qualifiers, Saturday, March 12, 2011, placed 35 out of 86 skaters.
Tampa Am December 2008 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, December 05, 2008, placed 52 out of 93 skaters.
Phoenix Am 2008 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, April 05, 2008, placed 74 out of 112 skaters.
Vans Downtown Showdown Real Sacto Rebate, Saturday, October 13, 2007, placed 4 out of 19 skaters.
etnies Goofy vs Regular GOOFY TEAM, Sunday, October 07, 2007, placed 13 out of 15 skaters.
AmsterDamn Am 2007 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, July 21, 2007, placed 74 out of 99 skaters.
Phoenix Am 2007 Finals, Sunday, April 01, 2007, placed 4 out of 12 skaters.
Phoenix Am 2006 Finals, Sunday, March 25, 2007, placed 4 out of 12 skaters.
Phoenix Am 2006 Eliminator Semi-Finals, Sunday, March 25, 2007, placed 9 out of 35 skaters.
Phoenix Am 2006 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, March 24, 2007, placed 9 out of 109 skaters.
Tampa Am 2007 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 19, 2007, placed 79 out of 110 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2006 Semi-Finals, Sunday, October 29, 2006, placed 32 out of 36 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2006 Friday Qualifiers, Friday, October 27, 2006, placed 10 out of 80 skaters.
Volcom Meadows Pro Invitational Finals, Saturday, July 29, 2006, placed 9 out of 9 skaters.
Volcom Meadows Pro Invitational Qualifiers, Saturday, July 29, 2006, placed 8 out of 27 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2005 Saturday Qualifiers, Saturday, October 29, 2005, placed 62 out of 88 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2004 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, October 22, 2004, placed 24 out of 80 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2003 Vert Semi-Finals, Friday, October 24, 2003, placed 23 out of 28 skaters.


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