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Wes Kremer

Wes Kremer

Age: 34

Hometown: San Diego, CA, USA

Stance: Goofy

Status: Pro


Sponsors: SK8Mafia, DC Shoes, DC Apparel, Independent, Paradox Grip, Banger Management

Last Update: Friday, August 13, 2021

Wes Kremer PHOTOS

Crusty Kremer Ap
June 2018

Halfway through
March 2017

Always a pleasur
March 2017
DC's finest Nyjah Hu
November 2012
SK8Mafia and DC are
July 2012
Looks like Wes Kreme
December 2010
Wes Kremer got here
December 2010
Tampa Am 2009 99 Bot
December 2009
DC King of Vancouver
August 2009
Damn Am at Minneapol
June 2008
Battle of the Shops
October 2007


October 15, 2011
Posted by Luc
Double Rock: Sk8mafia.
October 10, 2011
Posted by Luc
DC - Wes Kremer is pro.
October 05, 2011
Posted by Luc
Wes Kremer Five Trick Fix.
July 04, 2009
Posted by Rob

Wes is On the Download at Thrasher.

July 01, 2009
Posted by Rob

Wes is now on Royal Trucks.

June 09, 2009
Posted by Rob


Two Page, Editorial: Backside smith on a bump to bike rack for the Wes Kremer interview..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Fakie 360 flip into a narrow bank for the Wes Kremer interview..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Switch 180 over a 6 stair gap for the Wes Kremer interview..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 180 nosegrind in a pool for the Wes Kremer interview..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Fence wallie to bluntslide sequence down a 6 stair handrail for the Wes Kremer interview..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: No comply down a 6 stair for the Wes Kremer interview..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Switch flip over a rail into a slant for the Wes Kremer interview..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Wes Kremer interview..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: 50-50 transfer on a rail to bank for a Sk8 Mafia ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Sk8Mafia
Full Page, Editorial: Polejam late shove it off a pole jam and over a gap for the Sticks and Stones article..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside 360 over a street gap for the DC in Europe article..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Front rock on a quarterpipe for the Transworld Awards article..
Photo by Blair Alley
Two Page, Editorial: Switch hardflip sequence into a bank off a loading dock for the Contents page..
Photo by Price
Two Page, Editorial: Switch heelflip off a Launch ramp and over a drop gap for the 5 Stand up Guys article..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 360 sequence off a bump to bar over a bicycle for the Quiet Riot article. .
Photo by Blabac
Front Cover, Editorial: Frontside 360 over a bump to bar and over a bicycle for the cover. .
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Advertisement: Hardflip off a bump to wallride sequence for a DC Shoes ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Full Page, Advertisement: Switch frontside shove-it down a 8 stair set for a OJ wheels ad. .
Photo by Klein
Two Page, Advertisement: Hardflip off a bump to wallride sequence for a DC Shoes ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Editorial: Ollie off a brick bump and over a wall for the International Sightings feature..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a DC shoes ad. .
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Advertisement: Hardflip off a bump to wallride sequence for a DC Shoes ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Advertisement: Frontside pop shove-it to backside over crook sequence on a 7 stair handrail for the Not another Transworld video ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Transworld Magazine
Two Page, Editorial: Kickflip tailgrab over a bump to bar for the Timbre section. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Editorial: Fakie ollie to crooked grind sequence on a 10 stair handrail in the rain for the Extra feature. .
Photo by Klein
Full Page, Editorial: Fakie heelflip down a 17 stair set for the Las calles son nuestras feature. .
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Switch 360 flip down a 12 stair set for the Las calles son nuestras feature. .
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down a big 4 block for a Royal ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Royal
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait of Wes Kremer for the Conclude interview..
Photo by Blair Alley
Full Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick down a big 4 block for a Royal ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Royal
Full Page, Advertisement: No comply 180 down 11 stairs for a Transworld video ad. .
Photo by Chami
Company: Transworld Magazine
Two Page, Editorial: Crooks on a bank to fence for the Not Another Transworld Video article. .
Photo by Chami
Front Cover, Editorial: Fakie flip over a 12 stair handrail into a bank for the cover. .
Photo by Atiba Jefferson
Full Page, Advertisement: Hardflip sequence over a 10 stair handrail for a Royal ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Royal
Two Page, Advertisement: Hardflip sequence over a 10 stair handrail for a Royal ad. .
Photo by Unknown
Company: Royal
Two Page, Editorial: Front rock on a 12th floor jersey barrier for the Contents feature. .
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Wallie fakie 5-0 to regular sequence on a ditch bank to ledge for the Vice Versa feature. .
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Backside feeble down a 5 flat 6 double set handrail for the Vice Versa feature. .
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside nosegrind in the deep end of a backyard pool for the Vice Versa feature. .
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Backside 50-50 down a handrail for the Contents feature. .
Photo by Mikendo
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside ollie to nosepick on a vert concrete quarterpipe for a DC ad. .
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside ollie to nosepick on a vert concrete quarterpipe for a DC ad. .
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside ollie to nosepick on a vert concrete quarterpipe for a DC ad. .
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Full Page, Editorial: 360 flip over a 7 flat 7 double set handrail into a bank for the Crops feature. .
Photo by Rodent
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside pivot to fakie on a street tranny for the Around The World In Search of Chuck Bass article..
Photo by Price
Full Page, Editorial: Switch 360 shove it sequence down 9 stairs for the Around The World In Search of Chuck Bass article..
Photo by Price
Two Page, Editorial: Backside noseblunt slide on a bank to flat ledge for the In The City article..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside boardslide to frontside 270 pop-over sequence on a bank to ledge for the 9 Frames Per Second feature..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Fakie big spin sequence on a sideways satellite dish for the 9 Frames Per Second feature..
Photo by Chami
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch manual frontside shove it sequence on a curb to 7 stair for a Royal ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Royal
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch manual frontside shove it sequence on a curb to 7 stair for a Royal ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Royal
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over an 11 stair hubba for a DC ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over an 11 stair hubba for a DC ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over an 11 stair hubba for a DC ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside noseslide in the deep end of a pool for the Get Ditched article..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Two Page, Editorial: Switch frontside 360 sequence over a 20 stair handrail into a bank for the Beyond article..
Photo by Skin
Two Page, Advertisement: Wallie off a ledge to 8 stair drop for a Billabong ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Billabong
Two Page, Advertisement: Wallie off a ledge to 8 stair drop for a Billabong ad..
Photo by Unknown
Company: Billabong
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside 360 sequence off a bump over a fence for the Wes Kremer Interview..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside boardslide backside big spin out sequence on a bump to flat rail for the Wes Kremer Interview..
Photo by Rhino
Full Page, Editorial: Fakie ollie over a 17 stair handrail into a street bank for the Wes Kremer Interview..
Photo by Rhino
Two Page, Editorial: Backside 270 frontside tailslide sequence down a 6 stair hubba (The Wedge) for the Wes Kremer Interview..
Photo by Joe Hammeke
Full Page, Editorial: Switch ollie over a 14 stair handrail into a street bank for the Live From Europe article..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a bank to flat rail for a Billabong ad..
Photo by Fick
Company: Billabong
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside 180 to frontside nosegrind on a ditch bank for the New Jack Interview..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Switch frontside 360 sequence over a 10 stair handrail into a street bank for the New Jack Interview..
Photo by Fick
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie flip sequence off a ledge into a slab bank for the New Jack Interview..
Photo by Blabac
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside flip in a DIY concrete bowl for the New Jack Interview..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Switch hardflip over a 10 stair handrail into a street bank for the New Jack Interview..
Photo by Fick
Two Page, Advertisement: Unnamed trick over a bank to flat rail for a Billabong ad..
Photo by Fick
Company: Billabong
Full Page, Advertisement: Front shove it backside 50-50 sequence on a bump to 6 stair handrail for a DC ad..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a DC ad..
Photo by Fick
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Advertisement: Blunt to fakie on a bank to fence rail for a DC ad..
Photo by Fick
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Full Page, Advertisement: Front shove it backside 50-50 sequence on a bump to 6 stair handrail for a DC ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Full Page, Advertisement: Portrait for a DC ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside big spin down 10 stairs for a DC ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Two Page, Advertisement: Switch backside big spin down 10 stairs for a DC ad..
Photo by Blabac
Company: DC Shoe Co.
Full Page, Editorial: 360 flip sequence down a 5 flat 5 for the AZ/DC article..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside stalefish on a street bank for the AZ/DC article..
Photo by Joe Brook
Two Page, Editorial: Frontside flip on a street bank for the AZ/DC interview..
Photo by Joe Brook
Full Page, Editorial: Switch backside 5-0 on a streeet bank to ledge for the Who's Next? article..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Kickflip frontside shifty off a bump to gap for the Who's Next? article..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Gap to tailslide on a flat ledge for the Who's Next? article..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Portrait for the Who's Next? article..
Photo by Blabac
Full Page, Editorial: Frontside 5-0 to fakie sequence on a bank to ledge for the Who's Hot feature..
Photo by Russell Houghten
Full Page, Advertisement: Frontside pop shuv on a bank hip for a Skate Mafia ad..
Photo by Klein
Company: Sk8Mafia
Full Page, Editorial: Switch 360 flip sequence down a big 4 set for the Light of Day feature..
Photo by Fick
Two Page, Advertisement: Hurricane on a bank to wall for a Billabong ad..
Photo by Fick
Company: Billabong
Two Page, Advertisement: Hurricane on a bank to wall for a Billabong ad..
Photo by Fick
Company: Billabong
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside flip nosepick sequence in a ditch for a Billabong ad..
Photo by Fick
Company: Billabong
Two Page, Advertisement: Backside flip nosepick sequence in a ditch for a Billabong ad..
Photo by Fick
Two Page, Editorial: Nollie back smith sequence down an 8 stair rail for the Photo Feature..
Photo by Burnett
Full Page, Editorial: Switch big spin sequence down a dirt gap for the Origins feature..
Photo by Acosta
Full Page, Editorial: Gap to frontside noseslide on a two flat four rail for the Check Out feature..
Photo by Blair Alley


Tampa Pro 2018 Qualifiers, Saturday, March 03, 2018, placed 49 out of 76 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2018 Qualifiers, Saturday, March 03, 2018, placed 49 out of 76 skaters.
2017 Tampa Pro Qualifiers, Monday, January 23, 2017, placed 67 out of 73 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2016: Qualifiers, Saturday, March 05, 2016, placed 49 out of 65 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2014 Semi-Finals, Sunday, March 23, 2014, placed 18 out of 33 skaters.
Tampa Pro 2014 Qualifiers, Saturday, March 22, 2014, placed 26 out of 72 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2012 Street Finals, Saturday, July 28, 2012, placed 9 out of 12 skaters.
Copenhagen Pro 2012 Street Qualifiers, Friday, July 27, 2012, placed 10 out of 48 skaters.
Tampa Am 2010 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Saturday, December 04, 2010, placed 105 out of 108 skaters.
Tampa Am 2009 Friday Street Qualifiers, Thursday, December 03, 2009, placed 97 out of 111 skaters.
Damn Am Minneapolis 2009 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, June 06, 2009, placed 90 out of 95 skaters.
Damn Am Minneapolis 2009 Bowl Jam Qualifiers, Friday, May 29, 2009, placed 19 out of 21 skaters.
Surf-Expo 2008 Mini-Ramp AM Qualifiers, Friday, September 12, 2008, placed 41 out of 41 skaters.
Damn Am Minneapolis 2008 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, June 07, 2008, placed 77 out of 93 skaters.
Damn Am Minneapolis 2008 Bowl Jam Qualifiers, Friday, June 06, 2008, placed 11 out of 21 skaters.
Tampa Am January 2008 Friday Street Qualifiers, Friday, January 18, 2008, placed 48 out of 110 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2007 Saturday Qualifiers, Saturday, October 27, 2007, placed 53 out of 96 skaters.
Battle of the Shops: Rail Jam, Saturday, October 20, 2007, placed 1 out of 20 skaters.
AmsterDamn Am 2007 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, July 21, 2007, placed 35 out of 99 skaters.
Damn Am Minneapolis 2007 Semi-Finals, Sunday, June 10, 2007, placed 28 out of 29 skaters.
Damn Am Minneapolis 2007 Saturday Qualifiers, Saturday, June 09, 2007, placed 24 out of 112 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2006 Saturday Qualifiers, Saturday, October 28, 2006, placed 100 out of 103 skaters.
Tampa Am 2006 Saturday Street Qualifiers, Saturday, January 28, 2006, placed 20 out of 106 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2005 Friday Qualifiers, Friday, October 28, 2005, placed 39 out of 89 skaters.
Damn Am Costa Mesa 2002 Street Qualifiers, Saturday, October 26, 2002, placed 69 out of 108 skaters.

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