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Tampa Am 2004 Vert Contest

Posted on on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 by Rob

Tampa Am 2004 Vert Contest

Tampa Am 2004 Saturday, January 24, 2004
Vert Contest
Story and Photos by Rob Meronek

As usual, the Vert Contest consisted of either little kids or old men, with a few exceptions like Rob Lorifice who qualified second and ended up getting first in the Finals. Stink bug airs were flying everywhere, but the trick police didn't even care about that after having to watch half the runs being a kickturn contest.


Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Adam Taylor - stink bug frontside air one foot
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Steve Revord - backside air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Larry Parker - backside air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Josh Borden - stink bug frontside air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Scott Dorris - invert
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Lou Statman - indy nosepick
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Chaz Pineda - straight leg frontside air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Packy Francher - I believe this is called an eggplant
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Packy Francher - I believe this is called a layback air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Rob Lorifice - kickflip indy
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Unknown soldier - invert
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Lyn-z Adams - backside air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Dan Stephan - backside air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Scott Dorris - frontside grind
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Scott Dorris - back lip
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Chaz Pineda - frontside invert
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Chris Gregson - kickflip indy to fakie
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Scott Dorris - invert
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Rob Lorifice - one of the few non-stink bug frontside airs in the contest
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Josh Borden - frontside tail slide
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Robby Booker - stink bug frontside air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Dan Stephan - frontside air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Chris O'Reilly - stink bug frontside air
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Chaz Pineda - cab melon
Tampa Am 2004 Vert
Is Steve Revord chillin' or what?

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