throwing back beers and weird Czech food. Check out a small sample of the tourist and locals that were walking by. I stalked a bit and took the photos below.
Where do you think she's from? I don't know, but I wanna go there. Drop the dude, girl |
Ice cream was a very popular choice. Yummy |
This Rob Zombie looking chick was one of the few punkers we spotted |
Fag bags and Air Ghandi's are the norm here |
Check out this dude's get-up. Maybe that's his castle in the background |
Tourists? Locals? Not sure, but they're looking good. I see a man purse |
Girls seem to like white pants here. I have no problem with that |
Of course the orientals got their cameras. Wait, that's what I look like |
An Abercrombie shirt? Hmm, must be plain old American chick |
When you're done checking out the girls, note that even the orientals are sporting the Air Ghandi's |
A hair sweater and purple shorts. All he's missing are some Scotty Conley Limited Edition Human Hair Socks |
Looking good in a fishnet top |
Every hour at the clock tower, huge crowds gather to watch what's basically a sophisticated coo coo clock. It's pretty uneventful, but somehow everyone's highly entertained by it. I was more entertained by the crowd itself |
German maybe? Or a Prague local? |
Although there are many good looking girls here, many of them have some pretty busted style like this girl here waiting for the coo coo clock show |
Shopping bags, a camera, and a map - think she's a tourist? |
Serious Euro mulletude |
A video camera, a man purse, that electric shirt, and a ride in the Euro rickshaw. Life is treating this guy real good |
I think she's a soccer hooligan |
Euro lesbians? Nah, all girls hold hands like they all go to the bathroom together |
I like the plain Jane girls that look good in no make up. There's another soccer hooligan chick on the right |
Americans! I think they're from Arkansas, or maybe Minnesota. Yeah, they look corn fed |