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Day-By-Day at ASR - Friday

Posted on on Monday, September 15, 2003 by Ryan

Although I didn’t go to bed until late, I woke up early since my body was still on “Florida time.” It gets light out really early on the west coast and the construction starts at sunrise. There were buildings being raised on three sides of our hotel, so sleeping past sun-up was out of the question.

Day-By-Day at ASR
Words by Ryan Clements. Photos by Barak Wiser.

     Although I didn’t go to bed until late, I woke up early since my body was still on “Florida time.” It gets light out really early on the west coast and the construction starts at sunrise. There were buildings being raised on three sides of our hotel, so sleeping past sun-up was out of the question.

     I think that the trade show was smaller this year, but there still seemed to be quite a bit of hype going down. I worked in the “Events Area” all weekend, which consisted of the street course, mini-ramp, flat ground freestyle area (go figure), a stage where bands played, and some other gimmicks that aren’t even worth mentioning.

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3
     But something that is worth mentioning are the women that one runs into at a trade show. Even skateboarding companies know that sex sells. Take your pick...

     I guess I could tell you all about the skateboarding that went down, but why bother when the parties are much better? Amongst the buffet of women, there is also another type of smorgasbord: food and drink for free everywhere. I try not to drink during the day, but it seems to be nearly impossible to accomplish that feat at ASR. It’s not like it’s out in the open and all, but if you ‘know where to go,’ then the food/beverages are free of charge.

Chick 4

Chick 5

     Immediately following the end of the trade show, Barry and I headed to the Skate One (Powell) function at a nice restaurant named Yardhouse. They always manage to throw a nice yearly post-day shindig. The seared tuna and free drink passes, along with an interesting collection of attendees, won me over (and the drinks especially won Barry over).

Comedic intermission on the trek back to the hotel

Considering BR was rocking when I was 15, that makes the lead singer 40+
     From there, although I should have probably just gone to sleep, we walked several more blocks away from the hotel to some club for a free Bad Religion show. I’m not the biggest Bad Religion fan, but the show was entertaining as well as free, so I wasn’t complaining.

     Considering that I never walk anywhere, the 10-block trek back to the hotel seemed like eternity to me. I once again realized that I’m getting older because it wasn’t even midnight and I was claiming that I had to go to bed.

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