Damn Am 2015 Woodward PA Friday Photos & SPoT Life

Posted on Saturday, August 29, 2015 by Chris

Video: Frank Branca
Words and photos: Bart Jones
Started the day off stumbling upon Camp Woodward’s weekly Powerslide Contest. You win a set of wheels…interesting.
Ripping Style Holmes!
Evan Smith even came out to check the PS comp bringing his true colors.
The Squat Style.
Some opted out for the ski style dirt ride instead.
You must pay to play kiddddd…
Moving the day along just up the hill, street Qualifiers begin... Rory Doran gets the first heat started with a Front Feeble down the rail.
Adelmo Jr. came to support Brazilian wonder child Wacson Mass.
Pretty safe to say everybody really liked Toby Bennett’s run.
They call him the Golden Parachute.
Fashion Faux Pas.
Windsor James ain’t afraid to get out on the course with the kids and pose the question: What’s up with the Losi Grind?
Tony Christopher always working on his Side Project, this time with a Front Five-0 Grind across the sub-box and over the bench.
Bluntslides and Hubbas go together like salami and cheese.. Brandon Buchko knows.
Where some go up and some go down Robbie Brockel goes both ways. Robbie, you kinky freak.
Tanner VanVark did really good today.
A big apology goes out to Dave Metty and Matt Henry, I posted a photo of them yesterday and got their names wrong...hopefully they can find it deep in there hearts to forgive me.
After Qualifiers was finished David Gravette celebrated with a ridiculously gnarly Ollie into the bowl.
What! Did you not think when Windsor James came to camp that he would be blasting over the jump box?! Neither did we.. go figure.
C1RCA team manger Mario Miller can hang with the best of 'em (kind of) via Back Heel.
Next order of business; Mini-Mega Contest.
Jed Rigen gets things started by just steady blasting!
Jed can get over the box with ease too.
To see a girl that rips these days is nothing new, but a 9 year old like Brighton Zeuner launching the Mini-Mega?! I’m sorry but that is something else!
I wonder if the gap looks even bigger to a lil guy like Gabe Dail. Doesn’t matter, as he’s gonna get his over it either way.
It's times like this when I ask myself “why am I even here?!” Looks like we got it covered.
Another angle of Jed Rigen’s Backside Grab.
Big shout out to Vert Dad for letting me get a bit of his flash.
Ronan Livingston’s Mute over the box is only a warm-up...
...For his monster-boosted Backside Airs. Taylor Kirby knows.
Unfortunately, due to silhouetting, you will not be able to get a better look at Shaye McInnis' dope-ass helmet.
Asher Bradshaw tweakin and steezin a Backside 360 Melon.
Congratulations to David Palazzese! Getting 1st in the mini-mega comp!!
Big shouts and congrats to our Golden Ticket winners, Jamie Foy qualifying 2nd and Tanner VanVark Qualifying 1st!
Lastly, a huge congrats to Asher Bradshaw (3rd Place), CJ Titus (2nd Place), and David Palazzese (1st Place) and the rest of the Mini-Mega crew that participated. Good Job Guys!!